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As I've been playing VAM for longer and longer, several problems are getting more and more irritating.

1. More and more packages are downloaded, the game crashes more and more frequently, and the loading time of the game becomes super long. The reason is also obvious: VAM scans all resource packages and loads them as indexes by default when the game starts. As the number of resource packages increases, the loading time and memory occupied will increase.

However, for me, although I download more and more resources, the scenes I often use are only a small part of them. The extra scene resources become my burden instead. Waste more of my time. Then why not export the resources of some scenes that I often use separately!

2. The dependence of scenes is also an irritating problem. Every time I download a scene, I always face a lot of missing references. This involves the dependence of the scene and the dependence of the dependence. Very heady; And when I want to share a scene, it's equally overwhelming. I need to find out these dependencies one by one, wasting a lot of energy.

Of course, the most direct way to solve this problem is to develop a one-click export plug-in!

So I developed this plugin, and the functions it can do at present are also very direct:

Export all files and dependencies!

Of course, its positioning is a VAM resource management toolkit, which will only be one of the basic functions. I hope to load more practical functions into it later. Therefore, I very much hope that your valuable opinions can help me improve and add more practical functions.

Update : 


Supports the export of arbitrary packages and their dependent packages. This is very useful for package sharing.

Usage : As shown in the picture below. Select a package in the PackageManager panel->Ctrl+H, open the plug-in UI-> Click Export.


1. The export target is no longer limited to the scene and can be selected for all items in the export panel!

And automatically include dependencies.

2. The root directory name of the custom export is supported.

3. Some bug fixes.


Note: Due to the limitation of VAM's own plug-in system. This plugin uses an additional plugin framework: BepInEx.

Installing BepInEx | BepInEx Docs

The video shows how to use it, and you can also refer to the link above.

If you encounter any problems in using it, please comment below.


VAM Tool : Export all files and dependencies of the scene.

With this tool, you can automatically export all files (custom resources and dependencies) related to the specified scene in VAM with one click!



Hi, how to export plugins from person s integrated plugins. It exports only VAR files without animation plugins of persons. Thank you for help.


Ctrl+H is not bringing up the Plugin UI for me, any suggestions? I have necessary files installed.


I have no idea, what I am doing wrong. No matter which package I select, it will always export the very first one in the list


Well, can you contact me through discord?I need more detailed information.My nickname: PluginIdea#7380

Tom Mettam

Are there no instructions on how to actually install this plugin? :/

Tom Mettam

Okay, i see now that you need to place the .dll under BepInEx\plugins However, I have the same issue as iBeryl - it only exports the package at the top of the list


You may have different meanings.IBeryl means that the export is normal, but an unrelated package will always be exported.This may be a bug.But anyway, you can provide me with detailed information through discord.