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Prologue – Trade Chat

(Adventurer’s Guild Official Forums, Miami Branch)

SunnyBunz, MightyMouse, ImAPally, DontYouWantMe, AsaAkiraIsBae, BestGirl, LatinHeat, Salty, Backpage, Craig34, l33tpally, Anonymous3, Anonymous4, RedFox, Kimiko, DonnyJuan, Crusader, BadCompany, HurricaneGal, Scholar, Righteous, Id10t, Satyr, DarkEnchanter, VenusFlyTramp, MagicMike, TsundereHealer, Max, LightningLegacy, SwiftTaylor, Domino, Bacchus, Aegis, Temptation, and Lord_Kickass are in the chat.

HurricaneGal: Damn, who invited the freaking fish-monsters back? I thought we were done with them the last time we killed them all off!

Salty: I managed to track some of them. There’s a whole colony of Sahuagin not far off shore from Miami Beach.

BadCompany: Damn. We’re going to have to go culling these bastards on a regular basis, aren’t we?

TsundereHealer: But how? Even if we had scuba tanks, that’s not enough time for real subjugation quests underwater!

Lord_Kickass: Not to mention what happens when one of those bastards manages to rip your mask off.

LightningLegacy: I would have thought that visibility would be the big problem.

VenusFlyTramp: At least we aren’t dealing with the crap that we got in Naples with those undead. The fighting in Fort Chokoloskee is getting intense.

Crusader: Yeah, I’m glad we were able to get up there in time. The adventurers here haven’t had a dungeon to run in order to increase their levels, so they were at a disadvantage.

MagicMike: Yeah, you guys who came up from Swamptown really saved our asses getting here so fast. Having several high level healers alone was enough to keep us in it.

RedFox: We do what we can.

Scholar: All right. I’ve found recipes for potions that give water breathing, increased swim speed, and the ability to see clearly underwater, but they aren’t easy to make, and they need some ingredients I haven’t been able to find yet.

BadCompany: Probably underwater.

Scholar: That is what I believe, yes.

MagicMike: Damn. That means we have to go down there to get the stuff we need to go down there, and if we don’t cull them, getting the materials we need to cull them is going to be dangerous as all hell.

Temptation: There are other options, of course.

TsundereHealer: Wait, you’re the dungeon demon, right? What’s with the new floor? That’s all kinds of messed up!

Temptation: You did notice the whole ‘demon’ part, yes? Having fun with the overly sanctimonious is one of my goals in life. And I’ve got so many lovely tools in my arsenal to play with.

Scholar: So, what? You’re talking about subjugating the Sahuagin and turning them over to you? Like you got the military to do for the goblins?

Temptation: Yes, they decided that was the way that would work best with their sensitive morals.

Crusader: Any decent person would never go for the ‘human sacrifice’ option you gave them!

Temptation: Only by modern morality. There are plenty of cultures where giving one’s life for the good of the many was celebrated.

LightningLegacy: Those were primitive cultures, where they believed gods would come and save them if they offered sacrifices!

Temptation: Ah, so it was because they believed in Gods and Magic, yes?

Scholar: Fuck.

LightningLegacy: What is it?

Temptation: Can we have a show of hands of everyone here who believes in Gods and Magic post-Apocalypse?

AsaAkiraIsBae: BURN!

Backpage: You walked into that one, man.

LightningLegacy: I hate you.

Temptation: Don’t be a bad dog. Go back to humping your little bitch.

Crusader: HEY!

Temptation: Sorry, sorry. Are you taking time off from getting done doggy gnoll style until the baby’s due?

Crusader: Fuck you.

Temptation: Is that an offer?

Scholar: Ahem. Getting back to the subject, what exactly are you proposing?

Temptation: It is possible for me to create an aquatic environment. However, with the resources currently available to me, the challenges would either be far too easy, or much too deadly for the current quality of adventurers that enter the dungeon.

Craig34: Oh fuck, I HATED the Water Temple!

Temptation: Oh ho! An excellent idea, Craig34. A few traps, having to go back and forth through the area to solve the puzzle…

Crusader: Craig? Shut up.

Craig34: Yeah, I get that.

Max: So, what does that have to do with human sacrifice?

Temptation: Say I made a water floor, and I wanted to put Sahuagin in it. I could ‘buy’ the option from the System, at great cost, or I could wait until one dies or is bound to the dungeon, at which time I have a template I can work from, allowing me to create more.

Backpage: Ah, I see.

Max: ?

Temptation: The ‘currency’ a dungeon uses with the System comes in no small part from those who enter the dungeon. Simply staying there, and surviving, gives me some steady income, but each death is money in the bank.

Crusader: And you wanted them to bring people to the dungeon and slit their throats!

Temptation: Oh yes. That would have been the fastest way, to be sure. But I didn’t order them to do anything. I didn’t coerce them in any way. I simply gave them options. They chose to send adventurers into danger, losing who knows how many in the process, so that they could turn over goblins to me, rather than take the other option.

ScoopGirl has entered the chat.

ScoopGirl: Excuse me, I’ve heard that the Demon of the Dungeon sometimes comes on this chat room, is that true?

Temptation: Oh, this should be good.

ScoopGirl: You’re the demon, then? I’m Maria Sandiego, and I work for Channel 5 News.

Temptation: Ah yes, I’ve seen your reports on the Channel 5 streams. So tell me, what would a lovely reporter like yourself be seeking out a wicked demon like me for?

ScoopGirl: Well, now that things have settled down some since the System Apocalypse, our program directors at Channel 5 wanted to have a series of interviews with some of the ‘movers and shakers’ of the community in this new world. And since the Dungeon is responsible for a great deal of the changes…

Temptation: Interesting. I could be persuaded to entertain a reporter, along with a camera person. Send me a message with the particulars, and we’ll see what we can work out.

ScoopGirl: Excellent! I’ll send the information to you now!



Lamb to the slaughter, hopefully they get a good story in exchange. Though thinking about it if he got a professional reporter and camera woman he could start his own propaganda and/or reality show, maybe showing the best and worst runs of the day or live streams of runs. One hell of a way to corrupt peoples morals if ran in the adult section and attracting the kinds of people who would like his plan.

Matthew Murphy

Sigh, every chapter i read leaves me wanting more...


Heh. If y'all haven't figured it, this is how I decided to do the 'focus on the dungeon characters' arc you guys wanted. Going to be a series of interviews, starting with our favorite military dungeon divers, and moving on from there. You guys have suggestions, feel free to shout. This is, after all, your reward.