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Chapter 213 – Meeting

I was relaxing after a very productive performance review with my secretary. The succubus was off, sending the documents to the Columbian consulate by courier. I had high hopes for this little partnership being the first of many.

It was, after all, just an extension of my policy with the different American guilds. What I really wanted was to get portals all over the world. That would make my influence spread all over, better allowing me to influence things.

Perhaps I could actively reach out to the Adventurers’ Guilds in the countries I’d given ships to? I could get Miguel to make connections for me, since he was getting to be pretty respected in the adventurer community. And I knew he wouldn’t mind, since getting more people organized and moving the same direction would make everyone better able to respond to threats in the future.

Either way, it would—

Oh, a notification from the ‘front desk’. Two women just walked in, and were looking to meet with me, personally. And one of them was clearly wearing my symbol directly. It was rare for anyone to come and deliberately seek me out without trying to kill me, so this was intriguing. Turning my gaze to the entry chamber, I looked at the pair.

Zannah Bane

Fallen   Angel Female

Level   30 Spell-sword / Enchantress

Market   Value: $250,500

The first was dressed in black, wearing a gown, along with a hooded cloak. The bracers she was wearing were reinforced slightly, possibly enough to allow someone to block or parry a blow with them, but their true strength lied in the enchantment that essentially covered her in magical armor. A simple idea, and one taken straight from certain tabletop games, but it was effective, especially for someone who looked like they favored mobility.

Her weapons were an interesting mix, as well. Sword, dagger, shotgun, pistol. Clearly someone preparing for multiple contingencies. Probably didn’t trust people too much.

Of course, she had my symbol on display across her chest, so that made sense. Half the people who flocked to my banner (and weren’t simply in it for their own pleasure) wanted to control their fate, or control others, and the other half were tired of all the decisions, and just wanted someone to make the decisions for them. Those kinds of people found it hard to trust others, usually because they had ‘issues’.

Maranda Cortez

High   Elf Female

Level   30 Rogue / Alchemist

Market   Value: $80,875

The elf, on the other hand, was dressed in leather. Leather pants, with leather armor covering her torso and shoulders, leather bracers, and some greaves for extra protection. All of it in shades of dark brown or black, and covered by a black cloak.

As for weapons, well, the elf was wearing a pair of short swords, one on either hip, and a dagger in each boot. Across her chest, there was a bandolier, which offered easy access to several potions that were stored there. I had seen similar rigs from ‘combat alchemists’ or ‘potion warriors’ before, as people tried to find setups that would work. The easy access for the potions also meant that they were at risk of getting attacked and destroyed. However, I could see a dim shimmer of magic over the potions, so they were probably protected from random attacks setting them off, at least.

Well, if two ladies were actively seeking me out, then I was sure that they would have a story to tell me. And if there was one thing I never tired of, it was having lovely ladies tell me interesting things. Stretching out my will, I contacted the dungeon creature manning the desk, telling her to make sure that they signed the dungeon contract, and that a portal would open for them.

While the girls read the first few pages of the 36-page contract as thoroughly as they could (showing that they had, at least, been somewhat informed of how I operated), I shifted my avatar from my ‘office’ to the ‘lounge’, where I had entertained people several times before. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen with this meeting, but I was pretty sure that a business setting wasn’t going to be appropriate. Of course, even if I was wrong, it was easy enough to open another portal.

I had just finished pouring myself a drink when the girls stepped through the newly created portal, which closed behind them. Turning to the two, I smiled, and said, “You know, being what I am is such a mixed blessing. On the one hand, I have a near infinite supply of the finest types of alcohol you can imagine, but I have not once been able to get drunk since the Apocalypse. I mostly just do it for the taste, and the familiarity, now.”

I felt the fallen angel’s eyes fix on me, and felt her use a skill like my [Appraise Value]. Well, that confirmed the ‘untrusting’ bit. To appraise someone before you even speak would normally be considered rude.

“You… are an avatar? Not a demon. But a divine being can’t have an avatar before they become divine, and you’ve been here since the dungeon opened…” I could see the wheels turning in her head, as she worked it out. Clearly, she had been doing her research on me.

“…And you’ve always been working on advancing the dungeon’s goals. But whenever you talk about the dungeon and the faith, your words get… awkward. Even in your Tome of Kuronoth, some of the words are deliberately vague, or awkwardly phrased. Almost like you’re trying to hide something.

“Wait. That’s it. The local guild leader told me you never lie, but you never tell the truth. This is one of those times, isn’t it? You didn’t lie about what you are, but you hid it with words that could be taken two ways! So, that would mean…”

She blinked, and then her eyes got wide. Taking a deep breath, she said, “You aren’t a Demon, that much is clear from the demon-slaying spell not working on you. So, your race is something different, something hidden. But you’ve never been seen outside of the dungeon’s influence. So, you’re a part of the dungeon? No, you must be a projection of the dungeon itself!”

Clap. Clap. Clap.

I clapped slowly, in admiration for her feat of deduction. Whether it was based on cold logic or the fevered mind of the insane, she had figured it out, which was impressive in its own right. Of course, she was clearly like one of those uberfans that could watch an episode of her favorite show and, within a couple hours have two youtube videos and six tiktoks breaking down different scenes and looking into what they meant.

“Very good, Miss Bane. Of course, now would be a great time to remind you that speaking of this to anyone not under contract with the dungeon, or where those not under contract could overhear, would be considered a violation of the terms of the contract you just signed. If you want to check, the specific paragraph is on page 27.”

The elf girl, Maranda, shook her head in disbelief. “Man, all this time, you’ve had people thinking you were a demon, and separate from the dungeon itself, but in reality, you are the dungeon? Why all the secrecy?”

I chuckled. “That much should be obvious. I’ve already had people try to kill me or take my toys three times. The last time, they sent a fleet and an army. If they had come ready to fight a dungeon that was fully awake and aware, and could plan and actively work against them? They would not have been so easy to defeat.”

Looking at the two of them, I smiled. “But that’s for later. Would either of you ladies care for a drink? I’ll admit that it is somewhat rare for me to have women seeking me out without some kind of appointment, or prior agreement in place, so I am more than a little interested in what brings you here.”

The girls both accepted a glass of whiskey, and followed as I led the way to a sitting area. I rested easily into a leather recliner, while the girls sat side by side on a sofa, facing me. Judging by the looks between the two, the angel was the reason they were here, and the elf was moral support, or something like that.

After a few sips of her drink the angel began to speak. “Well, I wanted to join your church. Um. Officially, and all that. I’ve been following you, since I found your Tome in a John’s bag while he was sleeping it off.”

“John? You look a little young to be a whore.”

Her face flushed. “I’ve been doing this since I was a fucking child. My fucking family owed money, and decided the best way to go about paying off the debt wasn’t to sell a TV or some of their possessions, but to rent me out to perverts. And when I told someone, they said I was lying, trying to get attention, and I should be ashamed of trying to slander pillars of the community. Fucking conservative Christian living right there.”

I nodded slowly, letting her continue at her own pace. She clearly had baggage, but that was fine. Most of the people who became my servants willingly had enough baggage to start one of those conveyor belts at the airport you grabbed your luggage from when you were flying.

The baggage wasn’t important. What was important was what I could make out of her. This girl clearly had some skills. And that fire was something I could definitely harness, for whatever purpose I put her to.

“I was—” she choked, emotion getting to her, but she clamped it down, hard. “I was by the freeway, getting ready to jump into traffic, you know? But then, Mar here grabbed me by the neck and tossed me to the ground, and started bitching me out until I was ready to tell her everything.” She looked over and smiled at her friend.

Maranda smiled back. “Well, I knew why I was out there. It was a good place to pick up tricks, you know? I like sex, always have, and a bit of extra money for books and tuition cut down on the loans I would need to take in order to get an education. Sure, Florida Southwestern isn’t exactly an A-list school, but it would have gotten my foot in the door.” She shrugged. “But I didn’t know why this little slip of a thing was out trying to end herself.”

I nodded. “Yes, I understand completely. I worked my way through college, myself, though I doubt anyone would have paid me for my services in your profession. Not before I was changed, at least.”

Zannah chuckled. “Anyways, Mar took me under her wing. Taught me some things, showed me how to take control. To enjoy it, instead of just being a victim. When she went back to school, I ran away from home, and joined her. Didn’t look back, until after the Apocalypse.”

“What did you do then?”

“I was an angel, and all. Picked Venus from a list of gods, because she was all about sex, right? But I had power, now, and I hadn’t forgotten what those fuckers did to me.”

She took a deep breath, and said, “So, I went, and I grabbed them up with some Capture Balls that I got cheap off the System Shop. Paid a visit to the home-town again, now that I was eighteen, and decided to let everyone know what shit-stains the people there were.”

“I can understand the desire for revenge. To make it hurt. So, you got your revenge, and then you decided to come to me?”

Zannah nodded again. “Yes, I am a switch. Dominant and submissive. Mar and I are good for some things, but we know each other too well, and have been together too long for one of us to really take control of the other. And, um, I need someone to control me.”

“I can see that. But what did you have in mind, exactly? As you can imagine, I’m not exactly lacking for sexual partners these days, so what do you bring to the table?”

“Well, I’m a spellsword and an enchanter. I’ve worked and made some magic items all on my own. Mar is a rogue, and an alchemist. She was studying Chemistry in college, wanting to do drug research.”

I nodded slowly. Actually, this could be an opportunity. “You know, you two present me with an opportunity to try something I haven’t had a chance to do before now. If you want to be my slaves, I can give you a chance to become more than you are right now. And, I guarantee that your very religious town would hate you for it.”

The girls looked at each other, and then at me, before saying, in unison, “Yes, Master.”


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