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The biggest downside of being absorbed in projects this week is I forgot to wish Stella a happy birthday on the 8th. So happy birthday Stella, thanks for everything you do while wearing your many different hats to keep this community in good form and good humor! 

On the positive side: without the pressure of *posting* videos for the first week in a long time, I've gotten a lot more videos *made.* I'm hoping to keep more of a buffer going this way for the foreseeable future henceforth. Thanks to everyone for your patience with a quieter week.

All the best for now,

Jackson Crawford

P.S. Patreon messages don't work. I don't get notifications for them, and there's nothing on my home page to show me when there is or isn't a  message. I can't even always see them when I check for them manually, and you won't see it if I reply! This week the best ways to get in touch are just a) to comment on posts like this, or b) to post in the Community page.



Happy birthday to you Stella!! ✨🌟✨


Happy birthday to one part of the dynamic duo, hope you had a great day and wish you many more healthy years! We appreciate all the hard work you put in, you rock!