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This is just a reminder that, a few months on, I still don't get notifications for most Patreon messages, and sometimes one will show up as "new" weeks or even months after it was sent. So if I haven't replied to your message on Patreon, I almost surely didn't see it and don't know to look for it (sometimes I can find unread messages in an "unread" folder, but this works maybe 1/6th of the time). I don't know what's wrong, but I've gotten a few e-mails from Patreon saying that the problem has been under investigation for a while. By the way, this also means some of you haven't received messages I've sent to you since at least November.

I do get notifications for posts in the community, as does Stella, though I don't necessarily get notifications to replies on them. 

For now, the best way to be sure Stella or I will see your message is still to write to Stella's address at admin @ jacksonwcrawford.com Please be sure to include the word "patreon" or "patron" in the subject line, because that e-mail address gets a lot of mail and we try to prioritize Patreon supporters.

All the best for now, and sorry for these frustrations,

Jackson Crawford



I’ve been meaning to send another message for extra exercises for lessons, now I guess I’m glad I didn’t lol. If my life ever goes back to normal (haha) I’ll be sure to send one through email. The last few months have been ridiculous. Not that everyone else doesn’t have their own issues, but I must have pissed off the universe somehow.


I've recently spoken to Patreon re: they've deleted my message history. Apparently they've implemented a new messaging system. This, is strongly suspect, is the reason why Patreon messages are not working.