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Had some thoughts on an extra Rp element for the game. Here is Konoha City, capital of the Konoha Kingdom.
I used a Konoha map as the base.

If you have ideas for locations/activities, feel free to comment them below :)

Konoha activites

Daily costs (staying at Hopping Toad Inn)
5s a day room rental (2 person room, modest quality)
6s a day Inn breakfast Meal (2 person modest qulity)
6s a day Inn Dinner (2 person modest qulity)
total - 1g7s per day in city

Other Activities -
Learn spell from spell scroll (1day)
Read book (1 day per spell/skill)

1. Guild - (1 day)
- Monster Hunting - +EXP, +monster Loot >+soul gems< (pick a gate/mage tower destination)
- Game hunting - +EXP +X amount of Leather, +X amount of meat. >+soul gems< (sold to guild/keep)
- Patrol - +1G each per day. (random event roll)
- take ranking Exam (ineligible)
- Visit Map Location (dungeons/PoI/towns (1-7 days))

2. Battle Training field - (3 days)
-Increase STR +1
-Increase AGL +1
-Increase DEX +1
-Increase SKILL (non spell) +1

3. Temple (goodwill - 1)- 5GP per service
-Sell Soul gems (at lower value, but +goodwill)
-Create SP Gems (10 souls = 1 SP)
-Use SP to Increase Stat (1 SP per stat)
-Use SP to buy Skill (cost below)
-Use SP to Upgrade Skill. (cost Below)

Grade    SS    S      A      B     C    D     E    F     G
lV1         100   80   60   40   30  20    15  10     5
Lv2+   +100 +40 +40 +20 +20 +10 +10 +5    +5

4. Tavern - (1 night) (buying food and drink (2s4c (3 drinks each)))
- Gambling (bet money = +/- return, (randomizer used)
- Rumours (get some random lore)

5. Blacksmith
- Maintainence -Temporary Increase weapon dmg +5 (20g)
- Maintainence -Temporary Increase armour def +5 (20g)
- Reforge - Increase weapon dmg +5 (100g)
- Reforge - Increase armour def +5 (100G)

6. Shopping District - (1 day)
- Purchase a house
--- in city 4000g - 100,000g
--- Outside walls - 2000 - 10,000
- Purchase plot of land - 10,000 - 50,000G
- Buy food (set budget, or 1 gold each for full basic food supplies)
--- Bakery
--- Butcher
--- fruit/berry/nut seller
--- General supplies
-Purchase Furniture
---Chest (5 gold)

7. Mages Tower -
-Sell Soul gems (at lower value, +goodwill)
-Increase INT +1 (3days)
-Increase SPELL lv +1 (3days)
-Learn Enchantments (Naruko)(1 day)
-Transport to other Mage towers. (300G one way)
--Hyuuga Duchy
--Iwa City
--Kuma City (gate out of Service)
--Suna Oasis
--City of Kiri
--Demons Gate
--Kazahana Dynasty



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