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According to the ideas of some supporters, I will prepare to develop several challenging projects. For example, a plug-in that can transform a CUA mesh into a soft object.

This time, it mainly adds support for audio. At the same time, it supports playing multiple audio at the sametime (which can greatly enhance the sense of reality).

How to use ?

1. Create a directory and copy the sound effects of water.

2. Select the destination audio folder.Adjust the number of audio played at the same time.

3. It can be used.



hello. when you are plan to add "emmit certain quantity of fluid particles and then stop emiting and leave emmited fluid until manualy cleaned" :) without it it loose half of its intended functionality which was to simulate single ejaculation :( PS: thta functionality required to add that "Clean all emited fluid particles" button :D


Seriously, that clean all emited is must have for now, couse in curent state whole plugin required good time of testing to get good results(and it realy can get good result) and without cleaning button it waste our time waiting for particles to disappear. so please first of all add that funcionality(which seem not very complicated regarding to all what youve achived :D). PS: could you please explain wht Grab reflecion map do? it do not seem to work with grabing refflecion if i uderstand it should make picture of environment and use it as reflection map but i do not see any effect for it. Should it also get person atoms in reflection or just static objects like cuas and shapes?