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At last, a first look at the cover for my translation of The Saga of the Volsungs with the Saga of Ragnar Lothbrok. I am working on the proofs, making final corrections and revisions, and the book is scheduled to be released in September.

The spring semester at Berkeley ended last week, and I spent the last several days at the annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study and the American Association for Runic Studies, which was in Minneapolis this year. It was good to see many people I had not seen in a long time and hear some good papers. My own paper, on my argument that blár really did mean "blue" in Old Norse (something I've touched on here: https://youtu.be/ZJVp-dtCbfc ) went pretty well, I thought. 

I'll probably get back to posting some videos in the middle of this week.




Love the cover- How exciting! It makes me think of this bit of the Saga, which I can't wait to read in your translation: "By long roads rides Sigurd, till he comes at the last up on to Hindfjall, and wends his way south ... and he sees before him on the fell a great light, as of fire burning, and flaming up even unto the heavens..."


"Sigurđ rode a long way, until he rode up on the mountain Hindarfjall and turned to go south toward Frankish lands. He saw a great light on the mountain, as though a fire burned there, and it glowed against the sky."


Beautiful. Can't wait to read the whole thing.