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I'm still new to this patreon thing and don't really know what I'm doing. Want to know your thoughts and see if you all have any good suggestions to make the patreon better for the community.


J. Arlo Mullinix

You may want to consider Patreon for deeper cuts as exclusive videos. Stuff that may not get big view numbers on you tube but your Patreon subscribers are interested in. You can release them later on YouTube but there is a lot of really good stuff you don't see reactions to.


I would suggest you show the full reaction to movies, without it being cut up & as edited… you can do the full length here, & allow Patron’s whom want to see how you reacted to specific scenes.. a few movies where I’ve been waiting to see how you reacted to a specific line or scene it wasn’t included… Also, as you’re doing in honour of Halloween, poll ahead of time not just for holiday’s, but also genre’s, director’s or actors… there are so many wonderful films still, & the list I personally use for screening things with my son started as a basic “must see”, & once he really got into film, we had to start labeling things by Director’s, Actor’s, Writer’s, even his fave Cinematographer’s , etc, so we don’t miss anything from them, or that I know he’ll love or want to see by comparisons, etc