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Chapter 31 – Level Up, Part 1

I groaned as I stirred to wakefulness. Everything ached, and not in that fun, “I got fucked into oblivion last night” kind of way. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been so sore when I woke up.


You have leveled up!

You are now Level 16.

You have 13100/13600 XP to reach Level 17.


+81 CHA, +18 STR, +18 DEX, +18 WIS, +9 INT, +9 CON

36 Attribute Points to spend.

27 Skill points to spend.


I blinked at the blue box hovering in the air in front of me. Right. The fight against the goblins. I was boosted by my titles, and when the Goblin Hero died, they cut out, causing me to crash. Might as well deal with the level up stuff now, before the day really gets started. Attributes first.




Mhyrsha Shadowsoul


Greater Succubus


Mind Sorceress / Spellshooter






131000 / 136000


12800 / 12800

HP Regen:

168 per hour


16000 / 16200

MP Regen:

544 per min


36400 / 36400

SP Regen:

107 per min


Enchantress, Illusionist, Seductress, Virgin’s Bane, Black Widow, Hero Slayer II, Roaming Boss, Baroness, Divine Curse, Executioner



















Gain +9 CHA, +2 STR, +2 DEX, +2 WIS, +1 INT, +1 CON per level

36 Attribute Points remaining

Gain 4 Attribute Points per level


All right, definitely need to build up my lowest attributes. Especially since they were key to both my HP and MP. HP was life, and the more MP I had, the better, since I’d be able to throw spells around better. Twenty points to CON, and the rest to INT would go a long way to evening my scores out, and brought my max HP to 16,800 and my max MP to 17,800. Still somewhat lacking compared to my stamina, but that was fine, for now.


Wait, something was wrong. My CHA and Defense were off, slightly. I’d gained twenty points of CHA, and an extra twenty points to my Defense. And it looked like they were item bonuses? Wait, I had items that levelled up with me, right?


Mhyrsha’s Magnificent Robes




Unique - Scaling




2 kg

The personal robes of Mhyrsha the Enchanting Spellshooter. In addition to their ability to shift with her as she changes shapes, the robes provide more protection from weapons and magic than you might expect. They have also been enchanted to aid in seduction, and to increase the effectiveness of Enchantment and Illusion effects. These robes have been further personalized and bound to her, growing in power every ten levels.


+40 Defense

+40 CHA

Glamoured – This garment not only shifts to fit any form Mhyrsha takes, but it can also shape itself into any garment she desires.

Summoned – Mhyrsha can summon the robes to her at any time, so long as they are on the same plane. They appear on her body, as if she had been wearing them.

Seductress – Seduction skill is 20% more effective.

Beguiler – Illusion and Enchantment spells or abilities cast by the wearer are 20% more effective.

Soulbound – Soulbound to Mhyrsha. Cannot be lost or stolen. Cannot be worn by anyone else while she lives.

NoDrop – This item does not drop when the wearer is killed.

Unmarred – This item cleans and repairs itself over time by using ambient mana. Cannot be destroyed.

Beauty is Luck – Add CHA to Luck.

Too Pretty to Hit – All damage dealt to wearer is reduced by their CHA.


That explained the extra CHA and Defense. My armor leveled up when I hit Level 10, and boosted the stats. Also gave me a nice little bonus. So, not only was I so pretty that it made me lucky, kept people from hitting me, increased my stamina, and helped me recover my MP faster, but now it also reduced the damage I took? Magic was crazy, sometimes.


Mhyrsha’s Spellshooter


One-handed Pistol


Unique – Scaling




1 kg







Damage Type

Piercing / Force

This signature weapon of the Spellshooter class is personalized to Mhyrsha, and can only be used by her. It cannot be lost or stolen, and if disarmed, she can resummon the pistol immediately. The weapon has an 8-round magazine for physical ammunition, but can also fire magic bullets made of kinetic force. Magic bullets cost 10 MP per round. This weapon grows alongside its wielder, gaining new properties every 5 levels.


Magic Missiles – The Magic Bullets fired from the Spellshooter always hit their target, unless protected by a Force effect, like a Shield spell. Does not apply to physical ammunition, or spell shots like Fire Shot. Cannot be used for precision damage or critical hits.

Indestructible – This weapon cannot be damaged or destroyed, and will not jam, under any conditions.

Heretical – Deals 20% more damage to Celestial beings and divine casters.

Double Tap – By paying twice the MP or SP cost, the wielder can fire twice with each pull of the trigger. Must have the same target(s). Works with magic bullets, physical ammunition, and spell shots.

Ablating Shots – All shots reduce the target’s Defense by 1% for 1 minute. Additional hits stack, and reset the timer. Cannot reduce the target’s Defense by more than 50%.


My Spellshooter had also levelled up. No attributes, unfortunately, but I did get two absolutely nasty abilities. Double Tap let me shoot auto-hit bullets twice as fast, while Ablating Shots made each hit reduce the target’s Defense, making them easier to hurt, not just for me, but for my party. Very nice.


Available Skills:

Note: Your available skills are based on your Race, Class, Profession, and activities.


Racial Skills (Greater Succubus):

Desire Reflection – Allows you to project a glamour that makes you look like a viewer’s most desirable romantic partner.

Aerial Defender – Gain 10% to Defense while in flight.

Bestow Glamour – Enhance a willing individual’s looks, adding to their CHA, for a price.

Touch of Depravity – Increase an individual’s libido, reduce their WIS temporarily.

Contract Magic – Able to create magically binding contracts.

Fool’s Wisdom – Increase a willing individual’s WIS, for a price.

Sensual Violation – Add victim’s HP and MP regeneration to the bonus regeneration from Sensual Recharge when violating an unwilling sentient creature. (Costs 2 Skill Points)

Unholy Violation – When violating an unwilling sentient creature, (Your Level – Victim’s Level) percent chance to permanently drain stat points from the victim and add them to your own. Percent chance is doubled for creatures of the Celestial type. (Costs 2 Skill Points)


Class Skills (Mind Sorceress):

Bind Familiar – Bind a creature’s spirit to yours, making them your familiar.

Mental Intrusion – When you successfully penetrate a creature’s mind, you can create a personal gap in their defenses, giving you a +25% bonus to future mental attacks and manipulation.

Lesser Glamour – Can create an illusion to make yourself look like any creature of your general size and shape. Does not affect clothing or gear.

Psychic Weapons – All weapon attacks deal additional psychic damage equal to (CHA/10).

Group Shields – Can use shielding spells on up to (CHA/10) people at once, for the same cost. (Requires at least one Shield spell known to take.)

Pierce Defenses – Damaging spells deal a minimum of 10% their normal damage, no matter the target’s defenses. Does not apply to creatures who are immune to that spell’s damage type.

Mental Awareness – Automatically detect mental spells and effects being used within 50 meters of you, so long as your (CHA+Level) is greater than the user’s (WIS+Level).

Debilitating Spells – By paying twice the MP cost, you can cause your spells to inflict crippling illusions on your targets as an additional effect. You may reduce one of the target’s attributes by (your CHA - Target’s WIS) for the duration of the spell’s normal effect. (Costs 2 Skill Points)

Bolstering Spells - By paying twice the MP cost, you can cause your spells to bolster an ally’s abilities as an additional effect. You may increase one of the target’s attributes by (your CHA - Target’s WIS) for the duration of the spell’s normal effect. (Costs 2 Skill Points)


Class Skills (Spellshooter):

Super-Critical Shots – Critical hits with your Spellshooter deal x4 damage, instead of x2.

Rapid Fire – Able to shoot twice as fast as normal with your Spellshooter, for increased SP cost per shot.

Stun Rounds – While using your Spellshooter, you can choose to have your shot do no damage. Instead, it prevents the target from moving or acting for 2 seconds.

Knockback Rounds – While using your Spellshooter, you can choose to have your shot deal half damage. Instead, the target will be pushed (0.1*(Damage Lost – (Target Level/Your Level))) meters away from you.

Blinding Shot – While using your Spellshooter, you can choose to have your shot do no damage. Instead it blinds the target for 10 seconds. Not effective on some creature types.

Crippling Shot – While using your Spellshooter, you can target a creature’s limbs, temporarily debilitating them. Cannot be used with magic bullets.

Piercing Shots – Spell shots (including magic bullets) deal a minimum of 10% of their normal damage on a hit, no matter the target’s defenses. Does not apply to creatures who are immune to that spell’s damage type.

Tracker Shot – While using your Spellshooter, you can choose to have the shot do no damage. Instead, it plants a magical marker on the target, lasting up to 24 hours. You always know the distance and direction to a marked target, so long as you are on the same plane. Can have up to (Level/10) marks at once.

Explosive Shots – While using your Spellshooter, you can pay twice the cost in MP or SP, and cause your shots to explode on impact, dealing their normal damage to all creatures and objects within a (Level/10) meter radius. (Costs 2 Skill Points)

Transfer Shot – While using your Spellshooter, you can choose to have the shot do no damage. Instead, you teleport to the point of impact. Costs 100 MP per meter teleported in this fashion. (Costs 2 Skill Points)


Profession Skills (Courtesan):

Magic Touch (Delay Poison) – The Courtesan is able to imbue magic into her touch, spending MP to delay damage from poisons in a target by (CHA) minutes. This delay does not count against the poison’s duration.

Carnal Relations – A Courtesan uses her body to build trust. Using Carnal Arts on a creature causes them to become friendlier to the Courtesan, and makes her words more believable.

Magic Touch (Replenish Stamina) – The Courtesan is able to imbue magic into her touch, spending MP to restore a creature’s SP. For every (CHA) MP spent, the target gains (CHA*100) SP. Cannot be used on the same target more than 1/hour.

Magic Touch (Rest Easy) – The Courtesan is able to imbue magic into her touch, spending MP to send a creature into restful slumber. Courtesan’s (CHA+Level) must be higher than the target’s (WIS+Level). This is an Enchantment effect. Target sleeps for 8 hours, or until woken by outside influence.

Magic Touch (Pacify) – The Courtesan is able to imbue magic into her touch, spending MP to cause a creature to become temporarily nonhostile. This is an Enchantment effect, and lasts for (CHA) minutes, or until the target is threatened by the Courtesan or her allies.

Magic Touch (Remove Poison) – The Courtesan is able to imbue magic into her touch, spending MP to cleanse poisons from a creature’s body. Must have Magic Touch (Delay Poison) to take.

Magic Touch (Frenzy) – The Courtesan is able to imbue magic into her touch, spending MP to cause a creature to go into a frenzy, rampaging about. This is an Enchantment effect, and lasts for (Courtesan’s CHA - Target’s Level+WIS) minutes. Effects of Frenzy depend on target’s nature. (Costs 2 Skill Points)

Magic Touch (Cure Disease) – The Courtesan is able to imbue magic into her touch, spending MP to rid the target of diseases plaguing them. Nonmagical diseases automatically affected. Magical diseases can only be cured if the Courtesan’s (CHA+Level) is greater than the source of the disease’s (CON+Level). (Costs 2 Skill Points)


General Skills:

Mounted Combat – Able to fight (including using spells) while mounted without penalty.

Survival – Allows you to have a better chance foraging for food, finding shelter, and other tasks necessary for surviving in the wilds.

Ritualist – Able to create and perform magical rituals if they have the proper knowledge.

Leadership – Able to better lead others in a crisis situation, such as battle.

Fortifications – Able to design fortifications to withstand an enemy assault. Does not help with construction.

Inspiring Speech – Able to increase morale and suppress fear through your speech.

Glorious Visage – A rare skill, only offered to those who have extremely high CHA for their level. While fighting, all allies within line of sight gain 10% to all attributes, and all enemies within line of sight lose 10% to all attributes.


I whistled softly to myself as I looked at my list of available skills. I had 27 points to play with, and it looked like there were some extremely useful options here. The ‘2-point’ ones were all really powerful-looking, as well. I was going to have to put some major thought into this.


Demian Buckle

Thank you for the Chapters.

Mark May

Taking the anti poison and cure disease would make for a more robust party, specially if enemy targets the healer