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After their first quest ended... successfuly... Naruko and Hinata are back at the adventurers guild to pick a new quest to recover what they used to restock, and buy new clothes... but which will they choose? Who will Join them? And what will their reward afford them? 
Can't be hard to pick from such easy missons... whats the worst that can happen?

Job: Escort
Rank: E
A priest seeks adventuers to escort his daughter safely to the city of Miroku.
Reward: 50 gold

Job: Recovery
Rank: E
A Blacksmith Lost his tools to bandits on the road. Recover them.
Reward: 50 gold per adventurer

Job: Investigation
Rank: E to D
Seeks Adventurers to discover the fate of a company od explorers lost in a D Rank Dungeon.
Reward: 150 gold

Job: Exploration
Rank: E
Seeks adventuers to find and Explore the old Fort Ruins.
Reward: 100 gold

Job: Guard
Rank: F
Apothecary needs guards against local wildlife while gathering Medicinal herbs and roots.
Reward: 30 gold

Job: Delivery
Rank: F
Deliver an important package to Druid.
Reward: 20 gold

I will either pick the favourite, OR, put this in to a picker wheel to randomize :)




Number 1 all the way! Someone is absolutely gonna be getting groped at that temple. >.>


this is a hard one. take Q1 and Q6, run into the bandits in Q2, the bandits lair is in Q3 or Q4. I don't know how to get Q5 in.