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This is a little bit late-notice, but I realize I'm running out of days when I could hold "office hours" this month. So I'm going to hold them Monday, at 9:00 a.m. U.S. Mountain time. Check e.g. timeanddate.com for what time that is in your area (just use "Denver" for my time). The link is here ( https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/99897244432 ) and the passcode is: 860385

As stated in previous "office hours" posts: The Old Norse "office hours" idea is that you come with your questions about Old Norse grammar, or perhaps something you're working on translating, and we discuss it in real time and you can also get some input from other learners in addition to me. I won't "assign" you material or anything, but if you have an Old Norse text you're trying to read, we can look at that together, or I can offer some clarity (hopefully) on grammar questions that have been bugging you. I might record it, just in case the questions are ones that I think a lot of other people might also have and thus might be worth sharing on Youtube later. If you don't want to be potentially recorded, let me  know of course, and I won't share any part of it with you speaking. By default, video for participants is turned off, so you don't have to show your face if you don't want to.

I hope everyone is doing well out there. Thanks for your patience as I work through more of this Old Norse book in my "NaNoWriMo" effort (43,871 words as I write this).

And thank you as always for your continued support in a difficult year for many people. All the best for now,

Jackson Crawford

P.S. My Patreon messages don't work. I don't get notifications for them, and there's nothing on my home page to show me when there is or isn't a message. I can't even always see them when I check for them manually, and you won't see it if I reply! The best ways to get in touch are: a) just to comment on posts like this, b) to post in the  Community page, or c) to email my assistant Stella at [admin AT JacksonWCrawford.com]--remember the 'W' between my first and last names in that domain name.



So, it seems like i tend to focus too much during these sessions and it triggers all my weird brain symptoms, which i'm not supposed to... so i'm going to try just having you on in the background but jsyk if i disappear in the middle of someone's question or something it's not that it's not interesting, it's probably too interesting and i just got tired. 🤷‍♀️


Can't wait!


This sounds like me. I’m either hyper-focused, or I’m overwhelmed and abandon whatever I’m doing. There’s no in between lol


Haha yes, all or nothing! But like, also i added a chronic illness to the mix that kind of fs me up so i need to learn that "doing a little bit at a time" thing. whatever that's supposed to mean.


Me as well. I’m severely ADD but can’t be medicated any longer because I can’t take it without abusing it. 6 years of addiction and 4+ years stimulate-sober! What helps me is leaving whatever I’m doing in the way. That way I HAVE to finish it because the mess will drive me crazy. This doesn’t always work though, seeing as there’s been a half-sanded bed frame in my dining area for weeks now… I did half of it in one day then said f-it and never finished lol


Oh sorry, i misunderstood i thought you meant just in terms of personality, my thing is a completely different thing. Glad to hear you're off the meds if they're not good for you, that sounds hard!


Oh no worries, maybe it was me who misunderstood. That’s very possible since it’s *always* on my mind lol


Well always being on your mind makes sense, it affects everything right? I was being kind of intentionally vague too, like i never know how much to say because i want to explain why i'm being weird but also it's embarrasing and i don't expect anyone to be interested in listening to my annoying health stuff anyway, so i just end up being even more weird. 😅👍


I understand that completely haha! I feel like I talk about it all the time, and at the same time feel life it’s never talked about lol. I have serious issues, and thank god my old man has his own serious issues so we can just be F-Ed up together. He smokes (the kind that’s legal in Colorado) and I drink. We’re quite a pair lol


Haha i like it! Love in your 20s: "I just want to find the perfect guy" Love in your 30s: "I just want someone who's Fd up in compatible ways to mine"