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A few different updates:

1. One future Zoom interview I'm getting planned is with Dr. Kelsey Fuller-Shafer, a former Teaching Assistant of mine at the University of Colorado who has a new book on Norse Mythology forthcoming from Simon and Schuster. She works quite a bit on the connections between Norse mythology and Tolkien's work and expressed interest in answering your questions about them in an interview. But she's asked to see some questions beforehand, so if that interests you, please leave any questions on that topic in the comments below!

2. Another future Zoom interview (date T.B.D. but probably July) will be with Prof. Andrew Byrd and Prof. Brenna Byrd, who created the Proto-Indo-European-inspired language in Far Cry: Primal and the other language in it, and who continue to work in creating "conlangs" (constructed languages) for similar media projects, some still hush-hush. They're going to talk you through their process of creating a "conlang" and while they'll have a presentation to start with, they're also interested in your questions--so leave any that you might already have for them below!

3. For those able to stomach the examples of my original poetry in skaldic and skaldic-inspired meters this week, some more examples of my work in the difficult skaldic meter dróttkvætt in English have just been published at Cornice Magazine.

4. June has been a hard month for me to schedule anything, as a lot of major scheduling changes hit me at the last minute. So I'm going to try to sneak a June-ish office hours in on Monday, July 3rd, at 10:00 a.m. U.S. Mountain time. The link is here(https://zoom.us/j/94632522509?pwd=aDBCdFlXU3BwcEZpckdlWWpvbVNCQT09) and the passcode is: 920148.

All the best for now,

Jackson Crawford



Just a quick note from someone who used to be a prolific poet (life has a way of bludgeoning inspiration out of you sometimes so I no longer write, but I still love to read poetry) your poems in dróttkvætt are wonderful. The combination of the powerful meter itself, which is so heavy and moves with such impact, and your ability to turn a phrase is pretty fantastic. They were sensual, melancholic and visceral. Well done.


Thank you for all you do. This really helps with scheduling ahead of time!