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Chapter 68 – Challenge

Hinako moaned as she stirred to wakefulness. Her eyes opened, and she frowned at the unfamiliar ceiling. She didn’t know this place. Her mind swam as she tried to make sense of things. How did she get here? What had happened?

The last thing she remembered was… right, they were fighting the villain, Iceblade, in a warehouse. They’d tried to trap him, but he had already found some way to take over Lady Victory, and turned her against them. They’d still fought, but Lady Victory was too strong. And then… wait, she’d called in the contingency strike, hadn’t she? Was she dead? She didn’t feel dead, but she’d never been dead before, so how would she know?

It was only then that she realized she wasn’t alone. Must have been hit harder than she realized. With effort, she sluggishly turned her head to the side, and saw two figures. Fuzzy, out of focus. Blinking her eyes a couple times cleared them, let her focus.

Oh, it was Gabriela, better known as her teammate, Pyra. She was naked, and straddling an equally naked man. She was moaning as she bounced up and down, her breasts bouncing hypnotically. The man was just laying there, his hands behind his head, enjoying the view, and letting Gabriela do all the work.

“Master, Hinako is awake.”

A voice to her other side. Hinako turned, and saw Lady Victory—no, out of costume she was Eva, even more so than most heroines. The costume altered her personality in ways. But wait, why was Eva here, and naked? And did she call that man Master?

Hinako sprang to her feet. She tried to, anyway. Her body felt slow, sluggish. She normally felt that way after a hard fight, where she took a lot of damage. Still, she managed to get to her feet. Only then did she realize that she, too, was naked.

“Ah, I was wondering how long the little fox girl would sleep.”

Hinako recognized that voice. She’d never seen the face under the mask before, but she recognized that voice. “Iceblade! Where are we? What have you done to Lady Victory and Pyro?”

“Where we are is not important. Suffice to say that any tracking devices you had on your person all ‘disappeared’ just before the bomb your people teleported to the warehouse exploded. Legally speaking, the entire Squadron Supreme is dead.”

The words hit her like a thunderbolt, but they didn’t prepare her for what the villain said next. “As for what I’ve done to them? The same thing I did to you. Kneel!”

He barely had the word out of his mouth, and her knees were on the carpeted floor, her eyes wide. “H-how? And how did we survive?”

“I’m sorry, Hinako,” Eva said, sadly. “This is all my fault. Indomitable, Lucky Star, and Alchemy are all dead because of my mistakes. Master has already used his magic to enslave Gabriela, you, and me. He was waiting for you to wake up, so that he can enslave the other you, as well.”

“Enslave us? How? This doesn’t make any sense! How did Iceblade overcome you, anyways, when you’re the strongest fighter on the team?”

“I overestimated myself. Or I underestimated the System. As Lady Victory, I couldn’t fight the Disadvantages the System recognized. He made me submit. Then, he tricked me into letting him use me as Eva, as I tried to figure out a way to escape. I did not know that taking his seed in me would completely enslave me to him. Make me fight alongside him, against our friends.”

Hinako opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off as Gabriela cried out, arching her back in pleasure, before she fell forward, resting against their captor. Their Master? Looking back at Eva, she asked, “How is this possible?”

“His ring. It supposedly has an incubus trapped inside it, and gives him some of the demon’s power. Whether that’s true or not, the transformation affects our Status with the System. Especially with the Disadvantages.”

Hinako opened her Status, and switched to the Disadvantages screen. Before the System, this would have been something out of a silly game or light novel, but now, it was a fact of life. Just like the horrible sight she saw before her. Several of her old Disadvantages had disappeared, but others had replaced them, and a few had changed. Her total ‘character points’ only went up by five, so the changes mostly balanced out.

“What is with these disadvantages? Physical Limitation: Cannot harm Iceblade? Psychological Limitation: Enslaved to Iceblade? Social Limitation: Submissive to Iceblade?”

“It is fairly obvious what it means, my little foxgirl,” Iceblade’s voice came from where he was lying on the bed, watching her, his dick still buried in Gabriela’s pussy. Reluctantly she turned to look at him, as he smirked at her. “The Physical Limitation means that you physically cannot harm me. Your body won’t allow you to. The Psychological Limitation forces you to obey my commands, unless you are able to muster the will to overcome the control temporarily. The Social Limitation means that you are submissive towards me, even when it might be a bit humiliating to you.”

The villain smiled as he shifted Gabriella off of him, allowing Hinako to see the cum dripping out of her friend. She was no blushing virgin, but she definitely wasn’t as libertine as her other form was. The whole situation was too surreal. If she didn’t know better, she would have sworn she was in shock, or just dreaming. He said something to Eva and Gabriela, but she wasn’t paying attention, still trying to deny what part of her already knew was true.

Iceblade walked over to where she was still kneeling. His cock in front of her. It was in her mouth before she could even think of what to do. Wanting to please her Master, without even realizing it. Some part of her mind yelled in protest, demanding she think of him as a villain, the enemy. Someone to fight against. But it was a small part, getting smaller as she sucked the cock that enslaved her. This was where she belonged, after all.

“Very good, my pet.” The words sent a thrill of pleasure through her. Her eyes met her Master’s, even as she continued her worship, cleaning his juices, along with Gabriela’s, from the shaft. “Yes, very good indeed. But now, I need you to stop, and transform. Your other you needs to be shown her place, as well.”

“Yes, Master,” Hinako said, before she could even think of summoning any resistance. She felt within her essence, and saw that she had not yet run out of time. Most people did not know that she could not transform herself if she went without drinking a cup of sake for more than six hours. It was one of those little limitations that did not seem to make sense, but were very important to magic. It was a symbol, after all, and symbols were power in magic.

But her Master had ordered her to do something, and she could not resist his command. Accordingly, she stood, and moved enough so that she could perform the brief ritual to summon her other self. She took a breath, and began making the appropriate hand seals. As she spoke the incantation, spirit flames rose up around her, hiding her from view. “Idaina kitsune no seirei yo, anata no utsuwa ni nara sete kudasai.”

As she invoked the fox spirit, and gave her body up as its vessel, Hinako retreated into the spirit cage, as she always did when she traded places with the spirit inside her. They were one, but not the same. She knew all the fox spirit experienced, saw it as though they were her eyes, just as the fox did with her.

Muhiro opened her eyes. Her nine tails draped behind her as she stood, naked, in front of this man. She could not feel any mana in this place. Even her own magic was severely restricted. Almost as if they were in some sort of barrier which prevented damaging effects from working. She did not know the language of this land, and she cared not. In Japanese, she said, “So, you are the male who thinks to tame the Fox Spirit? Many have tried before.”

She was only slightly surprised when he spoke back to her in the same tongue. “I am. What is your name, spirit?”

“Hah! You think I would hand over my name so easily, mortal? Do not think me a fool! You seek to trick a trickster spirit? The arrogance!”

“Fine, then perhaps a challenge? Unless you think yourself too weak to resist what I have to offer?”

Muhiro felt herself bristle at the backhanded insult. As if she was ever weak! “You dare much, mortal. But then, you seek to gain much, too. What is this challenge you speak of, then? Why should I play to your tune?”

The man smiled. “It is simple, really. I’m a mortal man, and you’re an immortal woman. You no doubt have a great deal of experience in the carnal arts over such a great length of time, but are you so sure that your skills have not gone soft over the years?”

Foxtrot’s   modified EGO roll (Psychological Disadvantage), 4-: 3d6 = 8 (Fail)

Muhiro’s eye twitched at the comment. She knew that this mortal was baiting her, trying to lure her into a trap. But he had challenged her. HER! She, who was of the lineage of Tamamo-no-Mae, the most legendary of all the fox spirits! The impudence!

“Fine, little mortal! The game is sex, but how will a winner be determined? And what shall be the stakes?”

The villain smiled. “The winner is easy enough to determine when a man and woman intertwine. The one who climaxes first loses, even though they may feel like they’ve won. As for the stakes, if you succeed, I will free the girl who is your vessel. If you fail, then you shall bear my child.”

“IMPUDENCE! You think one mortal is worth breeding one who can trace her line back to the legendary Tamamo-no-Mae! No, when I win, you will give me Hinako, as well as her companions!”

The villain’s smile never faltered. “Interesting. Very well, I accept. Let the games begin.” The next thing she knew, he had pushed her back, onto the bed. Strong hands spread her thighs apart as a feeling of overwhelming lust coursed through her, and she could feel his warm breath upon her lower lips. She knew immediately that something was wrong. This lust was not natural! Another effect of his ring?

She tried to shake the villain off, but she did not have the leverage. All she managed was to push herself against his face, the whiskers of his trimmed beard tickling her delicate flesh. And then he began to work with his tongue, and fresh feelings of lust rolled through her. Perhaps she could let him lead, for a bit. She would get him thoroughly, once he properly warmed her up.

Her hips rolled and a lustful moan escaped her lips as his tongue flicked against her clit, and two fingers slipped inside. Only one hand was holding her down, keeping her from shifting away, but she no longer wanted to run. Why would she want to flee when this man was giving her such great service between her legs?

A shudder passed through her, involuntarily, as his finger tickled something deep inside of her, at the base of her spine. Her pussy clenched as electric pleasure coursed through her. Clearly, this man had a great deal of practice in the art of pleasing women, as one might expect, of one bonded to an incubus.

The villain was still smiling as he wiped her juices from his face, and moved over her. She could feel the tip caressing her lips, as her eyes met his. His flesh was cold, not like the dead, but not like a living soul, either. Some facet of his icy nature, perhaps? Either way, his cool length felt good within her heated folds as he thrust inside.

The villain kissed her once upon the lips, his tongue intertwining with hers as he pulled her close, pressed down against her. As he began to work into his rhythm, he broke the kiss, only to whisper in her ear, the warm breath tickling her. “The game was to the first climax, and it seems I’ve already won. But don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll have more before I’m through breeding you, my pet fox.”

Part of her knew she should be troubled by what the villain said. Yet, somehow, she couldn’t bring herself to care about his words. All that mattered was getting all of him inside her.


Mathew Percival

Such a delightful corruption of a proud spirit. I absolutely loved it! And, as I have said before I am so bloody jealous of such abilities, oh to have the same ring /sigh.

Chris M.

😍 Nice Chapter. 😍 👍😉