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It looks like Tuesday afternoon, July 16th (in my timezone) is the winner for the second Crowdcast time. I've scheduled it for Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. U.S Mountain time (but you ought to see the event in your own timezone on Crowdcast). That ought to be a little friendlier to the North American crowd, and it'll be mid-morning for much of the Australia/ East Asia/ New Zealand crowd. The timing of the first one was better for Europe, and I will keep rotating them this way to be more favorable for different parts of the world in different months.

You can pre-register at the link in this post (or click here). Attendance is limited to 100. I'm leaving it open to all tiers for now; if the Crowdcasts start filling up, I'll limit them to Erilaz tier in the future.

All the best for now,

Jackson Crawford




It was a good session! I'm going to vote for a different time though because 1am my time is a bit late. XD


You inspire me 🙌