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University of Colorado Boulder

The University of Colorado Boulder is a bold, innovative community of scholars and learners who accelerate human potential to solve the humanitarian, social and technological challenges of our time. Come to CU Boulder and discover what you can be.



Congratulations! I know you are measured in your expectations of job security, but getting headline billing on the university’s website seems like a good indication of contract renewal or maybe even the powers that be thinking about putting you on the tenure track (especially with publications that actually move copies). As for the competitive shooting, is it just target shooting, tactical sport shooting, cowboy action shooting, or something else?


Show of hands, and no lying here... Who else had to look up the word "felicitous" after reading the headline?


heh, I only know that word because Spanish is my L1. when I first started learning English, I was so puzzled as to why a language that was (to me) clearly neither phonetically nor grammatically like Spanish, had so many Latin words in it, like "capricious" and "felicitous" and "tenacious" which correspond perfectly to Spanish ones, while also having words like "whimsical" and "happy" and "strong" that mean more or less the same thing as those first three. Then my teachers taught me that the first set tends to be used in writing while the second set is what's commonly used in everyday speech. I remember being quite amused by that, because words like "caprichoso", "feliz" and "tenaz" ( = capricious, felicitous, tenacious) are words that I'd use in everyday Spanish and there's nothing 'fancy' or 'learned' about them. But that's English for you, I guess!


Re. tenure: I wish. CU has made it very clear that there will never be a tenure-track position created for me (and there are none in Nordic Studies). Re. shooting: I shoot in USPSA-style competitions that my local clubs host. Hopefully before long I can qualify for USPSA regionals.