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Over the last two years of regularly making Youtube videos, I've improved my style and technique quite a bit. I take the time to remake very popular videos once I feel that I've surpassed them or have more to say, and I'm happy with my remake of the big Names video. In addition to being much smoother as a video, it has a lot more information.

It reminded me that more than five years ago when I was consulting on Frozen, I made up a list of "name elements" for the folks at Disney to use in case they wanted to give more characters Old Norse(-inspired) names. In the end that didn't end up happening, but I thought I would share that with you all as an artifact of an earlier era in my attempts to make good information about Old Norse topics available outside academia. I'll attach it as a .pdf; I stripped out all the grammatical information to make it easier for someone who knew no Old Norse to try to cut and paste elements together into a semi-believable name. I no longer remember exactly all the thought process that went into every decision, but for what it was designed to be I thought it was alright, and sometimes I've used it as a handout in classes to get people thinking about what the names of characters in sagas mean.

The new Names video was filmed at the Shane cabins in Jackson, Wyoming. "Right or wrong, it's a brand. A brand sticks."


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