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Chapter 89 – Party Plans

“Ooh, Icy! So glad you’re here!”


I chuckled at Party Girl’s words as I moved her way. “Really? I don’t think we’ve ever interacted before, Party Girl. And I am quite certain we’ve never worked together, or been on competing jobs.”


“Oh, no, nothing like that,” Party Girl laughed, shaking her hands in denial. “But people talk, you know? You’re pretty famous, or maybe infamous? Like, out of all the mind controllers here, you and I are the only ones known more for everything else we do, rather than for any wicked mindbreaking shenanigans we pull. Yeah, Mindtaker and Mistress Midnight are known for their other abilities, as well, but being able to control people is still what most people think of first, when they think of them. You and me, though? Not like that.”


“Well, when you put it like that, I can’t disagree. Though you’re known as a raver who ended up on the wrong end of some bad voodoo when someone cut zombie dust in with the drugs, and I’m known as a thief and assassin who is wanted by pretty much everyone. That said, I was impressed when my Web Mistress pulled up some research on you, and your career. You’ve done an admirable job keeping out of trouble, despite your diet. How do you manage that?”


“Oh, that?” Party Girl laughed. “Simple, really. I have a deal with some of the workers at the morgues in New Orleans and the surrounding parishes. You know how it is, a body gets delivered to the morgue, and no one claims the body. I take the body off their hands, and they don’t have to pay for cremation costs. Everyone’s happy. Of course, the lab coats definitely make me pay for my meals, but it isn’t anything I’m upset about.”


“I hesitate to ask, but what do you pay with? My read of things was that you were never exactly flush with funds?”


“Oh, that’s easy! I pay the same way I pay for most things, like rent. The landlord of the place I’ve been staying at calls me a ‘self-lubricating fleshlight’. Thinks it is a funny joke for a slut like me, but so what? I enjoy sex, and if I can get laid and not have to pay for things, why not? And people who work in the morgue are usually shy types, so they just love when I give them attention.”


“No offense to you, or your partners, but I would much prefer the girls I sleep with to have a pulse. Bodies above room temperature is optional, given that I ‘run cold’, myself, but a pulse is mandatory for me, as a general rule. Not counting things like sexbots, I guess.”


Party Girl shook her head, clearly not put out by my response. “Hey, you’re not being judgy, so I won’t, either. But yeah, most people don’t like the idea of a girl being cold to the touch. They can’t usually tell I don’t have a pulse, but my body being room temperature? Yeah, they can tell.”


“Excuse me,” FX said, leaning in. “But we actually met once before. I know you wouldn’t recognize me, like this, but you remember a party you threw in Chicago, about two years ago? And the special effects everyone was seeing?”


Party Girl squealed in happiness. “Oooh! I remember that. The organizers had this local talent who did some killer special effects! Stuff that would have taken serious budget to do any other way. That was you, then?”


“Yes! I go by the name FX, by the way. Because my power is mostly illusions, you see.”


“Oh, yeah, totally get that!” Party Girl grinned, before looking at me. “Man, Icy, I wouldn’t have pegged you for picking up someone with a ‘noncombat’ power like that. Seems like all your crew are heavy hitters in their own way, at least according to what the news and the forums say. What prompted you to add her to the fold?”


“Well, I was on a date with a few of my girls in Chicago, last month. You know, when people were starting to go wild because the Squadron Supreme had basically been taken off the board? We went to a New York style pizza place, and FX here was waiting tables. Nice meal, but the Klowns interrupted it by pulling up outside and grabbing people for their circus.”


“Was this the stop where they managed to grab that firestarter type from the Storm Front people? Firebug, or something like that? I remember it was big news, with people on TV saying he was basically a dead man, and wondering what this would mean, going forward. And then it just, disappeared. Like, he managed to get free somehow? Did you grab him?”


“Well, that is the stop I was talking about, but I didn’t rescue Firebug. FX covered the restaurant with an illusion, making everyone look like they were white, which made the Klowns focus their attention elsewhere long enough for Storm Front to show up. Firebug got tackled into their Kar, and we split.”


“Uh-huh,” FX nodded. “And that is when Master offered me a chance to join up. He said there was a lot of potential in my illusions, being able to misdirect people and control the battlefield, even if I didn’t have any offensive powers.”


Party Girl grinned. “Yeah, girl! Trust Icy to know about putting on a show! I might not be a big league villain like he is, but I’ve seen the kind of things he’s done, and he definitely has an eye for spectacle. Plus, the balls to pull off that crazy shit! Killing a Senator in the middle of her speech? That was fucking insane!”


“Well, you could say that I was a theater brat in another life,” I said, laughing. “But what about you, PG? You got any fun stories to tell? And, if you don’t mind me asking, how easily does that curse of yours spread? I know in different zombie movies, it is usually any body fluids can infect someone, but what about for you?”


“Oh, I don’t mind talking about that at all!” Party Girl smiled widely as she turned her attention back to me. “Talking about how my curse spreads helps people trust me, and makes them more likely to party with me. My curse isn’t like most of those movie zombies. Blood spray, spit, and the more ‘fun’ body fluids are all perfectly safe. Well, as safe as anything is when you’re at a rave, you know?”


I nodded my understanding, so she continued, “Well, for me, and my curse, it triggers only when I bite someone living. Since this System came around, it changed so that it only activates if my bite deals ‘BODY damage’. If that doesn’t happen, the curse won’t activate, no matter what. Of course, if I do deal BODY damage to someone with the bite, then, like the movies, it is only a matter of time until they turn, unless someone hits them with a counter.”


“So as long as you remember ‘no teeth’, it is fine?”


“HAH! Good thing that, even before I was like this, I never had any guys needing to remind me about that. But I do have some ‘protection’, just in case. Especially if it has been a while since I ate. That is the only time when I’m really in danger of losing control. After all, you sit a hungry girl down at the table, put a nice big sausage in her mouth, and then expect her not to eat it up? That’s just mean, right?”


Web Mistress giggled, and said, “Oh, certainly. But I really hope you don’t go nibbling on Master’s sausage. He has many women who are hopelessly addicted to it, as it is.”


“That’s what I heard,” Party Girl grinned. “Hey, Icy, you gotta let me know. Which of the Squadron Supreme girlies is best in the sack? Stepford and I were having a bit of a bet going on, so we have to know who was the best.”


“Well, that depends. Are we talking about before they were enslaved, or after? Because that makes a big difference. Once they’re bound to my will, they are all much more ‘enthusiastic’, even if they still try and hold on to who they were before.”


“Ooh, really? Well, why not give me both?”


I chuckled, and said, “Well, before they were enslaved, I would have to go with the former Lady Victory. When I caught her, she kept struggling against my control, even after she knew it was useless. I made her strip down, go face down and ass up, and beg me to fuck her ass, in the hopes that I wouldn’t knock her up and have her disgrace herself in full view of the public. Too bad for her that ended up being what enslaved her.”


Party Girl leaned in, excited. “So, is it true that you have some kind of sex demon bound in your body, or something like that? And your cum makes every woman who touches it your horny little sex slave?”


“Well, I won’t give away all my secrets, but I will say that, yes, my cum can transform women into my slaves. But it is something I can choose to activate or not. And it is not generally strong enough to take effect unless the woman’s mental defenses have been thoroughly weakened.”


“Damn, that’s some hentai shit right there! I love it! Say, Icy, you ever think about maybe doing a bit of a collab? I’ve had a couple issues with this super called Purity. She’s been trying to ‘clean up the city’, by which she means getting rid of all the ‘pagan influences and impious living’ in the French Quarter. Trying to get New Orleans, of all places, to get sober! Can you believe that shit? Its like wanting Vegas to give up gambling!”


“Ah, so a religious zealot with powers is making your life difficult? What, exactly, are her abilities? And what would you like for me to do about her?”


“Well, she has a bunch of ‘purification’ abilities. Like, makes holy ground, or prays and bolts of holy light go attacking people. Rumor says she has these powers because she’s some kind of sacred virgin, or some such bullshit. I figure, you rail her real good, and see if you can’t make the holy woman turn to sin.”


I felt Bloodmoon tense up beside me, and nodded to her. “Bloodmoon, you have some thoughts on this, I take it?”


“Yes, Master,” she said, bowing her head. “While I can understand the need to remove potential players from the board, I do not want to have someone stripped of their powers, as I was. At the very least, if you choose to go after her, can you seduce her, rather than force her? Make her give up her purity on her own? I know that I am asking much of you, Master, but I think that it would further aid your image if you did things that way.”


“And it would separate me from Jinlong, and how he did things, right?”


“Yes, Master.”


Party Girl smiled. “Aw, that is just so damn cute how you keep your girls’ thoughts in mind. Better than some of this lot, that’s for sure. But, if you don’t want to go after Purity, then we could still party. I know where the New Orleans branch manager of the SDI lives. She’s a cute one, too. Could get her to start giving you all kinds of information on what they’re doing, yeah?”


“And what, exactly, would you get out of this, Party Girl?” I asked.


“Oh, that’s simple. My minions can still use things like weapons and armor, even if they don’t have all their brains anymore. I’ll just get some off the guards you cut down, and fill up my larder at the same time.”


“Hmm. I’ll consider it. But have you considered another line of work, Party Girl?”


“What do you mean? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m not exactly cut out for a 9 to 5.”


“I was thinking more along the lines of evidence disposal. Someone has an inconvenient body that they need taken care of, they bring it to you, pay you a bit of a fee to dispose of it, and then no one ever finds the corpse, especially not in a state that forensics could tell anyone anything.”


Party Girl’s mouth fell open. “DAMN! That is some sick, twisted thinking, Icy! I LOVE it! Oh, shit, I get fed and get paid at the same time? Fuck yes! I knew coming to this party was gonna be awesome!”



Colin Dearing

Body disposal, so obvious once it has been pointed out :)