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How many current stories do you read?

  • I only read 1 of the posted stories 4
  • I read 2 of the posted stories 1
  • I read 3 of the posted stories 1
  • I read everything that is posted 0
  • I just want to read tiger's stripes. 1
  • 2024-01-05
  • 7 votes
{'title': 'How many current stories do you read?', 'choices': [{'text': 'I only read 1 of the posted stories', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'I read 2 of the posted stories', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'I read 3 of the posted stories', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'I read everything that is posted', 'votes': 0}, {'text': "I just want to read tiger's stripes.", 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 5, 20, 11, 33, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 7}


I'm trying to get a sense of what among the stories I am currently writing my supporters are reading. I'm not looking for details, so the options only have numbers. feel free to provide details if you want.



I read various stories here depending on my interest in the characters or their species. Wolves, Werewolves, and Muzzled/Snouted Aliens are a big plus for me. Away from here I am a voracious reader!!! I follow about 10 different writing artists on Patreon, and also am heavily involved in SoFurry. Where I can I support the same artist when they publish in the mainstream by buying their books. Sadly living in Australia the cost of postage often exceeds the value of the book so Kindle is my reader for Amazon etc. Yes Kindar - that included you :) :) I also use Calibre 64 bit to take stories from here and put them on the Kindle and the Download EPub capability of SoFurry is used A Lot!!!! I am a speed reader who when reads I build pictures and scenes in my mind - playing them as if it were a movie. A normal novel takes me about 5 hours.. I do not intend to read them that fast but it is like a box of chocolates. I move from chapter to chapter immersed in the plot until I find the back cover. Reviewing and offering praise and support is a big thing for me. Every author/artist needed to start from somewhere, and it by encouragement and praise that enables then to grow and become the person they can be. Peace to you all.. And remember even the greatest author started from somewhere - believe in yourself, accept critism gracefully where it is sincerely offered, and to quote 'Finding Forrester' "Pound That Keyboard!!!!!" Sincerely Marc


Hey, I selected the "just the tiger's stripes"-option, but want to add that that's not due to lack of interest, but lack of time and energy. For what it is worth, once time permits again, first thing I want to do is catch up on the M&BM series in digital form, while I have Finding the Line on the "to read"-shelf of the physical book case. Will be one after the other though, as I usually only ever read one story / series at a time. So would be "1 of the posted stories", once the time is there again, as I would only shift to another story, once I have read the current one to the end.