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Chapter 16 – Sleepers

“Mph. As eager as I am to get started, Doc, you promised us that we would be able to look over the ritual first, right?”

“Of course, of course.” I pulled out the diagram for her to read. “And here it is. Unfortunately, I do all my ritual work in Vedic Sanskrit, but I have a summary written in English for you.”

Miss   Mysterious’s Knowledge (Arcane Lore) check: 1d20+11 = 14 (Fail)

Miss Mysterious nodded as she took both the summary and the diagram, and looked from one to another, then she sighed as she turned to her friend. “I really ought to hit the books more, it seems. I can recognize enough elements of the magic formulas to say that there is definitely a transformation involved, but I can’t tell beyond that.”

Skytalon sighed, and said, “Well, there’s nothing for it, then. This is our best shot of catching that damn bastard. It is worth a bit of risk to keep Chronos from doing whatever he likes with us.”

“Yes, I know,” Miss Mysterious, nodded. Turning back to me, she said, “So, how do we do this?”

“Well, the ritual was designed for one person at a time, and each run will take just over two hours, due to the complexity. Since you, Miss Mysterious, are the one most likely to subconsciously resist the changes, due to your familiarity with magic, you’re the one I would do first, while the Elixir you took is still working at its peak.”

The superheroine nodded as I led the two of them to the conference room which I had once more converted into a ritual space. “All right, then. That sounds good. What about Skytalon?”

“She’s free to watch, of course, provided that she doesn’t interfere.” I looked over at her, and winked.

“Ahem!” She blushed, clearly a bit out of her element here. “If it is all the same, I’ll just, um, catch up on some paperwork while you two are, uh, occupied.”

The ritual this time was longer than the other ones I had performed, because it needed more of a buildup. Fortunately, this ritual didn’t require me to hold out the entire time. I just had to keep going after, instead of resting. Fortunately, the ritual’s magic itself helped with ‘performance’ and recovery.

Hannah Westler, as Miss Mysterious was known when she wasn’t wearing her costume, was quite the beauty. I certainly enjoyed getting my hands on her curves, and the sight of her on all fours, while I pulled her hair from behind? Priceless. There was a reason she was the first heroine in the city I ‘visited’ after the Pulse.

Ritual Crafting Check (DC 25)

Chronos’s   Knowledge (Arcane Lore) Check: 1d20+20 = 31 (Success)


Miss   Mysterious’s Fort Save: 1d20+5 = 8 (Fail, DC 22)

Chronos   gains one level of fatigue. (Fatigued)

Transform   (Mental)

Chronos’s   Knowledge (Arcane Lore) Check: 1d20+20 = 28 (Success, DC 22)

Miss   Mysterious’s Will Save: 1d20+8 = 10 (Fail, DC 22)

Create   Object

Soul   Card (Miss Mysterious) created.

Two hours and several positions after we began, the ritual concluded in a flash of magic, and my third orgasm. We both collapsed, gasping as the fatigue hit us and the curse mark burned itself onto Hannah’s left butt cheek. It seemed the placement of the mark was random, but I couldn’t rest or consider the implications of that just yet. I had to give my new pet a few orders before she could spill secrets.

I whispered in her ear, “I order you not to say anything about the ritual’s effects to those who have not undergone the process, or do anything to try and prevent others from being transformed as you have. When we are alone, or with others who have been transformed, you will call me Master. You will not tell anyone about my identity. Nod if you understand your orders, my pet.”

Hannah nodded once, biting her lip in pleasure as she did so. Good, everything took. She would be a good little slave for me, just as I wanted.

“Oh, God, that was intense!”

Skye’s exclamation broke us out of the post ritual afterglow. Looking over, I saw that the heroine had, at some point, stripped out of her suit, and had been playing with herself as she watched us go at it. Well, not that I blamed her. Only those with absolutely no sex drive could watch sex rituals in practice and not get a little excited. Especially since I had used several of the more exciting positions from the Kama Sutra during the rite.

I pulled out of Hannah, and managed to get to a seat outside the magic circle on the floor without collapsing. I was fatigued, certainly, and beyond the level of just having a couple hours of strenuous ‘exercise’. The ritual extracted a toll on me, sapping my strength a bit to help balance out the changes that I was making in another being. I was breathing heavily, from the exertion.

Turning back to Skye, I said, “I just need to catch my breath, and then I can perform the second ritual. Don’t worry, Skye, I know my limits well.” I was going to say something more, but then I felt a warmth around my member, and smiled to see Hannah’s face between my legs, cleaning me up.

“Hannah!” Skye exclaimed in shock.

“What? It is only polite to clean the guy up afterwards, especially when he gives me the best fuck I’ve had in ages! Hell, you weren’t even involved, and you still enjoyed the show! I can see you glistening from all the way over here!”

Skye snapped her legs shut, suddenly realizing the display she was making. She looked quickly to the windows of the conference room, but the blinds were closed and the privacy wards were in full effect. Breathing a sigh of relief, she turned to me, and said, “Well, I have to admit, I am surprised that you are still able to keep going, after all that.”

“Oh, that isn’t all me, I’m afraid. The ritual takes on a life of its own at some point, and the participants keep going until it is done. Since it doesn’t replace fluids or anything like that, it can lead to dehydration and other ill effects, especially for longer rituals. Some people have even died conducting rituals when they were trying to get a particularly potent result.”

“And we aren’t going for anything that potent, right?”

“Well, the individual components are quite potent, but I have layered restrictions and hinderances that others might not have been able to pull off. Actually, even with my knowledge of the arcane, there is a chance the ritual could fail, because of the restrictions. And because I am the only ‘caster’ in this ritual. Normally, you would have multiple other casters around the edge of the circle, focusing their energy and skill into making the magic happen, easing the burden on the primary caster. For obvious reasons, I decided that would not be appropriate in this case.”

Skye blushed furiously. “Uh, yes. Yes. I can definitely say that I would not like to have a crowd just standing there watching me, watching us, like that.” She shivered at the thought, and then turned back to look at me. “Um, is our ritual going to be quite so… energetic? I’ve never even seen some of those positions you used before.”

“That’s because all you watch is vanilla porn, Skye!” Hanna chimed in, having finished cleaning me off with her tongue, and, in the process, bringing me back to half-staff.

I took a moment to pop a couple stimulants. Nothing extreme, or even dangerous, but they would suppress the effects of fatigue for a couple hours. Unlike the pre-Pulse versions, these pills kicked in right away. The only problem was that they could be just as habit forming as they used to be, before the Pulse. I only used them sparingly, when I couldn’t just stop time and rest up.

Standing up from my chair, I patted Hannah on the head, and stepped into the circle. “Well, shall we be about it then, Skye?”

The flier sighed, and pulled off the rest of her clothes. Looking over to Hannah, she said, “Not a word to Eric, remember. He doesn’t need to know what I’m doing, in order to protect this city.”

I didn’t say anything as Hannah nodded. If I cared about whether they were attached, or seeing anyone, I would have asked. Once I was done with the ritual, I would find out whether this Eric was someone important in her life, or whether he was just a boyfriend who could be tossed aside. Either way, I did not like to share my toys.

Skye gasped as I pulled her forward, into the middle of the circle. I tilted her head back, and silenced her with my lips. I broke the kiss only to guide her down to the ground so that we could begin her ritual, and she was too shocked to resist.

Ritual Crafting Check (DC 25)

Chronos’s   Knowledge (Arcane Lore) Check: 1d20+20 = 30 (Success)


Skytalon’s   Fort Save: 1d20+4 = 14 (Fail, DC 22)

Chronos   gains one level of fatigue. (Exhausted)

Transform   (Mental)

Chronos’s   Knowledge (Arcane Lore) Check: 1d20+20 = 22 (Success, DC 22)

Skytalon’s   Will Save: 1d20+6 = 19 (Fail)

Create   Object

Soul   Card (Skytalon) created.

For conquering both Miss Mysterious and Skytalon, you   gain 1 XP.

As before, it took just over two hours to complete the ritual. As before, the ritual itself sustained my energy, and allowed me to continue. Which was fortunate, since it allowed me to thoroughly enjoy everything Skye had to offer me, in all her holes.

When we finally finished the ritual, Skye moaned as she tried to pull herself off of me. “Oh, my poor ass! Not even my husband has ever done that!”

I had to repress a chuckle as I pulled her close, so I could give her the same commands as I did Hannah. She just nodded once, and said, “Yes, Master.” And then I felt her shiver around me as the burst of pleasure hit.

I was bone tired now, thanks to the ritual, but that was fine. Both of the women in this room were now my pets, and wouldn’t be telling anyone about what I could do. As I sat down in the chair once again, I froze time within the room. But, thanks to the ritual, the two girls were still able to move.

“Master?” Hannah looked at me, questioningly.

“Clean me off, Skye.” The flier simply leaned forward, grimacing at the taste of her own ass upon my shaft, but did as she was told. Looking over to Hannah, I grinned. “I see you are starting to figure it out. But first, both of you are ordered to never harm me, unless I give you direct orders.”

Hannah stiffened at the order, and then sighed. “You tricked us. Didn’t you, Master?”

“Good girl. Yes, I tricked you. Oh, I didn’t lie to you. I just never told you the truth. After all, neither of you ever bothered to ask if I knew who Chronos was. You simply saw the kindly scholar with a bad leg, no?”

Skye’s eyes widened as she looked up at me. Pulling her mouth away, she said, “Then, you raped us this morning, just to set all this up? Why?”

“Because, my pet, you two are going to be my glorious little sleeper agents. The first of many, I assure you. I have been at a loss for what to do, since the Pulse, just… existing. Now, however, I have found something to interest me.”

“Master, what are you planning?”

I laughed at Hannah’s question. “That is the best part! I have no plans, as of yet. But, once Skye and her friends visited me a couple mornings ago, I found myself spurred to action for the first time in years. Decades, really, if you count all the time that I’ve spent in null-time spaces like this.”

“Not even going to try and conquer the world, Master?”

I eyed Skye, and said, “I don’t much care for the sarcasm in your tone, girl. Don’t make me take you over my knee. I will tan your backside to the point where you won’t be able to sit down for a week.”

She shrunk back a bit at this threat, so I continued, “And no, I don’t think I’ll be conquering the world. Oh, I could conquer it, sure. But why would I want that? Ruling the world is a ton of work, and I have no interest in doing that. No, I’ll just work on gathering lovely pets like you two, and other, more disposable, pawns, and decide a path from there.”

Hannah, more resigned to her fate than Skye was, asked, “What are you going to do first, Master?”

“That is easy. I’m going to try and reach the one place I can think of where records might hold exactly what happened to cause the Pulse. Hopefully without destroying all of time in the process.”


Andy Ammeter

They are not broken yet


Thanks for the great chapter With the cult and stuff I get vibes like he will build his own dimension and live as the real god of time