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I am   happy to say that the restoration of the Parthenon is almost complete. Seeing   the temple in that state was heartbreaking.

Hearth   Keeper

Well,   considering that most of it was still standing, after thousands of years and   who knows how many wars? That’s still very impressive.


True.   Especially since we weren’t around to provide protection for the sites.

Peaceful   Rest

I am   happy for you. At least most people know of you. The tribe that brought me   into being has almost been extinguished. Only a few thousand remain.


Who   might you be, and who are your people?

Peaceful   Rest

I am   called Tia, of the Haida people. They live in what is called the Pacific   Northwest.


Ah,   yes. This is true in many parts of the world. ‘Progress’ and warfare have   reduced many tribes, especially as larger religions throw their weight   around. And, for those who would know me, I am Maat, of the Egyptian   pantheon.


However,   it is not all bad. The System has woken us up, yes, but it has also spurred   others to seek discovery, especially when they are dissatisfied with the   religions that have been causing trouble.


Indeed.   And there is nothing saying that we cannot go out and spread belief in us,   revitalizing our churches, and allowing us to gain power once more.

Hearth   Keeper

Sounds   like you have a plan in the works, Shiva.


Well,   not my plan, alone. With how populous India is, we’ve found some people who   are seeking to go and emigrate to another world, planting the seeds for our   worship to grow elsewhere. It was FourHead (Brahma) who came up with the   idea.


For a   god of Creation, he has poor naming sense, it seems.


*laughs*   He was still waking up when he was given the prompt, and the System truncated   his description of himself into that. Now, he can’t change it. Which is why   he doesn’t post much, here.


Hmm.   Expanding your worship to the stars, huh? That is something to consider.


Oh,   Hera! How are things going with you and ‘dad’? Has he been behaving himself?


Yes,   yes he has. The little romp Venus and I had with Pleasurable Domination in   front of him curbed his wild tendencies, at least for a while.


So, he   hasn’t gone and taken the form of a goose again?


No. I   went and opened a profile on one of those dating apps. As long as no one is   deceived, and I tell Hera about it, then she’s fine, for the most part.


You   signed up for a mortal dating service?


I was   warned that mortals are… not as accepting of my old ways of finding a   companion.


Meaning   that turning into animals and forcing yourself on them is a good way to get   Godslayers called on you.

Pleasurable   Domination

Oh,   there’s a new name. I didn’t think the Abrahamic religions had settled enough   for any of them to truly ‘wake up’.


This   System lists me as a Divine Messenger. Probably the Catholics’ doing. At any   rate, more than a mortal, less than a deity, but enough that I can speak on   these forums, it seems.

Hearth   Keeper

So,   what word is there about the rest of your faith? Those schisms must be   troubling.


Well,   it is very weird. So far, it looks like the fractures are growing, but   somehow that is a good thing?

Pleasurable   Domination

Actually,   it is. If the God of the Jews can break off from the God of the Bible and the   God of Islam, then those three will be able to coalesce, and actually start   functioning. From my conversations on the galactic GodNet, I don’t think the   schisms between, say, Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestants, or the   ones between Shia and Sunni followers of Islam, or… well, you get the idea,   would be enough to cause further fracturing.


That   agrees with what SaintPete and I have been seeing.


Oh,   Dom. While you’re here, I’ve been hearing some interesting news from one of   my worshippers who visits that dungeon town you’re associated with. What is   this about some of your followers from another system coming on pilgrimage?


Wait,   you have worshippers outside of Earth? How did you manage that, and so soon?

Pleasurable   Domination

Well,   my connection with the Forbidden Chambers of Exotic Pleasures dungeon has   allowed me to spread my influence through the Dungeon version of GodNet,   including getting my holy book out in the wider galaxy. That’s part of how   ‘Dungeons’ got added to my portfolio, actually.


Interesting.   But what about these pilgrims? What are they up to?

Pleasurable   Domination

Well,   they’ve been running the dungeon on the second hardest difficulty on offer.   That allows them to use guns, and other such things, but also means that the   dungeon is also not as restricted as it might be.


Trying   to kill off your own pilgrims, Dom?

Pleasurable   Domination

Oh,   no. I’m not pulling any punches, as the Americans would say, but I’m not   actively trying to kill them. That happens when people go in on the hardest   difficulty, because then they are treated as invaders coming specifically to   kill the dungeon, and are treated accordingly. No, I’ve been very good.   Haven’t even thrown my dragon at them.

Great   Sage

Ooh,   Domination, you have a dragon? You have been holding out on me! I must fight   it!

Pleasurable   Domination

I did   not tell you about the dragon because it is not worth your time, or   attention. The dragon is barely more than a youngster, not even grown into   its full power, and certainly not on a level where it would give you a proper   fight. The only challenge you would get from the battle is in trying to stave   off boredom, I am afraid.

Great   Sage

Oh,   fine. I do not wish to have the name of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven be   tarnished by saying that I seek out unworthy foes to torment, when they have   not given me any offense.


As it   should be. My research on this System tells me that gods who make a habit of   picking on the mortals tend to get Godslayers called in after them.

Pleasurable   Domination

But to   continue answering your question, Owl, the pilgrims just broke through into   Tier 3, I believe making them the first mortals not attached to a dungeon to achieve   that position on Earth.

Hearth   Keeper

Good   for them. They were properly respectful to my priestess when they visited her   floor, even though she was not of their faith.

Pleasurable   Domination

The   Tome of Kuronoth reminds the reader that greater pleasures come from honeyed   words than barbed tongues, especially when the other party has offered no   offence to you or yours.


And   they are continuing in the dungeon?

Pleasurable   Domination

Yes.   They are intent on being the first to complete the dungeon on that   difficulty, including the desert floors which no party has managed to   complete yet, even on the easier mode. You’d like them, Owl. They might give   Odysseus a run for his money in cleverness.


Oh,   really? I may have to get my worshipper to meet with them, when they emerge   from your dungeon, then.


Andy Ammeter

I want to see a version of the god net but more of a novel with various Gods from your other novels and future ones interacting in a new series. Like “new gods” but have to learn the system and gather faith. Pantheons are the new thing and let there be holy wars, but started from misconceptions and the mortals being hard headed

Jamie wood

Yeah, Jedi being a subclass of Paladin would work nicely. What about Sith though, would it work as a subclass of Berserker?

King Hawke

aren't all Jedi psychics? so a special Psychic Cleric Class. while the Sith would be a Psychic Dark Cleric Class.