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Milestone! I have solved some key thorny problems. At the same time support VR! Even in VR mode, the performance is still very good. At the same time, I will quit the version with different hardware performance according to the effect.



is there weight slider for fluid? now its quite uneralistic effect on breast tht fluid make them bounce too much. 2) is there number of decal left slider? couse now it seem that they disapear to quick. 3) is there a way to change emiter shape. now it seem like line but good way would be to point emision. It main idea is for cum so it shot from penis :)


1. That's collision, adjustable.Of course, gravity is also adjustable. 2. No.Because these are completely two things.But there's no guarantee that it won't happen,Because I intend to make a whole system, not just a fluid simulation plug-in. 3. Yes, you can choose now. 4.You can operate explosive jets by starting.And then keep it.