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Finally, the Beta version of fluid simulation has been released!

Note that after feedback, there is still much room for optimization of this plug-in, and the final release version may be greatly changed. Please don't use it for formal scene production for the time being,Thanks.

It is worth noting that, as you can see in the video. In addition to providing a fluid insert. I also developed a tool to manage VAM environmental objects. I call it the "environmental toolkit".The fluid plug-in is included.

At the same time, with the release of the Beta version of the fluid plug-in, I also open a new series: environments. This series has opened a new activation code. In other words, you need to get the activation code again to activate this series. After activation, you will always get subsequent updates.

Plug-ins and Demo are downloaded at the attachment of this post.

Get the activation code here.

How to begin?

1. Load "Enviroments.cslist" as SessionPlugin.Then follow the operation demonstration in the second half of the video above.

Envirometal Tookit ShortKey :

(For the environmental toolkit, I will use a separate post later to talk about its use.)

Ctrl + O : Open Panel, Ctrl + H : Close Panel

Space : Place the target, Esc : Cancel placement

Another point to be made clear.The plug-in is still being further improved, Please understand its shortcomings.and suggestions for improvement are welcome, Also welcome to join me through discord.

Have fun!


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