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Lens clips are 15-second or shorter videos posted on Patreon; if you haven't seen them before, they usually appear above the news feed if you're looking at my Patreon page on a browser or on the Patreon app. Last night I posted the first of an experimental series of Lens clips: Old Norse Word of the Day.

This is something I've toyed with doing before, but it's difficult to do on Youtube itself because that many updates would irritate subscribers and it would get even harder to find the "real," longer-form video you might be looking for. But Lens clips disappear within 24 hours anyway, and I thought a feature like this might be a fun bonus for Patreon supporters. 

Feel free to request a Word of the Day, preferably by sending a message to me on Patreon or by sending an email to Stella at admin@jacksonwcrawford.com (please don't make requests in the comments on the Lens itself, since I might not see them before the Lens of the day disappears). Just note that Lens clips are very short, so it can't be a whole phrase or sentence--it really does need to be just one word or a couple related words (like how yesterday I did both the noun and the adjective "calm," and later today I'll post both the adjectives "young" and "old"). 

I hope you're all doing well in the meantime. I'll have another big surprise to announce pretty soon.

All the best,

Jackson Crawford



This name came up in my genealogy research: "Anketil". A first name in a Norman line after 1066 in England. I know ketil means a pot or a helmet, I'm unsure of the "an" prefix. Thanks!


Probably a version of the Old Norse name Arnketill, "eagle-kettle/helmet."


If I may submit a second request: "Teacher" please. Thank you again for finding the time to do this "experiment" given all the other projects you have in the works!