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Book 6 of Dark Fate is now LIVE on Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0971RWMWR

Chapter 61 – Fever

Bringing my time-traveling adult daughter home with me from the State Park had had some unforeseen consequences. Oh, nothing crazy like people suddenly disappearing like in Back to the Future. Lilith had known what she was doing when she came back, and made certain to keep any nasty paradoxes from happening.

No, it was more the fact that, as a literal sex demon, I had surrounded myself with a bunch of very pretty women, and made use of them as often as I pleased. And that was pretty damn often, considering that I was, after all, a literal sex demon. Problem was that all that sex, combined with the women seeing my actual adult daughter there, put the women into a mood, making them much more demanding.

The whole damn lot of them caught fucking baby fever!

Now, being a red-blooded man who loved sex as much as the next sex demon, I was all about the process of making babies. But I couldn’t just knock up my whole harem at once. Well, I could, since sex makes my magic and stamina regenerate. I could fuck them all into drooling puddles if it came to it. That wasn’t the issue.

No, the issue was the fact that it was really fucking stupid to take pregnant women into battle. Oh, maybe not for the first part, but after they started showing? Yeah, that was a problem, both for the mother and child. Not to mention the fact that they would need time to recover after giving birth before they could get back in the field.

And it wasn’t just combat. The slaves I had maintaining the house and grounds couldn’t exactly do their job in the later stages of pregnancy. And while they’d be able to go back to work sooner after birth than my fighters, that didn’t change the fact that they’d still be out of commission for months. And having my entire staff, minus the chef I promised to the groundskeeper, was off all at the same time, things would come screeching to a halt.

But really, the thing that I was faced with was the fact that a pregnancy from an Incubus took about 6 months to ‘resolve’ itself, with the woman being out of fighting condition for the last two months of that, and another month afterwards. It was less than four months (almost three!) until the first alien ships came. Which meant, if I started now, any of the ladies I knocked up would be out of commission right when the first raid happened.

Of course, little things like ‘facts’ weren’t going to get in the way of their hormones. Who cared about facts or logic when emotion was in play? That was simply crazy talk!

And apparently telling them to ‘calm down’, ‘stop being so emotional, and ‘think logically’ was not the best approach to dealing with the situation. The screaming would have been epic. Would have been, but slave magic came through in a big way, since a few choice orders had the women unable to think about their retaliation, at least for a while.

That didn’t solve the underlying problem, however. Slave magic meant an actual slave revolt was out of the question, unless I left a loophole in my orders somehow, or they managed to kill me before I could order them to stop. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t make my life hell in a hundred, a thousand different ways, if they were sufficiently motivated to staying perfectly within the absolute letter of any orders I gave. It was way too easy to find ways to circumvent, slow down, or selectively misinterpret orders, to my detriment.

Which meant I had to give them something. A carrot to keep from having to use the stick so much. And the only thing that would quiet them down, at this point, was a baby.

I was pretty sure that I could get away with just one, at least before the raiders showed up, though I’d probably have to pay up on the rest in short order, after that. Oh, hell, they’d probably wheedle me into making a schedule, so that all of them got ‘serviced’ in turn. They were pretty adamant in all wanting little ones, though I doubted there’d be the same enthusiasm once the kids were actually born.

So, that left me with the decision of who was going to be the ‘lucky’ girl. Obviously, it was going to have to be one of the staff. I wasn’t expecting them to actually get in on the fighting, so one of them being out of action for the raid wasn’t a problem.

“Master, you called for me?”

I turned to see Shiva standing in the doorway to my bedroom, a bit nervously. She was wearing her maid costume and hijab, as always. She was thin and athletic, statuesque, more like. She had been an athlete before she was coerced into being a maid, after all, and as a Fighter under the system, she certainly hadn’t lost any of her athleticism in the last few months.

As she came closer to where I sat on the edge of the bed, I reached out with one hand. Her breath caught as I touched her on the thigh, and began slowly sliding my hand upwards. I stopped when I felt bare flesh between her legs, and just a hint of wetness. Perfect.

“You girls were very insistent about getting to have children. Just one sight of my adult daughter, and you all went mad. But the enemy will be coming, so just knocking you all up in one huge orgy just isn’t an option.”

Shiva bit her lip as my fingers began to rub back and forth along her sex, and I couldn’t help but smile. It looked like she didn’t trust herself to speak, not at the moment. Or she was just too focused on my fingers. Either way, I pressed on, and pressed into her, causing her to moan softly.

“However, I am not inconsiderate of the needs of my slaves. I cannot, and will not, put myself, or us as a group, in danger by having everyone pregnant at once. But I would be a poor master indeed if I did not do something to keep up morale, don’t you think?”

“Y-yesss, Master! Ooh!”

I started moving my fingers in and out of her. Moving a little faster, getting into a rhythm. And all the while, one finger brushed back and forth across her clit.

“I’m glad you agree. Because I’ve decided that you are going to be the first of my pets that I knock up. I am going to fuck you until you are a quivering pile of flesh overflowing with my cum, and then, when I’m done with you, you’re going to carry my child. Does that excite you?”

“YES MASTER!” Shiva screamed, as her body shuddered in orgasm. That was quick, even for my skills. She must have been anticipating this, the naughty girl.

“Good girl. Then strip for me.”


Two hours later, I had, very thoroughly, followed through on my promise. Shiva lay on the bed, fucked into unconsciousness and filled to the brim with cum, and I had used my powers to ensure that my seed took. But, thanks to being an incubus, I was now full of energy.

That was a good thing, as I had plenty of work to do. Stepping into the living room, I found Lilith sitting with the rest of the girls, looking expectantly at me. Well, Lilith was doing her best not to laugh, but the look on the girls’ faces were very serious. I bet one of them was listening, or peeking. Probably more than one. Guess I needed to make a bit of a statement?

“As I don’t doubt you eavesdropping little sluts heard, I have decided that I will give you the treat you each wanted. But not all at once. It would be foolish to have everyone unable to fight at the same time. Same thing goes for having all the staff out. I won’t do that to James and Luna. That’d just be mean.

“What this means is that you girls are going to work out a schedule, understanding that the raiders are going to be coming in just over three months, and anyone who is showing isn’t going to be fighting, period. Because I’m a great guy, I’m going to let you girls decide the schedule yourselves.”

“I told you, pay up!” Lilith laughed, and looked at the rest of the girls. Each of them began handing over bills or gold coins to Lilith.

“So, you were betting on what I was going to say?”

“Of course, Daddy! A bit of a bet makes everything more interesting. You taught me that.”

“Then did I also teach you that when you’re making money off bets like that, and the bet is about me, that you owe me a cut of the action?”

Lilith smirked, and handed over a portion of her winnings. “Well, I thought about keeping them. Maybe you should punish me later?”

I just shook my head. I didn’t mind her flirting. Part of me said that I should mind it, what with her being my alternate future daughter and all that, but another part of me basically said “Eh, what the fuck?”

I knew the cause, of course. The System affected someone’s mind in a lot of ways. Some were blatant, like implanting someone with the knowledge of how to use a skill they might not have ever tried before when they purchase it with skill points. Some, however, were more subtle, imprinting on me a Greater Incubus’s ideas of sexual ethics and morality.

Academically, I understood that this was part of the same thing that caused the demon alchemist we took out a few weeks back to go crazy and start killing people. His former sexuality was forcibly altered by the System changing him, making him repulsed and attracted to males and females, but for different reasons.

I, however, had had more time to adjust to the libertine morality of my new situation. Being both a Greater Incubus and a Slave Master meant that the System had already affected my morality and ethics quite a bit, mostly in loosening or outright stripping away any holdups or taboos I might once have had. This meant that, when I was confronted with something that went against my old, pre-Apocalypse understanding of things, I was better able to adapt.

I let her teasing go, as I slipped the money into my inventory. “All right. Enough of that. Now, we only have three months or so until the first raiding ship shows up. We’re going to have to work hard to increase our levels, so that we can respond appropriately when they get here.”

Talia raised her hand. “Um, Master? Something’s been bugging me about that. What are we going to do about that ship? I mean, if it lands near Atlanta, we could probably do something, but unless we get really lucky, it could go anywhere in the world!”

I nodded once. “Right you are, Talia. And, no, I’m not going to just leave that up to chance. Fortunately, we have some options to try and force the ship to land somewhere near us.”

Taking a breath, I looked at them, and said, “The ship Lilith supplied for us is too big for our current needs, even if it could be made to fly, which is questionable without getting some specialized techs in to take a look at it. However, it does have shuttles with working transmitters. We will use one of those shuttles to… entice the ship to land somewhere of our choosing, where we can be confident of having a home-field advantage.”

That got a round of puzzled looks from everyone except Lilith. She really was my child, it seemed, since she apparently picked up on it immediately. “You’re going to taunt and insult them, until they land right where you want, aren’t you, Daddy?”

I grinned. “Exactly, Kiddo. We are dealing with pirates, for this first group. That means we can play on things, and make them do something stupid, like trying to take us on, on foot, when they could just go anywhere they like. Enough insults, unanswered, would make the Captain look week. And weakness is death in pirate circles.”

Rachel shook her head. “Well, at least it won’t be boring.”


Andy Ammeter

Onward to the glory of pirate hunting and verbal face smacking!!

Demian Buckle

Thank you for the Chapter.


woohoo, loving this story so far.


Thanks for the great chapter