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This is an idea provided to me by my supporters: the community seems to lack a plug-in for managing custom resource (CUA) animation:

You can put the animation you need in the animation state machine of the custom resource, package it from Unity and import it into VAM. You can manage the playback of these animations through plug-ins, and you can also switch the playback of animations through triggers.

Update :

PluginIdea.CUAAnimationController.2.var :

Add speed control.

Usage :

Load CUA ->Add Plugin.

Creadit :
- MacGrubber - thanks for making MacGrubber_Utils.cs, very useful script


Play CUA Animations



Excelent ! But please, make the plugin EA or public, would be a shame it it could not be used in free scenes published on the HUB ! One extra thing on my wishlist: is it possible to implement a speed control for the animation ? Not 100%, but I think the speed is set in in the animation itself, not the animator controller, BUT: in the Parameter settings for the animator controller things like a float value can be defined, and in the animation itself this can be used as a multiplier for the speed setting of the animation....


8708_4318_338931 Code pls :D


Ahh I guess this only works on CUA. I though there might be a way to apply it to a VAM character


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