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As of today, there are 596 public videos on my Youtube channel, after posting them twice (and sometimes three times) a week since fall 2016. This coming week, I will take a one-week hiatus from posting new videos (i.e. no new video on Wednesday and Friday, as has been the norm every week for the last four years or so). I think this is the first time I ever have taken a planned hiatus, at least since 2017. Stella will be on vacation, but I will be "around" in a digital way. 

There is a list of videos on my website, though it needs updated. Frankly the website is so little-visited that I've had little incentive to think about it, and tend to regard the channel as my real "homepage." Still, odds are that if you like this content enough to support me on patreon, there are a lot of videos you haven't seen that you would enjoy watching. I'll try to highlight some of those "underrated classics" over the next week.

This week's videos were both heavy lifting; on Wednesday I posted an interview with Dr. Vicki Grove about the Vikings' role in Ukraine and Russia's early history and lore, and today I posted an Old Norse lesson on the subjunctive verb, which is a tangled subject. In regards to the latter, if you're following along with the Old Norse lessons, how much interest might you have in a Patreon-only, probably Zoom-based, "Old Norse Grammar Workshop"? This would be kind of like "office hours" at a university, where you could pop by and find me in a Zoom meeting and bring your questions about Old Norse grammar, or readings you're working on in Old Norse, and I'd do my best to help. If there's enough interest, I'd be happy to schedule a first one, and potentially make it a recurring thing to help encourage and shore up your Old Norse work.

In other Youtube news I think is worth sharing: the one Youtube channel that I've never missed a day of (except for lacking internet access), Bella Hummingbird, is going offline soon. For eight years, this live webcam has let people around the world watch an Allen's hummingbird (my favorite) raise her young. She has two eggs in her nest right now, and when the chicks have hatched and fledged, the webcam will go dark. So if that sounds like something neat to watch, catch it now--it's your last chance. The first chick in this last nest will probably hatch tomorrow.

Also worth mentioning is my friend Luke Ranieri handled some questions I see getting asked a lot about Ukrainian and Russian on his channel, polýMATHY. Check out that video if you're looking for more about East Slavic languages.

For now, thank you very much for your continued support and kindness, and all the best,

Jackson Crawford

P.S. Patreon messages don't work. I don't get notifications for them, and there's nothing on my home page to show me  when there is or isn't a  message. I can't even always see them when I  check for them manually,  and you won't see it if I reply! This week the best ways to get  in touch are just a) to comment on posts like this, or b) to post in the Community page.


Kyivan Rus' (with Dr. Vicki Grove)

The Rus' (or Kyivan / Kievan Rus' or Varangians) were Swedish Vikings active in Eastern Europe who still loom large in the early history and legend of Ukraine and Russia. Dr. Vicki Grove, Teaching Professor in Slavic and Nordic Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, explains more. Jackson Crawford, Ph.D.: Sharing real expertise in Norse language and myth with people hungry to learn, free of both ivory tower elitism and the agendas of self-appointed gurus. Visit https://jacksonwcrawford.com/ (includes bio and linked list of all videos). Jackson Crawford’s Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/norsebysw Visit Grimfrost at http://www.grimfrost.com?aff=183 Latest FAQs: https://vimeo.com/375149287 (updated Nov. 2019). Jackson Crawford’s translation of Hávamál, with complete Old Norse text: https://www.hackettpublishing.com/the-wanderer-s-havamal-4275 or https://www.amazon.com/Wanderers-Havamal-Jackson-Crawford/dp/1624668356/ Jackson Crawford’s translation of The Poetic Edda: https://www.hackettpublishing.com/the-poetic-edda or https://www.amazon.com/Poetic-Edda-Stories-Hackett-Classics/dp/1624663567/ Audiobook: https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Poetic-Edda-Audiobook/1982597550?qid=1542115406 Jackson Crawford’s translation of The Saga of the Volsungs: https://www.hackettpublishing.com/the-saga-of-the-volsungs-4098 or https://www.amazon.com/Saga-Volsungs-Lothbrok-Hackett-Classics/dp/1624666337/ Audiobook: https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Saga-of-the-Volsungs-Audiobook/B07L44HRNH Music © I See Hawks in L.A., courtesy of the artist. Visit http://www.iseehawks.com/ Logos by Elizabeth Porter (snowbringer at gmail).



I love the idea of regular (monthly? Every other month?) office hours where we can ask our dumb questions that we have been saving because they weren't worth posting. Also being able to listen to the back and forth of others would be great.


I love watching the little hummingbirds. It's so relaxing. 😊❤