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Here's your (roughly) weekly reminder about upcoming interviews and such that I have scheduled for you:

· Tomorrow, Wednesday, July 26th, 10:00 a.m. U.S. Mountain time
Interview with returning fan favorites Prof. Brenna Byrd and Prof. Andrew Byrd on constructing conlangs
· Zoom link here (https://zoom.us/j/96924613192?pwd=eFBmV2FFcXdyQ1lKLzJtOUVEbEVSUT09)
· Passcode 751608

· Sunday, August 6th, 10:00 a.m. U.S. Mountain time
Interview with returning fan favorite Prof. Tony Yates (yes, he's a professor now, and at the school at which he was long ago my pupil) on Proto-Indo-European topics; no specific focus determined just yet but you all have had so many questions along these lines, and he's such a good source, that I don't think we'll worry about that too much yet
· Zoom link here(https://zoom.us/j/94205995757?pwd=ME0zaTVBOENTV1E1YWtPd3RHQUpsZz09)
· Passcode 039056

For those of you in the Rocky Mountain area, it looks like I'll also be giving a talk at MeadKrieger* in Loveland, Colorado on September 22nd at 7:00 p.m. U.S. Mountain time. Since it's a meadery, I'll be talking about Óðinn and Óðrerir, though surely that will be a springboard to answering other questions from the audience in the usual way. 

All the best for now,

Jackson Crawford

*I'm not sure if there are those who would be alarmed by this given my fairly public status as a recovering alcoholic, but rest assured the people at the meadery know about that, too, and I don't find settings like this "triggering" because I didn't drink in bars. But obviously I understand that some wouldn't be comfortable with it and I respect their boundaries profoundly.



Unfortunately I won't be able to join either of the upcoming interviews. I hope that you and Dr. Yates give us you views on the recent paper in Science, out of Max-Plank, suggesting the hybrid origin of PIE and pushing back the dating by two millennia.


Dammit I’ll be playing a gig at a different bar across town at the same time as the meadery talk. How dare they pay me to do that and ruin my plans!