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The new version of the plug-in will not be released until later. This time, it is mainly to release some progress during this period.

From my own point of view. Before, the biggest problem of fluid effect was that it would appear granular when viewed closely (especially for small streams of fluid). This will affect the overall effect of the fluid and the difficulty of adjustment.

Now, I have made some progress in this respect. Please see the video for details.

In addition to these, some supporters also gave feedback on some problems that are expected to be fixed or optimized. This also will be my key work in the future.



Hi, i had the Problem, that the fluid is partially dropping through the ground. I tried to stop that with an Slate Object or other Objects under the Ground but it worked only partially or not. But its a great work. Thanks for the plugin.


Ive use it for a moment and i think that it would be very needat to add button to allow to emit certain amount of 'fluid atoms' in certain amount of time and then stop(with using existing "exist time" proprty ). Also that would be awesome if it will also emit all other atom wit eg same first six letters of name and same plugin. So you can emit at once 3 source of fluid with diffrent "alpha" which gives nice cum lookalike. also i have question couse i do do not understand a little. i thought that if stickines is high fluid should stick to the surace, but as object move a bit it loose sticikens and fall of object. Is it not possible that stickines works like in life so if you eg put a sticki fluid on you and you move back then fluid move with you and it wil slowly go down your skin.


For the first suggestion,This can be achieved at a later stage.For the second question,It can't be realized at present.Maybe this feature can be realized in the future.