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Yes, Dragoncon interrupted the normal schedule. But here's a chapter for y'all! 

Chapter 22 – Family Matters

Yasmeen walked in, and knelt by my side, as she’d been trained to do. So obedient. I no longer needed to order her to do anything. It was hard to believe that, a few short years ago, she had been quite adamant about preserving her chastity for marriage, and had never let a man outside her family see her calves, much less the total display she offered me every day.

She leaned against my leg as I pet her hair, causing me to smile. “As I am sure you’re aware, your time as one of my maids is fast approaching its end. In a few short months, you’ll be out, on your own, able to take your well-earned pay and education and start a new life. Have you given any thoughts as to what you will do?”

Yasmeen considered, and said, “Well, Master, I haven’t thought about it much. School, and my duties here, and training Yu-Ni, all of it has left me with no time to really go and start looking for work. However, since you have been so gracious to me in your pay, when I graduate, I will be able to do things properly, instead of being forced to rush around, looking for the first place that will take me.”

I nodded, petting her hair, causing her to rub her cheek against my leg. “I understand. It is a big decision, one you’ve not had to worry about for almost six years, now. And they have been most pleasant years. However, soon, you will no longer be the Head Maid. I like to make sure all the girls who serve me are well taken care of, and I would be upset if your talents were squandered.”

Yasmeen nodded, and a serious tone came into her voice. “I understand, Master. I will diligently look for a position, once my time here ends. As you know, I’ve kept in contact with some of my friends from school, and most of them have found positions already, even if they are just internships. I am sure they will give me good references.”

“There is another option, you know.”

The beauty looked up at me, expectantly, “Yes, Master?”

“You know that I have money, yes? Well, the truth is that I am wealthier than most people know. My portfolio of investments is quite extensive, and this same portfolio is older than this country, having started in 1600 as one of the initial stockholders of the East India Company.”

“So, you inherited most of your wealth, Master?”

I chuckled, and guided her up off the floor, and into my lap. We were both naked, but were long since past being shy about such things. “After a fashion. I can tell you more, if you decide that you wish to work for me in a more permanent position.”

Yasmeen bit her lip as she settled in, sitting sideways across my lap, my arms wrapped easily around her waist. For balance, if nothing else, she leaned against my chest, her head on my shoulder. When she spoke, her tone was half nervous and half excited. “A more permanent position, Master? Like a g-g-girlfriend?”

I slid my hand under her chin, and gently turned her head to look me in the eye. When I spoke, it was from up close, in a soft, husky voice, and shivered at my words. “You’re very pretty, Yasmeen, but I’d want to know more about you before calling you a girlfriend. No, I was talking about something in your field. I need a business manager, to help manage all the companies I own, in part or in whole.”

Yasmeen gulped, as the weight of what I said hit her. I wasn’t asking her to stay on as my plaything, but offering her an actual job. She nodded slowly, and said, “And, what would be expected of me, in this role?”

“I would be hiring you for your mind. You would be paid, and well, but you would have to work. Part of the binding contract would include some non-disclosure clauses, and things of that sort, since you would learn more about me than most people do, and would, by necessity, gain enough knowledge of my finances to be a danger to me if that information got out.”

Yasmeen nodded, and shifted slightly in my lap. “I understand, Master. And, um, what about the other duties? Like I help attend to now, as your maid?”

I chuckled. “Are you asking me if I will require you to have sex with me, as my business manager? No. That expectation was part of your service, in return for the scholarship you received, and the pay you’ve earned these last few years. I would not require you to share my bed anymore. And you would not be required to live at the manor, either, if you wished to get your own place.”

“I… I see.” She sounded a little sad, but I could guess why that was. After so long under the collar’s influence, my maids all grew to be a bit dependent upon me, and the pleasure I offered. That faded, of course, over time, as they got on their own two feet, or those feelings transferred to another, who would proceed to own them, as I had.

I decided to throw her a bone. “However, I would not kick you out of my home, if you chose to work for me. And you are, of course, welcome in my bed. You’ve been a very good girl these last few years, and have done great work training Yu-Ni. And you are still very pretty, and have done everything I asked of you, and more. I would be a fool to cast you aside.”

I could practically see her heart melting from the expression she gave. “Then, I would like to be your business manager, Master. When would I start?”

“You do not have to decide now. In fact, it is best you do not. Think about it, and let me know, before your time is up. And, if you choose to take the job? Then, you would start the day after your contract ends, unless you wish to take a brief trip someplace, stretch your wings a bit? More than one of my former maids have taken vacations on tropical islands or Caribbean cruises the day after the contract ran out, to celebrate, before they got down to the task of living their lives.”

“Well, um, I was actually thinking that, if it was all right with you, I could return after my maternity leave?”

Ah, I was somewhat expecting that. Out of all the girls that had become my Head Maid, something like three-fourths of them ended up wanting something similar. The enchantment on the collar that made them submissive to me, made them truly submissive to me, wanting me to give them, well, everything. For the ones that didn’t become Head Maid, the number was more like one-half.

Still, I tried to play it off like I didn’t know. “Oh, is there some strapping young man from your classes that you wished to give you a child? Or were you going to go out on the town, looking for love?”

Yasmeen took a breath, steeling herself, and her resolve. “No, Master. If you would allow it, I would like to carry a piece of you with me, always.”

“You wish for me to fuck a baby into you, then? Breed you? Make it so that your body and soul always remember their Master, every time they look at the child you’ll raise?”

The girl shuddered as I spoke. “Yes, Master. I want that. I know, it is a lot to ask, but it is something I have been thinking about since I saw Vida and Sireen, before they left you. Just after the Pulse.”

“Yes, that’s right. You’ve been my Head Maid ever since the Pulse. Well, if that is what you wish, then I give you the freedom to decide whether or not you wish to keep taking the pill. But I will expect you to conduct all your duties, no matter your condition, until your time of service is up. Understand?”

“Yes, Master!”

I smiled at her eager grin, and shifted her around, so that now she straddled my lap. “Good,” I said, as one hand rested at the small of her back, and the other found its place at the back of her neck, pressing her chest against mine, and bringing her mouth but an inch from my own. I let my lust enter my voice, then, as I smirked at her. “I wouldn’t have you slacking off, and still grant you the reward you seek. But, since we’re both up, why don’t we practice seeding you, hmm?”

Yasmeen moaned breathlessly in reply, “Oh, yes, Master! Whatever you say!”


The next morning, Yasmeen was practically glowing, as I sat down for breakfast. I knew it was too soon for anything to happen, since she’d taken her pills up until this morning, but the anticipation showed upon her face, combining with the aura of one freshly fucked. I couldn’t help but smile at her reaction. After all, I’d seen it before, with my other maids.

Looking around at the three beauties who served me, I said, “I spoke a little of this with Yasmeen last night, but her contracted time is almost up, and I need to start looking for someone to replace her, after she has moved on to her next job, whatever that might be. Yasmeen and Raquel know this, but I always ask if they know of any family members, a sister or cousin, perhaps, who might also wish to take up a position here, in return for the scholarship and opportunities I provide. So, now is the time to put forward suggestions, if you have them.”

Yu-Ni’s breath caught in her throat, no doubt trying to picture how she’d explain to a family member what her daily duties were at my manor. Yasmeen and Raquel had long since lost any shame over that, however. As evidenced when Raquel spoke up.

“Actually, Master,” she said, pausing to make sure I was listening. “My sister Maria is graduating from High School this year. She focused in Autotronic Technology, I think, and was considering studying Robotics in the US. She actually reached out to me concerning the ‘scholarship program’ I got, though I haven’t told her all the details.”

“And what is she like?”

“Young, and pretty. Though our mother always complained that she spent too much time inside, rather than out, with people. She is shy, but only until she knows you. And our mother taught her to cook, as she did me. Beyond that, I know only that, even when she was young, we never needed to call a mechanic or technician to look at our family car, or appliances around the house. She has a way of fixing them, and making them stay fixed.”

I nodded slowly. That sounded like someone with a technical background in the making, and a potential gadgeteer, to boot. At the very least, it was someone who was capable at fixing the mundane technology around the manor. But if she could be trained in the art of magitech? Well, it would certainly be interesting to see how far she could go.

“Very well, Raquel. After breakfast, you may send word to your sister, and the private link where she can apply for the scholarship. But I’m holding you responsible for her behavior, at least until she takes up the collar, herself. You understand, yes?”

“Yes, Master. I will ensure that she behaves, and doesn’t cause any trouble.”

I nodded, pleased. “I’m sure you will. Then, if there are no other suggestions, we’ll consider the matter closed. Oh, and Yasmeen? I intend to visit the University today, after the library closes, so you need not worry about dinner for me tonight. I will be meeting an old friend. But I expect all the other chores to be done when I return.”

“Yes, Master! It will be done!”



Thanks for the chapter

Colin Dearing

I really do enjoy the fun mixture of evil control and loving support he shows the maids. Also excellent to get more of this story :)


He's a villain, but that doesn't mean he has to be a dick about it. ;)