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Sorry, I don't have enough time for development work lately (so I usually do it from 10:00 pm to 2am), but that will change after this week. 

There are several main tasks I am doing right now: 

1. Two bug fixes reported by LieDownPlay users, but the fix is slightly troublesome (only part of it has been fixed so far because it involves some conflicts with VAM's own mechanism). 

Explain these two bug first: 


I haven't fixed this yet. The solution now is what this friend said later.


I repaired part of this, why part of it? :) (the logic of the left hand is different from that of the right hand.) now the operation logic of the right hand is completely fixed, and the operation is exactly the same as that of VAM. But there is still a problem with the left hand.


I am verifying the feasibility of some function points behind NavgatePlay, and then I first want to further optimize NavgateMode and HangOutMode. 

1. I am considering the feasibility of automatic obstacle avoidance (using A Star to find the way), which is initially confirmed to be feasible. 

2. Improve the accuracy of walking and support walking along a custom path (now walking is too simple, just turn around and walk in a straight line). 

3. Consider using some of the actions brought with VAM as much as possible, and for some specific actions, you can consider automatically generating some models when dialing actions to improve the interest.

If you have any good ideas, you are welcome to put forward them at any time.

3.Mini Game.

I'm already working on a prototype (pure logic) of a shooting game, which is made of a few boxes.

4.A New Plugin: EasyMorphy.

I am also developing a new paid plug-in: EasyMorphy,This plugin will automatically recognize the morphy items of interest in some of the Settings the player sets at the character target. And then you can adjust it very easily, without having to go through a bunch of projects。

The demo video of the prototype version of this plug-in will be released on Patreon in a few days. I hope you can give us your suggestions and comments when it come. So that I can perfect it as much as possible before releasing it.


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