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This week the Old Norse lesson I'm showing early to the Patreon supporters who want it is no. 21, on þessi "this" and the -sk endings that make a verb reflexive ("We see ourselves") or reciprocal ("We see each other").

In public videos, I've released some thoughts on the possible meanings of the word Edda, our Patreon crowdcasts with Avedan Raggio ("Tapestries and Tolkien") and Dr. Luke Gorton ("Talking Ancient Religion"), and publicly (re-)released the Old Norse lesson on preterite-present verbs.

Darby McDevitt, Narrative Director of Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, and I, talked to IGN on Tuesday, but I haven't seen any part of that interview or anything derived from it on their site yet.

YouTube has stated that it might start putting ads on videos regardless of whether a creator signed up for them or not. I don't ever look at my own videos once they're posted (and I have adblockers anyway), but if any of you see YouTube's ads on my videos, I'd be thankful for the heads-up. I've always been reluctant to accept them because I think too many people would assume I endorsed whatever the ad was for (I have this nightmare that it would be "rune healing" or something based on the topics I talk about), but if they start doing it anyway I might as well try to take some control of it.

Thankful for your support, generosity, and patience,

Jackson Crawford


Patreon Vocabulary: "this" and -sk endings



So, for the reflexive forms, do the mutations and cutting out vowels and switching roots and whatnot always add up to the 1.person singular being the same as the 1.person plural? *not sure if shotcut or trap*