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Two big updates:

1) As you know, one of my biggest challenges is trying to manage the huge amount of email I get now that I have a little bit of visibility on the grand stage of the internet. The contact form on my new website is designed hopefully to catch a lot of the people searching for a way to contact me, and I have retained the services of Stella Nathaniel (who you may know as one of the mods on Discord) to answer it. I encourage you to use it too, especially if you have questions that are about e.g. finding a video, finding a resource, or other things that don't necessarily require me to answer them but does require someone who knows their way around my channel and the things I talk about there (you can also just email Stella directly for these purposes at this address: admin@jacksonwcrawford.com ). Stella may also occasionally answer posts on Patreon if they don't require input specifically from me. Thank you, Stella! 

2) I have gone back and labeled every post I ever made on Patreon with one of four tags: rewards, updates, livechats, or communication. Now you ought to be able to see a menu on the left side of my Patreon page with those four "featured tags." This ought to let you go more directly to what you're looking for on Patreon, especially if you've only recently pledged--"rewards" covers all Patreon-exclusive content, "updates" are news about me, the books, and videos, "livechats" are schedules for Discord livechats, and "communication" will include messages like this with information about how to get in touch.


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