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Book VII – Bones, Claws, and Fins

Prologue – Trade Chat

(Adventurer’s Guild Official Forums, Miami Branch)

SunnyBunz, MightyMouse, ImAPally, DontYouWantMe, AsaAkiraIsBae, BestGirl, LatinHeat, Salty, Backpage, Craig34, l33tpally, Anonymous3, Anonymous4, RedFox, Kimiko, DonnyJuan, Crusader, BadCompany, HurricaneGal, Scholar, Righteous, Id10t, Satyr, DarkEnchanter, ScoopGirl, VenusFlyTramp, MagicMike, TsundereHealer, Max, LightningLegacy, SwiftTaylor, Domino, Bacchus, Aegis, Temptation, and Lord_Kickass are in the chat.

Crusader: VICTORY!

DonnyJuan: Oh, you’re one of the ones who went to go help out Naples, right? Did you manage to hold off all those undead?

LightningLegacy: Oh man, it was a rough few nights, but we made it. Thankfully, undead are weak during the days.

Lord_Kickass: So if we make a big enough push in the day, we might be able to take out that Necropolis?

RedFox: Not even close. We could get to the Necropolis, sure. But the powerful undead would be inside the pyramid or hiding underground, so their strength would be unchanged.

Lord_Kickass: Damn. I was hoping we could raid it, like Naxramas. 

Id10t: Pretty sure we are nowhere near the recommended level for that raid.

Righteous: Though we could perhaps work to contain the undead? Getting them contained and consecrating the ground would allow us to keep them bottled up until we can risk entering the tomb.

Scholar: More difficult than it sounds. We would need more materials, and preferably weapons and gear suited for striking against the Undead.

MagicMike: Well, you have a dungeon that’s always looking for playmates, right? Lets do like you did with the goblins, and feed some undead to the dungeon so we can break the Necropolis!

Crusader: Ugh. I don’t want that bastard getting any more powerful than he already is. Still pisses me off that we couldn’t destroy him.

RedFox: What’s the story between you two, anyways? You know eachother before the Apocalypse?

Crusader: You know those coaches in porn movies that blackmail students into having sex with them? He was the real-life version.

VenusFlyTramp: Oh, god, I’m so sorry!

Temptation: I like to think that bastard died in the apocalypse, to be reborn as a new, improved bastard, who no longer had to hide what he was. Very liberating.

Crusader: YOU ASSHOLE!

LightningLegacy: Don’t let him get to you. You know he enjoys it when you take the bait.

ScoopGirl: Ooh, you’re the paladin that the Demon made fall, right? Can I get an interview with you when you return to Miami? We’re still editing the interviews of the Demon and some of those who know the dungeon best.

Crusader: Um, I would rather not be on a program that enhances that asshole’s image. Sorry.

ScoopGirl: That’s all right. My producer would have killed me if I didn’t ask.

VenusFlyTramp: He would punish you for not trying to get an interview with a victim about her rapist?

ScoopGirl: He wants the story, and as long as it isn’t something untrue that we’ll have to walk back with a retraction, he doesn’t much care about the rest.

Temptation: He did give me two delicious playthings for 24 hours after my interview.

Backpage: Um, ScoopGirl, I just happened to see a new video up on PornTube…

ScoopGirl: Oh god! *blush*

Temptation: ScoopGirl here put her body on the line to get information about a part of the dungeon that few people who aren’t under my power have seen. She’s the only one that stayed sane afterwards, to her credit.

Craig34: Wait, is this about those rumored ‘breeding rooms’?

ScoopGirl: Yes. They weren’t included in the initial contract, so I had to negotiate separately to get video of the breeding rooms.

Scholar: Fascinating. ScoopGirl, would you consent to an exchange of information?

Temptation: I’ll do one better. Scholar, ScoopGirl, if you two will pay the price, I will allow you and ScoopGirl to observe the crafting of a new floor of the dungeon, when I have new creatures to populate them with.

Kimiko: My god, you’d be giving them a ‘cheat sheet’ to the entire floor!

Tempation: Well, the traps on the first floor and in Goblin Town still get people all the time, and I know people have spread guides on how to recognize the traps. I’ve even looked over the Wiki pages to make sure they’re accurate.

Kimiko: Then how do so many people keep falling into them?

Temptation: Because no one trap in my dungeon is enough to doom a party to instant death. It builds and builds, with each small mistake adding up to a bad ending. And even if you know what to look for, you might miss it if there is something else going on.

Backpage: But what do you get out of this?

Temptation: Besides the satisfaction of getting to make them squirm with the price they pay? Think of it like bringing in a consultant to make sure I don’t accidentally make things too difficult.

MagicMike: What creatures are you looking at for the next floor?

Temptation: Well, if someone could get me those Vurlocks and samples of flora and fauna in the area, I had an idea for a floor that would allow people to gather materials to subjugate them more regularly and keep the beaches safe. But if someone were to bring me a ton of undead to smack down and add to my repertoire? Well, I could definitely make an undead floor.

Salty: Fuck it, I’ll put together a group to get some Vurlocks for you. Anyone else want in? Fighter here.

AsaAkiraIsBae: Priest. I’m in.

SunnyBunz: Protect my sunbathing spots? Yes! Druid here!

LatinHeat: You’re going to need a rogue. I’m in.

DontYouWantMe: Enchanter here, got crowd control for you.

Salty: Ooh, that’ll work better then elemental damage underwater. Good group.

Temptation: May the odds be ever in your favor.



Just a thought. Lea has to have a child with each of her four male party members within four years or all of them become slaves to the dungeon. Wouldn't it be just the sort of thing for the dungeon to have secretly made one of the men impotent while healing them just to mess with them? It would probably be something that could be cured if they knew about it, but he's betting on them not realizing it until it's too late. Like I said, it's just a thought.

Patrick C

I believe she is has 3 party members but yes that would be something I could see him doing.

Rafnar Caldon

I just want to say Called it "The demon uploading stuff to a "free" porn site" back in what ever chapter that was Very nice. Also slowly breaking the inhibitions of the reporter to being a willing toy.

dakota downey

He has a priest to spread his faith he needs a reporter to spread his message