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This week's Patreon vocabulary update (above) comes with a special sneak peek at Old Norse lesson 4, the first one about verbs (accessible to Patreon supporters only here). Next week, I'll have to remove the early access to Patreon supporters before that video can be scheduled to go public, but you'll have early access to it here for at least several days.

Speaking of scheduling videos, I don't know if anyone noticed that I was posting them for a long time at 8:00 a.m. my time. I have moved that to 10:00 a.m. my time for the foreseeable future to accommodate Stella's schedule better.

I hope you're all doing well out there, and thank you once again for your continued generous support.

All the best,

Jackson Crawford


Patreon Vocabulary 26: From Old Norse Lesson 4



Loving these lessons. With regard to játa ("agree to, consent") I'm slightly confused with its type classification. It is given here as i-type, but here - https://paradigms.langeslag.org/jata_2 - it seems to be a-type? Looking it up in Zoëga's Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic appears to give examples using both i-type and a-type endings???


It can be both. I see it more often as an i-type, including in Snorri, whose language is roughly my basis for these lessons.


I started to wonder if it might be something like that after seeing Zoëga's entry. Thanks for clearing up the confusion. And thanks, too, for such a great set of classes - currently doing a crash course month of revision in Old Norse before my next MA module starts and these are the perfect resource.


This lesson featured "senda", which has obvious English and German cognates. In German the vowel changes in the past tense. Does Old Norse have verbs that do so?


Yes, this just isn't one of them. But there are examples like that which we'll get to later, e.g. segja "say" (past tense sagða).