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First off, let me just say that I logged in to post this, and saw that you guys had pledged over $1000 dollars for this month! Holy crap, y'all, thank you so much! I'm so glad to have each and every one of you here!

Now, on to the meat of the post. As you know, I just finished up the Memoirs of a Supervillain trilogy, and I'll admit to getting a bit antsy as to what to do, now that I have a bit more free time on my hands. So, I thought I'd put it to you guys on what the new story ought to be. Vote in the poll, and if you have suggestions, feel free to put them in the comments below.


Seto Kyba

Oh that return home one sounds delicious!


I have loved all of your stories so far and the Summoned hero returning home with all his powers one sounds awesome to me. I can just imagine all the shenanigans he could get up to with that.


The superhero slice of life sounds nice


Cyberpunk/Shadowrun would be a fun one to see! The return of a summoned hero with their powers does sound good too though.


Voted for the returning hero, but the slice of life sounds good too

Justin "Johnist" Johanson

Summoned Hero who just returned home is Summoned again to the same world 1000 years later when they are threatened by another Demon Lord (who is actually the good guy this time around). Hero returned with his full power to find a corrupt church and nobility in charge.


A lot of your stories start or end up with high stakes, do I'd be interested in how you would approach a slice of life story.


Maybe the Summoned Hero sucked as a hero. Yeah he killed demon lord and saved the world, but he had a terrible personality and a lot of people died. Maybe this can be his redemption.


Damn they all sound great I'll read any one of them and hopefully you will make audio books of them and the rest of your series


Instead of a summoned hero returning home, have a Hero summoning for the demon side. The main character is summoned by demons and Beast men fighting against humans and other light aligned fantasy people. Finally, the main character has the unique power to absorb peoples identities and memories to disguise himself as his victims. This story will mainly focus on espionage and playing havoc in the back lines. The main characters title could be The deceit hero.

Gavin Lawrenson

I chose returning hero just because that sounds like a lot of fun power tripping but I could also get behind an isekai champion of darkness, perhaps summoned by the light but a dark God or whatever metaphorically "bumped the elbow" of the summoner causing a real son of a bitch to get summoned instead.


If you do decide to choose the idea of a summoned hero returning home, perhaps you can make the main character form a mercenary Company. You can have him start out by joining the military, but later when it becomes too restrictive for the main character you can have him leave. After the main character leaves, he can form an all female mercenary group and then the company expands like Blackstar.


You can always have the summoned hero return home to the wrong world - a superhero version of his original world.

Synn Shadow

Maybe I'm the weird one, but without context, the summoned hero returning to his original world doesn't sound that appealing. I mean, I'm assuming he returns to our world. Unless he's a dark hero, that's fairly bland. Could someone help me see the appeal?

Matthew Johnson

Sounds fun also sounds like every summoned hero story out there except for the full powers. Makes one wonder who was the good guy the first time might be too brooding of a story now that I think of that.


I'd live to read about some town/base building story with game-lit mechanics.

Matthew Johnson

Shadowrun sounds fun. Or an Antihero who owns a strip club/casino/night club (all in one).

Nancy Schneider

Please write Summoned Hero, but maybe closer to Judge Dreed versus white knight. I love your anti-heros!


A cyberpunk/shadowrun style story would be most interesting to me if not done as litrpg. An episodic tale of a solo merc with a regular cast of specialist brought in as needed to help out, with each episode a job, would be interesting. Another idea would be a small team with no real MC, but rather the team as a whole as the focus. An appealing alternative might be no new series, but more frequent updates on current ones.


I understand the fantasy and but I agree with you that a bit more detail would be nice. I think everyone else’s appeal is there picturing there one version. There a series on royal road called “he who fights with monsters” and spoilers: that’s sort of how book 2 starts.


The summoned hero, returning to his job at the corner QuickNSleazy convenience store, the grouchy landlord about to change the locks on his basement apartment, his druggie upstairs neighbors, and a complete lack of other supers. Obviously, he changes a lot of things quick, but - does he keep a secret ID, or go public? Stay heroic or villain or shade-of-grey? What happens when the people he spends time with start gaining powers? And how do the Power That Be- criminal, financial, moral, political, military, etc- react to the returnee’s very existence, even before they realize he’s the next nuke or internet that’ll completely change their worlds in new ways?


Nice, forced to work for what he detests, definite room for some fun Grossean rules-lawyering there!


Returning dark summoned hero comes home and tries to become the "Dark Lord" of his home plane, but every 'evil' thing he does makes things better for the world ...


Perhaps another story line in the "Into The Black" universe. Maybe someone who joins


OOPS return posts ... someone who joins the game latter than the first day where the current series is just background.

Brian Biggers

I think an Isekai where he is summoned to be the demon lord to be slain by the upcoming hero summoning and how he goes about defeating plot armor would be nice. Why would he care about going back home he has power that the mortals of the world can’t beat but should be defeated by summoned hero’s parties powers. He has to be summoned first and build his power base but does he follow normal demon lord scheme no every step he takes is to undermine the hero when they arrive or does he try something unique or different like set up someone else to take the fall for him or does he use the nobles to distract the hero while seducing the heroes companions etc


Turn your genius into taking a corrupt world, like the one we have, and force it to rebuild as well as provide the tech miracles to do so. Coming from the future he should know lots of cool new toys which answer a lot of current problems and makes himself rich at the same time. Must be Econ realistic.


I'll be honest, that probably isn't going to happen, purely because I don't really play town/base building games, unless you count RTS games like Starcraft. That kind of gameplay has never really been my thing, so I'm not likely to write about it.


More “Into the Black”


Summoned hero returns from a world is going through a sudden appearance of dungeons and monsters that overload their once peaceful world. That world had all the main fantasy elements and once in there history faced a similar "apocalyptic" invasion that actually brought the dungeons and monsters to their world in the first place, and now they live with them full time. This is just a newer wave of more powerful beings that actually are responsible for destroying many worlds. After he spends several years in that world learning skills, power, and knowledge (some of which is advanced for Earth and some is a mix of ancient and magical), he eventually helps them stop the immediate threat but deals with the typical betrayal, though he expected it and wasnt caught by surprise. He uses a spell he created and returns into his body only days after disappearing from Earth. So mentally he has matured but not the typical Xanxia 10000 year trope. He realized during his time in the other world that the monsters and dungeons would actually be making their way to Earth in the near future so he choise to build up his own power base so he can control his fate. Now add in multiple women, explicit violence and sex, and a splash of a "hero" that wont take shit from anyone and wont hesitate to cut down an enemy. Just a thought though.

Seto Kyba

Meh dark fate is kinda like that already. Want to see him smackdown some normals in our corrupt world.

Andy Ammeter

Honestly I won’ be happy until we get a sequel to no rules. I miss the adventures of Darkmore!