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I've scheduled a new interview for Tuesday, Nov. 21st at 11:00 a.m. U.S. Mountain time, with Professor Tim Hunt. This one has a different angle to it. I know Tim because we're both active in the Robinson Jeffers Association, so this'll be a nice excuse for us to talk about him too, but Tim is best-known in our small circle as the editor of the massive five-volume Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers. We got to talking about this the other day and it occurred to us that he had therefore engaged in work not dissimilar to what the editor of the Codex Regius manuscript had done with the eddic poems. He thought that would give us a good entree to talking about what a collection of poetry is, what goes into making it, and how it's different from (and there are different things to learn from a collection than from) an anthology. Jeffers is also sometimes dismissed as an "easy" poet to read (he uses everyday 20th-century English)--but his poems are often starkly misunderstood. I think this has a fascinating parallel with Norse eddic poetry, and I want to get Tim to walk us through a few poems and consider some problems with interpreting his English that might shed light on similar problems in interpreting the Poetic Edda. The Zoom link for this interview is https://zoom.us/j/96291606769?pwd=WlJ1THFYOWFkNEd5Sk5FLysxUTNLdz09 and the passcode is 615425

After that, we still have these coming up soon:

· While there may end up being another interview or two between the latter and then, let me go ahead and put on your radars that we will finally be interviewing Kate Palmer, who has appeared in so many of our Office Hours and other discussions with fascinating information about (and great pictures of) Swedish runestones. Kate's written a dissertation called "Swansong of the diphthong: Runic inscription orthography in 11th century Östergötland" the details of which research will make a great springboard for a discussion about how runic writing changed over time and just exactly what rock-and-roll inscriptions are hiding out there in the Swedish countryside. This one will be Wednesday, December 6th, at 11:00 a.m. U.S. Mountain time. The Zoom link is here(https://zoom.us/j/92473930089?pwd=aHRBS2MycFpENFJ1cnBLalFPZGZuQT09) with passcode: 784996

· December's Indo-European news update with Prof. Tony Yates will probably be during my midday on Friday, December 8th, but we'll have to confirm that with his class schedule closer to then.

All the best for now,

Jackson Crawford

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It's times like these I truly curse the 15-hour time difference.