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The Old Norse lesson that Patreon gets early this week is no. 15, about the reflexive/reciprocal third-person personal pronoun sik/sín/sér, the possessive pronominal adjectives (i.e. how to say "my" the right way), and the two critical but slightly unusual adjectives mikill "big" and lítill "little." It all fits together, I promise.

Since I posted the last Words of the Week, videos on the public Youtube channel have included my new introduction to the Indo-European languages, the public posting of our Patreon Crowdcast about the Volsungs/Nibelung traditions and Cosmic Horror with Taylor Budde, and the public posting of Old Norse lesson no. 12 about "that (one)."

Don't forget about the list of videos on my website (which includes links to the Patreon posts with extra material about each Old Norse lesson) or, for those of you following along with the Old Norse lessons, the extra material you can get about some subjects from my old "reference grammar" videos about nouns (with additional noun types in this one) verbs, sound changes and mutations, and adjectives/pronouns/the word "the." Often, you can find information there that hasn't come up in the current series of videos yet.

I will be almost entirely without internet (and/or have my hands too full to look at anything) for roughly a week between about Sunday the 27th of September through Monday the 5th of October. Please remember that Stella (at admin@jacksonwcrawford.com ) can answer most of the questions that supporters most often ask me, including especially where to find information in particular videos.

I hope everyone is doing well in the meantime, and thank you again for one more week of your generous support.

All the best,

Dr. Jackson Crawford


Patreon vocabulary: sik/sér, minn/þinn, mikill/lítill



Ah ha! Your explanation about "-sik" makes sense of the middle voice (reflexive/reciprocol)!


I love how the sik/sin/sér still looks so alike in modern German.