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  • [Dragon_Age]IronBull-Adaar-Qunari.mp4





Warm welcome

Loud sounds of clicking boots bounces off walls of the castle. Inquisitor turns around to meet a glance of a fellow qunari he hasn't seen before.

“Graham, I presume?”

“Correct.” The qunari nods.

“You’ve arrived earlier than expected. Well, alright then. Glad to have you with us. And welcome to Skyhold. Let’s go upstairs. I’ll explain your assignment and after that we can introduce you to everyone else here”

Two qunari make their way upstairs to Inquisitor’s chambers all the while having a casual small talk and having a little tour around the castle. Finally, Inquisitor pushes the door to his chambers open mid sentence.

“This castle is known to be impenetrable –”

“Unlike the Inquisitor who resides here, hehe.” Low rumbling voice cuts him off from within the room.

“Bull!” Inquisitor almost jumps, not expecting his kadan to be in here. But then he flushes with red, not sure even what to do. Iron Bull is laying there on the bed fully naked and casually flips pages of a book.

“Bull what?” He raises his eyes from the book and notices another person standing right behind the Inquisitor. Although his expression still barely changes. “Oh… You didn’t mention we were having guests''

“And you didn’t mention today is mandatory freeballing day or whatever is going on!”

“Oh, it’s fine, really.” Graham jumps in the conversation after clearing his throat and fixing his coat. “Really, really fine. I absolutely don’t mind.”

“You see? He doesn’t mind.” Bull puts the book away and sits at the edge of the bed, legs apart and arms behind his back with a huge grin.

Both qunari take a moment to really take in the view with the same expression of awe before Inquisitor finally snaps back.

“Bull, please. You are making our new recruit uncomfortable”

“No, he doesn’t” Graham smirks and meets Bull’s understanding look.

“Well, If everyone is so damn comfortable in here,” says Bull and slaps his thigh with his own cock.” How about two of you helping me to get comfortable as well?”

“No!” Inquisitor throws his hands up

“Sure” Graham smiles and take a step closer

“What?” Inquisitor watches in shock how his new mage starts to undress clothes in front of his Bull and can’t help but feel his own erection growing in his pants. “Oh fuck…”

“I think we will get along just fine, rooky, hehe. Well, boss? Are you coming?”

Inquisitor stands there for a moment longer, contemplating his life decisions that led him to this moment, but finally gives in and smiles.



Bryan Whiteman

I really enjoy reading the little set up plots, a little context makes so much difference for sex. So much more enticing.

Zolvira (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 11:47:00 what a lovely daddy qunari, hope to see him more in the future <3
2022-04-08 09:00:37 what a lovely daddy qunari, hope to see him more in the future <3

what a lovely daddy qunari, hope to see him more in the future <3

