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Chapter 184 – Proposition

Of course, I couldn’t go straight to a dungeon, even if I used the one under my Atlanta residence. I was a king, after all, and sometimes needed to act like it. Fortunately, this wasn’t one of those times, but I still had something to take care of before I could get to have my fun and watch my pets level up.


“So, this is really what you wanted, Yuyu?”


The little summoner smiled brightly to me as I patted her on the head, her body leaning against mine as we sat in a public park in the residential district of Ceres. When I had offered her a reward for her continued effort in improving herself, she’d asked for just the two of us to go on a walk in one of the parks. It was hard to call it anything but a date, especially with the atmosphere she was giving off.


Beyond the atmosphere, and the summoner robes she wore, I had to admit she was doing a fairly good job of attempting to entice me. It was hard not to notice how she had… developed in the year since I first summoned her, especially with how her robes were tailored to enhance her looks. Living on Ceres and being able to gain levels had certainly done wonders to her form, to the point where it was hard to reconcile her looks now with the young girl I first saw in the System Shop after a purchase from the Minion Market.


I didn’t mind the date-like atmosphere, since this was a quick and easy way of keeping one of my more valuable servants happy and productive. And while she certainly looked more mature than she had before, I was all too aware of what cosmetics could do, especially magical ones. I had no interest in unripened fruit, no matter how succulent it might look on the outside.


“Hai, goshujin-sama!” Her voice was happy, genuinely happy, which was not something I was altogether used to hearing, from anyone except my closest pets. Most people had some kind of bone to pick with me, after all. “As you have ordered, I’ve kept up with my schoolwork, and even caught up to where I ought to have been, if my former master hadn’t kidnapped me. I’m at the top of my grade in the online school I’ve been attending.”


“That is excellent news, Yuyu. You’ve been doing very well, these past few months, and I have to say I’m pleased with the hard work you continue to put in.”


“That is because I want to do everything I can to serve you, Master. You gave me purpose when I was at my lowest. When that bastard took me, and then threw me away, I thought that I would spend the rest of my life as nothing but a toy. But then, you came, and you told me that you wanted me not for my body, but for the power I had! I can’t begin to tell you how much that meant to me in that moment.”


“Well, besides the fact that your summoning ability gives you the power to bring forth experts in subjects that I am only barely able to hold a conversation on, I am not someone who delights in tormenting children. My appetites do not extend to those who are underage, which is part of the reason that the laws of Ceres have protections for the young, though the actual laws had to be worded so that the Age of Consent was based on the race of the child, rather than a single standard.”


“Because of races like goblins and elves, right, Master?”


“Exactly,” I nodded, smiling at the summoner. “By the System, goblins are full-fledged adults at three years old, while an elf at 50 is barely considered out of childhood. Any law that tried to put a set standard across the board would invariably have people being either taken advantage of or excluded from society. Neither of those things is good or healthy for a growing country, which meant that I needed to make the law more adaptable, and tie it to something that was harder to manipulate, like the System itself.”


Yuyu paused, and then said, “Master, just so you know, I turned eighteen yesterday.”


I blinked in surprise. “Really? I’ll admit, I hadn’t looked into your age specifically, but I thought that for sure you were fifteen, if not younger, when I first met you.”


She shook her head. “No, Master. I was in the middle of what you Americans would call eleventh grade, or my second year in high school, as Japan sees it. Part of the reason I looked like I did was due to one of my former master’s spells. His class had something to do with time, I think. Not time travel, or anything like that, but more like manipulating the flow of time, I think? He wanted me to look younger, since it would keep people from recognizing me as easily, I think, but also because each time my body was rolled back, it was ‘fresh’ for him once more. After I was sold, however, the spell wore off over time, allowing me to look my true age.”


“Interesting,” I said, leaning back to consider that. “It sounds like he was some variation of the Time Mage class, then. Let me guess, it took a good bit of time and concentration for him to change you, right?” Yuyu nodded, and I grinned. “Then, yeah, Time Mage sounds right. Most people only think of them in terms of Haste or Slow spells, speeding up allies and slowing down enemies in combat, but they aren’t limited to just those kinds of spells. If he’d managed to get stronger, he would have been able to do things like time-stops, and other interesting stunts. If, somehow, he’d managed to get to Tier 4, then he might have learned actual time travel, rather than the accidental type I used in other timelines.”


I sighed, and shook my head. “Stupid dumbass would have had all sorts of opportunities if he had thought with his big head, instead of his little one. Or if he’d actually been enough of a Master to actually keep his slaves in line. Instead, well, he clearly did not have what it took to make you submit, and the first time something happened, he panicked, and sold you. Which is for the best, because you deserve better than that, Yuyu. Not many people would have emerged from that as strong as you have shown yourself to be.”


The summoner blushed, and said, “Thank you, Master.” Then, she paused, her head lowered, and said, in a softer tone, “Master, would it be possible for me to ask you for a gift, since it was my birthday yesterday?”


I chuckled, and nodded. “Well, I do like to give my slaves gifts, when appropriate. A late birthday present is certainly something I can do, within reason. So, what is it that you would like, Yuyu?”


She took a breath, and then looked me in the eye. “Master, my former owner was not skilled as a Master, as you said. He was also not skilled in many other ways, especially in the bedroom. Not exactly his fault, since neither of us were experienced before my enslavement, but he did not care to learn, so long as he was pleased, in the end.”


Well, this conversation was starting to take an unexpected turn, to be sure. Not that I couldn’t guess where she was going with this. Especially after she made sure to mention how she was eighteen, now. Still, I didn’t want to jump to conclusions, and find that she was talking about something else. My skills didn’t protect me from emotional damage, after all.


“Sadly, there are a lot of men like that. Oh, there’s a time for just taking your pleasure from someone, especially if it is in the throes of conquest, or something like that. However, once that is done, true dominance, true mastery, comes from showing your superiority in not just taking pleasure, but ensuring the other party receives it, preferably better than they’ve had before.”


I sighed. “This was a problem, even before the Apocalypse. All these ‘alpha males’ who thought that being assholes meant that they were dominant, and thought that doing anything for a woman’s pleasure made them weak. That was just their insecurity and lack of skill talking. The people who say such things are just admitting to the world that they do not even have the skill of a mindless ‘breeder’ slime in pleasuring women, and have to rely on money or violence to coerce women to sleep with them, rather than having women actually want them. Which is why I take great care to ensure that every woman I have my way with thoroughly enjoys the experience.”


Yuyu bit her lip, and nodded. “That is part of what I wanted to talk to you about, Master. Hibari-san and I met after I finished summoning the lawyers for you, and we’ve remained friends since then. She’s told me quite a bit about how… thorough you can be in that department, and I must confess that I am jealous.”


I almost spoke up, but I could tell she wasn’t done speaking, yet. “When you first bought me, and I got to speak with some of your women, I thought that it would only be a matter of time before I, too, became part of your harem. However, you gave me a task, and believed in me, never once forcing me to do anything… like that. And I know that you gave orders to those around me that I was ‘off limits’, at least until I was of age, and I thank you for that, Master.


“But now, I am no longer underage, even by the laws of Ceres. So, in some ways, many options that were closed to me before are now open. And, since I have not been touched like that since the last time my former master ‘youthened’ me, my current body has not yet been with a man. In that mindset, if I can ask anything of you, Master, it would be to ask you to give me the honor of showing me how it feels to be pleasured, as you do your women, and teach me how to give pleasure in return, at least this once.”


I took a breath, to calm myself before I could say anything stupid. Because my first thought, at having an attractive young woman who was also my slave basically ask me to fuck her as a birthday present was… not exactly tactful or respectful to her, or the situation. Yuyu was a valuable tool in my kit, and I did not wish to lose that tool by thinking with my dick instead of my brain.


“Well, Yuyu, I have to say that I am flattered. Especially since you actually know me, and aren’t trying to do this for some political game, or to try and gain power. Most women who throw themselves at me want something, even if it is simply the chance to boast about how they got to sleep with the King. Not that I mind such things, obviously. My nature as a Greater Incubus actually thrives on it.


“However,” I said, putting a hand on her shoulder, “I also value your contributions to my kingdom too much to simply take what is offered without even asking questions. What is it that you want out of this, Yuyu? Do you want to be one of my women, and carry my child? Or do you simply want an experience of what sex should be, before looking to find a partner of your own?”


The summoner’s breath caught in her throat. She took a moment, to gather her courage. When she spoke, it was with a calm voice and certain tone. “Master, please make me one of your women, and allow me to give you a child.”


“Well, I can hardly argue with that kind of resolve.”



Caleb Bear

I wonder what class upgrades she'll get to choose from after this

Demian Buckle

Thank you for a great chapter. I very much enjoy your ideology of Domination, it is very refreshing to other authors who just have it where the submissive is little more than a tool for the pleasure of the dominant.