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So, this starts off book 3. I decided with the prologues for these books I'd do my ever-popular Trade Chat format, since people seem to enjoy it.


Prologue – Trade Chat

(Adventurer’s Guild Official Forums, Miami Branch)

SunnyBunz, MightyMouse, ImAPally, DontYouWantMe, AsaAkiraIsBae, BestGirl, LatinHeat, Salty, Backpage, Craig34, l33tpally, Anonymous3, Anonymous4, Kimiko, DonnyJuan, Crusader, BadCompany, HurricaneGal, Scholar, Righteous, Id10t, Satyr, DarkEnchanter, Max, LightningLegacy, SwiftTaylor, Domino, Bacchus, Aegis, Temptation, and Lord_Kickass are in the chat.


BestGirl: I know, right? Stupid things went and ruined my day at the beach.

MightyMouse: You’re a mage, BestGirl. You were just fine. I had to fight without my armor. Why the hell were those things swarming the beach like that?

ImAPally: What were those things, anyways?

Scholar: The bestiary I acquired calls them Vurlocks. As you might guess, they’re an aquatic monster species. Think of them as an equivalent to goblins. They are resistant to water and cold, but take extra damage from electric attacks.

Craig34: Nice to know. That’ll make fighting them easier next time. You have any idea why they popped up like that?

Scholar: Well, it could be that a Spawning Ground was created for them nearby, which means we’ll have to periodically cull their numbers or see invasions like this.

Max: So, like the Goblins in Boca Raton?

Scholar: Exactly, if there is a Spawning Ground, then it is probably centered somewhere underwater.

Id10t: That’ll make culling more dangerous.

Backpage: Not too bad. Vurlock Eyes are ingredients in Water Breathing potions. And some classes get water breathing abilities, I think. Same idea as with the goblins, where the fire mages are real important in blocking their shamans’ fireballs.

Scholar: So if we’re lucky, it is just a Spawning Ground.

DontYouWantMe: Wait, that’s if we’re lucky? What if we aren’t lucky?

Scholar: There’s an underwater dungeon overflowing with aquatic monsters? Or even worse, someone opened a permanent portal to some plane teeming with the bastards?

AsaAkiraIsBae: You really aren’t helping me sleep at night, Scholar.

Salty: I checked with the guild, they’re putting together an expedition to scout the shallows. People over on South Bimini haven’t had any vurlock problems yet, so whatever it is will probably be closer to us than them, unless we got lucky because we had more people.

Craig34: Salty, if you’re still at the guild, you might want to have them check to make sure the bastards didn’t get around into the swamps.

Salty: Why’s that?

Scholar: Because from what we know, anything that dies in a dungeon can be replicated by the dungeon.

SunnyBunz: Oh HELL NO! I am not even going to think about those vicious little two-legged bastards hopped up on that pink gas. Fuck that shit.

BadCompany: Uh-oh.

Backpage: I don’t like the sound of that.

BadCompany: Well, it may be nothing, but I am a ranger, so I was in the swamp yesterday working on my wetlands movement abilities, and looking for a strong beast to tame, and noticed a couple things.

Crusader: What is it?

BadCompany: Well, the first thing is that some of the Goblins from Boca Raton are trying to get into the swamp, probably for herbs and game, since they’re probably running low on food in the ruined areas.

Scholar: *sigh* Not unexpected. It probably won’t be too long before the Dungeon has goblins to play with.

BadCompany: Goblins AND Lizardmen. I spotted a group of lizardmen in the swamp, further south. It wasn’t like a Spawning Ground, like with the goblins to the north, but we might be looking at a small tribe of the things. So far, they seem content to just stick to the deep swamp, and hunt whoever comes in their borders. But if the territory they claim encompasses the Dungeon…

Scholar: Then they will try to get in, and we’ll have them in there, as well.

Domino: I’d rather face horny goblins than that horrible Captain Hentai.

Kimiko: How did a dungeon name a slime monster Captain Hentai, anyways?

Bacchus: Well, there’s that dungeon slave on the first floor. Apparently, she was one of the first to enter the dungeon. So she might have been forced to explain all sorts of things about our world.

Crusader: You’re talking about this demon that is the dungeon master? How is it still allowed to exist?

Backpage: Because none of us are strong enough to kill it? Also, the dungeon would just respawn it probably.

Craig34: They say the few times it has shown itself has always been to ‘negotiate’ with people, usually offering them the choice of a fight, or making an ‘offering’ to the dungeon.

Salty: My team fought it once. Said it was testing us because no one from our group had died for several trips through the dungeon. Bastard’s strong, but our team was solid. Hard to say without health bars, but I think we wore him down to maybe half or a quarter strength, and then he laughed, and ended the fight. Disappeared and left a chest behind with the loot, and a clear path to the exit.

Lord_Kickass: If the exit is just a portal back to the entrance room, why doesn’t someone just try to dive through instead of fighting?

LatinHeat: One person in our group tried. We never saw him again.

Bacchus: You won’t. Have someone with Appraise or Identify check the portals sometime. The ones that you’re not allowed to go through? They apparently lead to some closed off area filled with monsters like Slime Lords and others that need outside ‘resources’ to make new monsters for the dungeon to play with.

DarkEnchanter: Another disturbing thing. Part of the loot I’d received from the dungeon was an enchantment schematic. I learned it before I took the time to realize what it was. Foolish, but I was eager for anything I might be able to sell. Wish I’d paid more attention.

Crusader: What foul enchantment did the demon give you?

DarkEnchanter: The schematic was for Slave Collars.

Crusader: You have not made any of those foul creations, have you?

DarkEnchanter: Only two, which I provided to the military and the police. Hopefully they’ll figure out a way to recognize the enchantment, and a safe way to get it off people. I’m many things, but slavery just sits wrong with me.

Id10t: Hmm. If the dungeon gave that as loot to you, who else might it have given it to, or something else?

Bacchus: I got heavenly aphrodisiac wine recipe from the dungeon.

Salty: Our Leatherworker got designs for some… risqué outfits.

Righteous: I got a recipe for a contraceptive potion.

DonnyJuan: I got the recipe to the pink mist, and our trapmaker got the recipe for gas grenades.

Scholar: Oh, I see what is happening.

Righteous: Yes, the dungeon is using social engineering on us. Just think how quickly people adapted to the idea that having sex in front of your party members was just the price of doing business in the dungeon?

Bacchus: Wow, that demon is clever.

Crusader: I am definitely going to destroy it.


Matthew Murphy

Nioce! Might want to throw in an explanation of the "trade chat" in some where... Unless it was just like in a marketplace... Cause if they have some kind of chat feature why didn't those fbi guys call for help?

Stijn Van Hove

Agreed with Matthew. I like the trade chats a lot, but since this technically isn't inside a game it would be interesting to have a bit more background how this came to pass.