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Chapter 215 – Church

Looking at my two pets, I nodded in approval. “You two will be my sword and my hand, for when I act openly in the outside world. You will not be the only ones I call on, of course. There are adventurers who have pledged themselves to me, and mercenaries who I have enthralled. But you two, you will be the symbol that the outside world looks to.”

With a wave of my hand, their old clothing, armor, and weapons disappeared. They were well made items, but I could do better, and I wasn’t going to let some of my new symbols go around in clothes that could be found anywhere but in my dungeon. So, with another wave of my hand they were replaced by new versions of my own creation, better suiting their new classes and roles.

My Hand’s leathers were no longer made of simple cow hide, but from more advanced materials that I had acquired samples of from the Golden Host, and engraved with my symbol, lined in silver. The whole set was enchanted to enhance its defensive capability, but aid in her stealth. The cloak she wore was now able to turn her invisible completely whenever she wished, though attacking would ruin the effect. Her blades were now forged from mithral, and enchanted to never dull, chip, or shatter, no matter what abuse they were put to. In addition to the potions she had before, I now gave her access to the grenades that one of my former slaves came up with.

I added a bit to her new outfit, as well. First, there was my symbol, cast in silver, to use as a focus for the new divine spellcasting abilities she would have. Second, a device attached to either wrist that would allow her to shoot a strand of mana which she could use like a grappling hook, though I didn’t doubt she’d find other uses for it, as well. Finally, I gave her a special item, like I had done to several other women in my dungeon. Fortunately for her, I did remember to modify her leathers beforehand, so there was no worry there.

Tail of the Tanuki





This tail plug is designed to resemble the tanuki, or the   Japanese raccoon dog. While wearing it, the user gains certain benefits.

+20 DEX, +20 CHA

Clever – All skills related to stealth, discovering secret   compartments, passages, or doors, opening locks, and finding and disarming   traps are 20% more effective.

Quickness – Movement speed in all forms is increased by 10%.

Flight – While wearing this item so that it is outside one’s   clothing (though not necessarily so it is visible), the wearer can fly at   their walking speed.

Soulbound – Bound to Maranda Cortez, and cannot be used by any   other while she lives.

For my Sword, however, I decided that I would give her something a little special. I didn’t want to interfere with her fighting style, as that had obviously worked for her so far, so I didn’t want to weigh her down with heavy plate armor. All the same, she was going to be my sword, so she needed more than just magical bracers to protect her.

Fortunately, I got plenty of high-end materials from the Golden Host. Using the silk spun by Tier 2 monstrous spiders with several layers of enchantments on them, I crafted for her a shrine maiden’s outfit that would protect her as well as the leathers that my new Hand wore would. Her bracers changed, so that they could produce a shield of magical force, which could deflect incoming blows. The geta sandals I gave her were also enchanted, allowing her to fall from any height without taking damage (and always landing on her feet), while also having a minor enchantment so that she could move and run as easily as she could in athletic shoes. The only thing making it look slightly out of place was the black leather collar around her neck, emblazoned with my symbol in gold over her throat.

Collar of the Favored Servant





This collar looks superficially like a Slave Collar adorned with   the symbol of Kuronoth, but it is much more than that, and less. Less,   because it lacks the dominating magics of a Slave Collar, and more, because   it has several other, more powerful functions.

+20 WIS, +20 CHA

Favored – All divine spells cast by the wearer have their effects   doubled, if possible. Costs remain unchanged.

Mettle – Resistance to magic increased by 25%.

Soulkeeper – The symbol over her throat captures the soul of any   creature slain by her, and sends it directly to Kuronoth, no matter what   afterlife would have awaited the soul. Creatures so affected can only be returned   to life if their soul is first recovered from Kuronoth himself.

Carnal Artist – Can spend MP to temporarily give herself and others   the Carnal Arts skill.

Soulbound – This item is soulbound to Zannah Bane, and can be   used by no other while she lives. Even then, it can only be used if it is   gifted to a creature by Kuronoth.

I also changed her weapons, giving her a katana and wakizashi with blades that appeared to be almost ethereal when drawn. But these blades were special. The katana was enchanted to ignore any nonliving tissue, letting it pass through armor as if it weren’t there. The wakizashi, on the other hand, ignored all living material, and cut through anything nonliving like a hot knife through butter. When wielded as a pair, they left illusions in the air behind them, making it even more difficult for any foe that used sight to defend themselves against her attacks.

Once the pair were dressed in their new outfits, I smiled. “Very good. I’ll enjoy ripping those off of you later. For now, though, I think it is time to begin my ministry to the people of Swamptown directly. I’ve put off making a church on the surface for a while, but, now, I think it is time. You two will be the face of my church in Swamptown, charged with defending it, and my worshippers from those who would attack them. In time, when you are stronger, I will send you out on other missions, as well.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Oh, and I know that you two have no experience as preachers, looking to convert others to the faith. Fortunately, I know someone who can tutor you on that. I’ll schedule you some time with the twins in the temple below. They get bored sometimes, and will be happy to instruct you in the best ways to spread my faith, by word or by deed.”

I took a breath, focusing. “Now, be still for a moment, as I design the church you will spread my word from. When I am done, I will reward the both of you with a ravishing the likes of which you’ve never experienced before.”

With that, I turned my attention to the surface, selecting a plot of land between the landing pad and the rest of the town. That area was within my influence, so I had no problem shaping it to my will. Soon, a lot 200 feet wide, and 220 feet long, was made solid and firm, ready to support any structure upon it.

The foundation laid, I took a moment to consider what I wanted this church to look like. I could copy the Black Temple, but while I wanted dominance to radiate from the building, I did not want to drive people away. I needed to keep getting worshippers if I wanted to grow my power, after all.

I decided on something simple, for the outside. I based the structure on a miniature neo-gothic cathedral I found a picture of, from somewhere called Kylemore Abbey, but with my own style. I used black and dark grey stones, to make the walls, and black slate for the tiles on the roof. A single tower rose at one end of the church.

All the windows were of stained glass, and showed various scenes that would set the mood. I was especially proud of the one looking down upon the main altar, which showed me, upon a throne holding a chain that led to a collar around a nude Pofmis’s neck, with the chained goddess kneeling between my legs, her head in my lap, and her back, marked with her symbol bound in chains, towards the viewer. I knew that would piss the bitch off when she eventually found out about it, but it would be two hundred years before she could even think about doing anything about it.

I also made a basement, with luxurious rooms for both of the girls, and a ‘playroom’ with all the toys, furnishings, and mechanisms one might need to engage in one’s kinks, or make someone repent. The stairs down were only available to someone wearing my symbol, and even then they wouldn’t open without saying a password. Since the doors to the church wouldn’t lock, I wanted to do something to limit who could try and get to the girls, if they wanted privacy.

Of course, every last bit of it was made of dungeon materials, and reinforced to the point where even one of the ships that I had just given to the UN would have to spend considerable effort to destroy it. Inside, well, right now it was only the size it looked outside, but I set it up so that the space could grow without affecting the outside, depending on how many people were inside. The little cathedral may have only been a couple hundred feet long, but you could fit a thousand people in there, and it would still seem as though it was comfortably full, without inconveniencing anyone.

Turning back to look at my new disciples, I grinned. With a snap of my fingers, a portal opened to the new temple. “Now, what do you say we ‘christen’ my new church with some fun?”

“Ooh, yes, Master, please!”

(Swamptown Chapel)

The ground shook.

Rushing to the window of the multifaith chapel, Lea Hunt, Paladin of Pofmis looked out from her glorified prison. Oh, it wasn’t an actual prison, of course. It was still the same chapel that it had been since the building was first put up, before Swamptown even had a name.

But the area all around had been dedicated as holy ground to the Demon of the Dungeon, Kuronoth, and, as a follower of Pofmis, she was Anathema to him. If she stepped a foot out the door, it would only take one convert of his uttering a prayer, and she would be cast out of the Demon’s domain, without any way to return. That wouldn’t normally be a problem, since she hated this town, and everything about it, but she couldn’t leave, not until she gave birth to her third child, by her third husband. If she got thrown out of Swamptown, she would doom all four of them to slavery, and worse, enforced by the very system itself.

So, the chapel where she worked was a prison in every way that mattered, and it would be for months yet. The only saving grace of the whole situation was that her husbands had not pledged themselves to Pofmis, as she had, which meant that they were not tarred with Anathema, and could go out as they pleased. This at least allowed them to bring back food and drink that wasn’t created by magic. Otherwise, she would have gone insane a long time ago.

Looking out the window, she saw a tower rise in the distance. A cathedral’s tower, all in black. She didn’t even need to see the symbol at the highest point of the tower to know who was responsible for the sudden building. There was only one being around here that could do something like that, and in broad daylight.

The Demon had created a church, to lure even more lost souls into damnation and slavery. And there was nothing that she could do about it. Her actions, and those of others of her faith, had made it so that she could not intervene. If she tried to purge the temple, she would be exiled and enslaved before she even struck her second blow.

She had never felt so helpless, and she hated it.


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