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Chapter 29 – Reception

Once the slaughter was done, I sent my little messenger on his way, so that he could spread the news of what had happened to his bosses. He was probably going to have to change clothes along the way. Seems like watching all his buddies get slaughtered caused him to lose control of his bodily functions. So sad.

At any rate, with the disturbance done, there was still a wedding to take care of. Thankfully, the enchantment on Chionomu Sakura cleaned the blood away, so there were no bloodstains on Tatsumi’s clothes. A simple cantrip mended the little damage that had been done to her outfit, and another restored her hair to how it had been styled before the attack. Tatsumi thanked me for the consideration. Having to change clothes would delay the ceremony even more, after all, since she did not have an item like my ankh to change between outfits at a whim.

The wedding ceremony was done in the traditional style, of course. Which was not to say that it was a traditional wedding. I should have guessed it from the way Tatsumi was dressed, when I first saw her, wearing a man’s formal clothes, but this wedding was not giving her a husband, but a wife.

This was as much a surprise, considering the conservative nature of the yakuza, as Tatsumi’s ascension in the organization. I did not care either way, really. Sex and sexuality were academic concepts to me, after so long being undead. I understood them, of course, and knew how they could be used to further my goals, or to impede my rivals, but, even when I wore my human guise, I felt nothing like that, and had not since I became a lich.

There were some undead that kept their sexuality and sex drive in undeath, of course. Those were, for the most part, creatures like Vampires, or some particularly aware wights and ghouls. But for most undead, even those with physical bodies, sex was not a part of our makeup, not any more.

Oh, there were cases of undead pursuing someone, of course. But it was not romantic in nature, despite what the stories might say. No, the mummy king that sought to capture a maiden to serve as his queen was not being romantic, or even caring about sex, he was doing it because of power, and control, because a queen could help balance the energies present in his tomb complex, and enhance their magics.

Even when an undead took a creature expressly for sex, it was rarely any kind of romantic attraction or physical urge that drove them. Some ghouls would take members of the sex that had attracted them in life, and force them to service them in death, but that was not about attraction or lust, but control and sadism. It was about power, pure and simple. Since ghouls were not renowned for their power, when compared with other undead like liches, taking pleasure in their power over those they could dominate was soothing to their egos.

No, other than Vampires, or some corporeal undead that kept more of their sense of self in the conversion from living to dead to undead, most of the time when an undead engaged in sexual acts, and it wasn’t due to sadistic power plays, it was actually the mortal’s idea. Whether a necromancer engaging in rituals, a deviant indulging in their fetish, or a grieving lover who couldn’t let go, mortals were more likely to initiate sex with any undead than the other way around. My teacher, before I became undead, had made certain I knew about some of the potent rituals that could only be performed by a necromancer in congress with undead under her control. It was disturbing, at the time, but by this point it was just a piece of data.

At any rate, I was happy to be introduced to Tatsumi’s new wife, Miwa. Actually, it was probably better this way. She was going to become far more powerful than people would expect. If she had to deal with a husband, and the potential for his male ego wilting under the fact that she was his superior in every way, that could cause problems. But for another woman, there wouldn’t be the same pressure to be the ‘powerful one’ in the relationship.

After the ceremony, at the reception, I found myself speaking with Miwa, while Tatsumi was required to speak with some of the clan regarding her new position. To my delight, I found that Miwa was a rather grounded sort, as one would expect from a baker. Apparently, Tatsumi was a regular at her store, and their relationship had blossomed over time.

“Lady Akagawa, I—”

I cut her off. “No, my child. By the will of the oyabun, I am a friend to the clan, and I have a feeling that Tatsumi and I shall be speaking often, as she grows in power, both from her own efforts, and thanks to the power of the blade she now wields. When it is just us, in a private setting, you may call me Akagawa-san, at least until we get to know each other better.”

The nervous woman took a breath, and relaxed slightly. “Thank you, Akagawa-san. Actually, it is about the gift you made for my Tatsumi. She told me a little of what it does. Is it true that she is going to become immortal?”

I could hear the tremor in her voice, and knew exactly what that was about. “After a sense. Immortality is both a blessing and a curse. Humans were not meant to live forever. The blade I forged her offers a false immortality. It does not eliminate aging and death, but rather stops them in their tracks, so long as she has life force that she has taken from others. If it runs out, she will age as normal, until it is replenished, and then it will halt once more.”

“I understand. What does this mean for me? For us?”

I nodded slowly. “Yes, I expected this question. The simple answer is that it will depend on the two of you. Tell me, Miwa-san, what do you want in life?”

She breathed deeply, and said, “I want to be with Tatsumi. To grow old with her. To live alongside her, and be her strength as she is mine. I knew that a normal life was out of the question, with Tatsumi being who she is, but I wouldn’t change her for anything.”

I smiled at her. “You knew there would be challenges going into the relationship, but, now that you’re here, you realize the challenges are perhaps a bit more complicated than you knew?”


“And you are still determined to push forward?”


“That is good. Then, I will tell you some good news. Tatsumi will change, but only in the normal ways that people change over time, as they progress through time, and learn new things. Not like me, when I became an undead. She will change in human ways, with differences that can be bridged by loving partners who are willing to put in the work to maintain a relationship.”

I smiled at the young woman. “Now, obviously, your relationship will not be a normal one. You’ve already come to accept this. Your different rates of aging will be a challenge, but it is not one that can’t be overcome. And having children will help to bind the two of you together.”

She blinked. “But, we’re both women. And I don’t know about artificial means. I know adoption is an option, but how will that affect things with the clan?”

“That is between you, Tatsumi-san, and the clan. However, there are other ways. Ways for you to bear a child, between you and Tatsumi-san.”

That revelation hit her like a brick, if her stunned expression was anything to go by. “Wait, what? How is that possible? We’re both women, after all!”

“With magic, of course. This world has only barely begun learning what magic can and cannot do. I don’t doubt that, eventually, these things will come to light, but that will only be after a great deal of suffering and failed experiments, things that were long in the past in the other world.

“Simply put, there are spells and magics that can, temporarily gift someone with the ‘equipment’ of the other sex, or transform them entirely. It is all fully functional, of course. As I recall, the initial research was done by a drow matriarch who sought it as a way of dominating her lessers, forcing them to carry her children, making them vulnerable while they produced heirs for her house, rather than making herself vulnerable while she was with child. The magics were later refined, and became a favorite of royals and nobles who had a duty to their people to produce an heir, but found the idea of a dalliance with the other sex repulsive.”

Miwa blinked, still stunned. “That… that sounds like something straight out of a hentai or doujinshi!”

I had to laugh at that. “Well, I can’t deny that there are certain similarities. Think of it like the old Star Trek shows predicting the technology that came before the Awakening. Cell phones, tablets, and all of that were shown on TV decades before they became a reality.”

“So, um, how would that magic work?” She was blushing now, considering the possibilities.

“It would depend on the way you wanted the spell to go. But perhaps the simplest would be a temporary charm that would temporarily grant one, or both, of you the necessary equipment, while not taking away what you already have. Options go from there, all the way up to permanently changing your body.”

“Oh. Oh my! I, um, I’ll need to think about that.”

I smiled at her. “Of course, my dear. And don’t forget to talk with Tatsumi-san when you are alone. Communication is the key to relationships, after all. And she will need someone who she can confide in, and who she knows will confide in her in turn. Especially as she starts growing into her new role and responsibilities.”

“Thank you, Akagawa-san. You’ve given me a lot to think over.”

I smiled as the bride moved to join Tatsumi, who had just finished with her clan talk. I moved through the crowd, mingling, and doing a bit of small talk. Most people didn’t recognize me in my traditional outfit, rather than the ‘lich queen’ armor. The other guests all just thought I was just some family friend, or an important associate, up until I introduced myself.

Eventually, I found myself next to the oyabun, who ‘just so happened’ to finish a conversation as I approached. He was smiling, but the smile did not reach his eyes. “Ah, Akagawa-san. I was wondering if you had any thoughts about what to do regarding the ones who sent those rude men from earlier.”

I nodded. “Ah, yes. They were quite rude to show up uninvited, even if your granddaughter put them to good use, in the end.”

That got a smile from the oyabun, so I continued, “The messenger I allowed to flee should have gotten to his masters by now. He will undoubtedly tell them about how their plan failed. Since I’ve ‘discussed’ things with them before, they are doubtless going to be a little concerned.”

“Yes, I can imagine that they would be a little concerned with you being upset with them.”

I nodded. “With that in mind, why don’t I go and have a little chat with them tonight? I will guarantee that they will not wish to have any further disagreements with you, or me. And, while I do that, perhaps you could send some of your men around to do a check on some of their men at their place of business?”

“To express our displeasure?”

“You could. Or you could simply inform them that I am going to their bosses to express my dissatisfaction, and intend on ripping up this tree, root and branch, until nothing remains. In fact, the only safe place for them would be if they were to fall under another group’s protection. A group like your own, for instance.”

Now, the smile reached the oyabun’s eyes. “Oh, my. That is certainly an interesting way of going about things. And, it would help to reduce the body count, which will make it easier to smooth over any issues the police might have with the turbulence that the changes might bring.”

“And don’t forget to offer to take on their businesses officially, as well. The men you send over could have bills of sale ready, just to ensure there is no confusion. Just tell them that they have until my forces get there to make a decision.”

The oyabun laughed at that. “I thought before that you would be a good friend of the clan, Akagawa-san, but now, I am certain of it! Please, do inform me of how your conversation with our mutual annoyances goes, will you?”

“Inugawa-san, it would be my pleasure.”


Demian Buckle

Thank you for the Chapter.

Colin Dearing

You know, I am starting to think that you don't want her as an enemy :p

Mathew Percival

It does suggest that suicide, in ANY form, be it brutal, swift, painless or anything else would be a MASSIVELY wiser course of action than making an enemy of the Risen Queen.

Mathew Percival

Koari is really ingratiating herself to the yakuza. A true friend to the family indeed.


This is really starting to grow on me haha