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While I have a moment with internet access, it occurred to me some of you might be amused to see a ljóðaháttr poem* I composed in Old Norse in 2011 (I just stumbled on it in the margins of a book I wrote it down in, and then forgot about):

Hrafnar heim
horfa af vali;
átu ǿrit í aptni.
Ósættir, djarfir
seggir þykkja
í lóg leggjask ef óetnir.

"Ravens turn home
from the slaughtered men;
they ate plenty this evening.
Unreconciled, brave men
would seem wasted
if they were left uneaten."

*Ljóðaháttr is the Old Norse poetic meter that e.g. Hávamál is in.



I remember you mentioning in a video you had a poem written down in a forgotten book. Glad you were able to find it.


I really like this poem, Dr. Crawford. :D If you have written others, I would love to read them, I really mean that! This post makes me curious about poetry and poetic styles in Old Norse. Although I consider poetry one of my main interests, I really do not know much at all about poetry in the Germanic languages, especially not in their older forms such as Old Norse, Old English, Middle High German, etc. Most of the poetry that I read (both modern and medieval) is in some Romance language or other, and since even the older poems and/or older forms of these languages are quite readable to me, I (thankfully) don't need to buy English translations of them.


But anyway, what I wanted to ask you (if or when you have time to respond, no rush) is whether you know of any books (in English) that specifically cover topics such as the above, i.e. Old Norse poetry, differences between Eddic poetry and skaldic poetry and/or other styles, forms, etc. and basically anything else relevant to all of this. I have your Poetic Edda, which includes a very helpful section discussing motifs and style, and of course, I look forward to your Prose Edda too. Where else should I look, beyond the Eddas? (for literary information/consultation, I mean, not necessarily more of the actual myths and sagas, not that I don't love those)


Ok, last comment I swear! I just finished watching your "Beyond the Eddas" video and combing through your website just in case, so that I do not waste your time with the above if it has been asked or answered already. It occurred to me that, should you be at all interested in making (or have considered making) a video regarding Eddic poetry vs. skaldic poetry (differences in styles, meter, etc.) I would certainly be very interested in that! But for now, I'll just look up information on my own. Thank you for your time! If you would prefer it, I'm more than happy to wait for a response till the next scheduled chat @ Discord. I know you are busy with your courses, your other duties and, well, Life!


I think you somehow missed one of my longest videos, which covers exactly what you're asking about: <a href="https://youtu.be/FsX70ZSJkOQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/FsX70ZSJkOQ</a>


Ah, sorry! I looked under the Eddas videos playlist and somehow didn't even notice the playlist at the bottom. (It was pretty late at night, heh). Thank you! It did seem unlikely that you hadn't covered this topic before, hmm...