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Prologue – Trade Chat

(Adventurer’s Guild Official Forums, Miami Branch)

SunnyBunz, MightyMouse, ImAPally, DontYouWantMe, AsaAkiraIsBae, BestGirl, LatinHeat, Salty, Backpage, Craig34, l33tpally, Anonymous3, Anonymous4, RedFox, Kimiko, DonnyJuan, Crusader, BadCompany, HurricaneGal, Ambassador, Scholar, Righteous, Id10t, Satyr, DarkEnchanter, RangerMiguel, ScoopGirl, VenusFlyTramp, MagicMike, TsundereHealer, Max, LightningLegacy, SwiftTaylor, Domino, Bacchus, Aegis, Temptation, and Lord_Kickass are in the chat.

AsaAkiraIsBae: So, I heard something crazy when I popped over to Japan to run a couple of their dungeons with my party.

Craig34: The idea that we can just ‘pop over’ to a country literally on the other side of the world is just mind-boggling. Don’t know what it says that we’re all just getting used to it, like it is nothing.

MightyMouse: Well, is it any weirder than being to pop up to the moon and take a picture next to Neil Armstrong’s footprints?

Craig34: Good point.

Salty: Anyways, what was it you found while you were in Japan, Asa?

AsaAkiraIsBae: Well, when I was passing through that dungeon that took over the Temple of the Silver Pavilion (or Temple of Shining Mercy, depending on what name you use for it), there was a lot more security than usual.

Scholar: How so? The Silver Mercy dungeon, as the System calls it, is not known for having many monsters running about. It is mostly shrines, with trials to overcome, if my information is correct.

AsaAkiraIsBae: Yes, there’s a variety of physical, magical, and spiritual challenges in the dungeon, which gives a good change from pure combat. Since the dungeon is mostly ‘safe’, there usually aren’t that many monsters about. However, this time the place was crawling with them! All in the shape of spirits of some kind.

RangerMiguel: Actually, I heard about this.

Scholar: Oh, did the Japanese Adventurer’s Alliance reach out for help?

RangerMiguel: No, nothing like that. Apparently, a summit was called, between mortals, dungeons, and gods.

Righteous: Well, that doesn’t sound good. What caused that?

RangerMiguel: Well, according to the leader of the JAA, the initial reason for the summit had to do with the creation of a dungeon in a school.

Anonymous3: I heard about that! There was a dungeon that just popped up and swallowed a school, in the middle of the school day. So far, they don’t know if anyone made it out, right?

RangerMiguel: From what the leader told me, there might have been a couple kids who were skipping school that day, but everyone who was in school when the dungeon formed is either dead, or part of the dungeon.

MagicMike: Oh, shit. That’s terrible. So, this summit was looking into what happened?

RangerMiguel: No, it was apparently called by Kuronoth, so he’d only have to explain what happened once.

Crusader: WHAT?

Temptation: Yes, I am a busy god, after all. Lots of things to do. Can’t go around repeating myself over and over.

Crusader: What did you do this time? Why target a school, of all places?

Temptation: Oh, I didn’t target the school. But, before you ask, I do know what happened, and how the dungeon was created.

ScoopGirl: Wait. Created? This dungeon was artificially created?

Temptation: Yes, it was.

Scholar: Oh, my. The implications of this are… unsettling. How did it happen?

Temptation: The redacted details are spreading out, disseminating to the various adventurer’s guilds, churches, and governments. You’ll be able to find out the basics from them. Suffice to say, a child was being bullied in school, and the teachers ignored him. So, he called out for power, to stop the bullying.

VenusFlyTramp: And, once he had power, he lashed out, right?

Temptation: Oh, no. He was one of the smart ones, the ones who could make their hate go cold.

ScoopGirl: Damn. Those ones always are the worst, because it means they plan things out more. And they’re the most tragic, since you have to wonder what they could have done with that intelligence, if they weren’t pushed into a corner.

Temptation: Indeed. Even I was surprised by the boy’s ruthlessness. I knew he had the fire, but to see him manage to take out everyone who made his life hell in one fell swoop? It was a breathtaking display.

ScoopGirl: So, this summit was to talk about the new dungeon?

Temptation: Well, that is the excuse I used to call it. Once the explanation was done, and people had ideas on how to prevent it from happening again, we got to the real issues.

Crusader: Did you push that boy into creating a dungeon just to call this summit of yours?

Temptation: No, I did not push the boy into creating a dungeon just to call the summit.

Crusader: I don’t know why, but I’m not satisfied by that answer.

RangerMiguel: That’s because you aren’t sure where the lie in that truth is. It is like one of those memes. Take the sentence, “I didn’t say we should kill him.” The meaning changes completely depending on which word you emphasize.

Temptation: That’s the fun thing about always speaking the truth. People can’t tell which truth you’re speaking, and often there are multiple truths in a sentence, and none of them what the person believes is the truth.

ScoopGirl: I still can’t believe that you managed to get that Veritas Act passed by challenging people to be as truthful as you are.

Temptation: Hey, if you’re going to lie, then you should at least put enough thought into it so that you’re telling the truth. Anyone who is too lazy for that shouldn’t be in politics, or on the news.

Temptation: Anyways, the real bombshells at the summit weren’t dropped by me. That’s the Ambassador’s doing.

Ambassador: You already suspected what I said, though.

Temptation: Yes, but as I said at the summit, you and I were the only ones who had any experience outside this one solar system. The others needed to hear it, and they needed to hear it from you.

ScoopGirl: Does this have anything to do with the Ambassador’s office reaching out to the UN to speak to the General Assembly?

Ambassador: Yes.

BadCompany: Aw, shit. Are we getting invaded?

Ambassador: Not soon, and hopefully not at all.

BadCompany: But potentially?

Ambassador: That depends on your United Nations.

DarkEnchanter: So, basically, we’re all fucked. Wonderful.


Demian Buckle

Thank you for the Chapter.

King Hawke

the U.N.'s existence should have been dissolved after world war 2. before ww2, they were the League of Nations, which Started ww2. they do more harm then good at this point, trying to invent global problems that require a global government solution. but, curious to see where this will go.

Andrew Moreton

A novel view of history , we only a few total innacuracies and a ton of right wing isolationist compiracy theory paranoia. The UN does a lot of useful things , despite being founded by Americans. It is very poor at enforcing its rules particualarly on great powers but as it was set up by America one cannot expect it to actually restrain the Americans , Soviets or Chinese. And America bullies the western powers without the UN. It would of course make a dreadful world government but making a world government work in the face of the Pridful arrogance of the great powers, it hard to see , even more difficult when you realise the lesser nations are just as bad but less powerful