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This is the Premium version, Premium features are Unlocked, you can use it Commercially, and will NOT ask you for donation.

This a BETA version, click here to get Stable version.

You need to active the premium version for your PC, you can read this post to learn more: How to activate the Premium version

"Why my download got flagged as unsafe?". Click here to learn why there is "False positive antivirus alerts"

*You DO NOT need to re-activate the software if you already activated it, if you uninstall then re-installed the software, just enter the old activation code.

FULL Package:





Update Package (For v3.103.01 and Later versions):



You must fully installed v3.103.01 and Later versions before install the Update Package.

Sha256 (FULL Package):


Sha256 (Update Package):



- NEW Feature: [Auto archive Files List]: Automatically saves Files List every 15 seconds after starting to process files.(Location: Additional settings tab, enabled by default)

- NEW Feature: [Skip Failed files]: Always skip "Failed" files in the files list.(Location: Additional settings tab, disabled by default)

- Code optimization, imporve UI performance.



Would it be possible to add the feature to control how many threads [Convert format ONLY (Static Images)] uses it doesn't use the normal engine image thread settings and makes my computer super slow I even crashed because my CPU got too hot normally i have no issues with overheating. Otherwise i love your software and its been amazing


Thank you for your suggestion, I will add this to my to-do list, this feature is certainly feasible, so it definitely will be available in the future updates