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The car came to a stop in the garage, the door closed, the engine turned off. Patrick didn’t move. This was it. He hadn’t expected to be this apprehensive. He saw a car he hadn’t before, a black sedan. Damian’s car was there.

“You okay?” his father asked.

“Just a little worried. This is going to be an orgy. having sex with you two was one thing, I love you, but….” He really wasn’t sure why he was hesitant now that he was here.”

“You don’t love you brothers?”

“I don’t know. I like them well enough from the time we’ve hung out over the year, but I don’t know if I can say I love them.”

Can’t you? a voice at the back of his head whispered. What you feel for Arthur, is that just ‘like’? How about what you felt when he and and Aaron snuggled on the grass? was that just ;like’ too? Shut up, he told the voice. It’s my insecurities, let me deal with them.

“I know they love you.”

“but do they just love me because they know they’re going to have sex with me?”

“no. I can promise that to you. They love you for who you are. The sex is just one of the way we demonstrate it.” He got out of the car and a moment later so did Patrick. “Just give them a chance. They’ve been really looking forward to today.”

Patrick nodded. “Should I get naked now?”

“No, let them take care of that.”

He followed his father up the stairs and to the living room. He stopped at the archway. The seats and sofas had been repositioned to the back of the room, forming a semi circle facing him. Every seat was taken by a naked tiger stroking himself or his neighbor.

This was rather intimidating.

Daniel stood and walked to him. “Hello son.” His cupped his head and kissed him tenderly. “Welcome home.” He guided Patrick closer to the seats. “There’s only one person you haven’t met yet.”

A tiger stood, and of all of them, Patrick included, he was the only one whose muscles weren’t defined. He had them, but they were covered by a layer of fat, softening his overall shape.

“Hi Patrick. I’m Dominic.” He had soft hazel eyes, in a round face. Dominic kissed him. It was a gentle kiss, but there was an underlying hunger to it. “It’s a pleasure to finally kiss you.” He took his seat and put a hand to Damian’s cock.

“So, this is the whole family?” Patrick asked, looking everyone over. It was the first time he’d seen them naked. He realized Donald wasn’t there anymore.

“No, you have two great uncles. They live on the east coast and they’re too old to travel. And they wouldn’t have been able to participate anyway.”

“Of course they could,” Damian said. “Bobby’s kids are making sure he doesn’t get out of practice, and Roger is a nymphomaniac, so Byron is also getting a lot of exercise.”

“Kids? I have more family members?”

“No,” Daniel said, “Bobby’s kids are the children he educated over the years. Now that they’re grown up they look after him.”

“Dietrich also couldn’t make it,” Dominic said.

“He’s another of your brothers?”

“The fourth one, there’s only five of us.”

“Why can’t he make it?”

“He’s in rehab,” Damian answered. “And I’m not letting him out until he’s well and dry.”

“Dietrich had a rough life,” Donald said, reappearing, naked. “Which lead to him having problems with drugs and alcohol.”

Patrick could see Damian wanted to add something, but he didn’t. Patrick was also starting to feel over dressed.

“What happens now?” he asked. He looked at Arthur who was smiling at him. his heart skipped and caught in his throat. And you’re calling that ‘like’? the voice said. He looked at all of them. No, he didn’t like them. he loved them. He could feel his eyes getting wet. Great, he was going to cry.

“Now,” his father said. Patrick as lost track of which was which. “Your brothers show you how much they love you.”

Arthur was the first one to stand. His small size made his cock look much larger. Arthur looked up at him, and his eyes were wet too. He grabbed Patrick’s collar and pulled him down so they could kiss. It was a passionate kiss, not one of two brothers, but of two lovers. Patrick found himself taking hold of his brother’s head while their tongue play together. When they broke the kiss they were both panting. 

Arthur pulled the jacket off Patrick. Someone else pulled his t-shirt over his head.

“I thought I was too old for you,” he told Arthur, smiling.

“oh, I do like young teens, but you have to know by now none of us are restricted by our eccentricities. I said that at the party because I knew you really wanted dad.”

“Thank you. How about you go first now?”

“He means second,” Anakin said. He was kneeling next to Patrick undoing his jeans. “He’s had sex with dad.”

“Shot on his T-shirt,” the one behind him said. It sounded like Alex.

Patrick chuckled and the words that left his mouth surprised even him. “If anyone here is surprised by that, you haven’t seen dad naked recently.” Laughter responded. By the time the laughter died out, Patrick had stepped out of his clothes.

“I’ll be honored to be the first of your brothers to show you how much we love you.” Arthur led him to the cushions, arranged on the floor to make a large bed. 

Patrick aid down and Arthur knelt between his legs. Someone handed his brother a bottle of lube, and this time Patrick knew where it came from. multiple bottles were spread around the floor and on the side tables.

“Are you ready?” Arthur asked, lubing his cock. Patrick nodded and his brother lifted Patrick’s legs over his shoulders before pressing in. He realized at that moment that Arthur’s cock didn’t just seem larger, it was larger. It felt larger that their father.

“Oh fuck,” Patrick sighed as Arthur’s ball rested against his ass. He didn’t know how it was he hadn’t felt any pain. He didn’t care. Then his brother started fucking him. No, that wasn’t right. he wasn’t just thrusting his cock in and out of him. His hands were caressing his body, he was looking at him. He was making love to him.

His father had fucked him in a way that made him feel possessed and safe. He’d fucked his father as something new and exciting. This was making him feel loved.

He looked around, wanting  for a moment to see what the rest of his family was doing. They were having sex too, but they were looking at him while doing it. He gasped when Arthur closed his hand around his cock and jerked him off. 

He didn’t hurry it. He wasn’t trying to make him cum quicker. Patrick could see it in his eyes, he was stroking him because he knew it felt good. He knew Patrick would enjoy it.

Arthur was right. Patrick closed his eyes and let the pleasure build, his moans signing the crescendo until the lightning rushed over him and he roared. He stayed present this time and felt his ass tightened around Arthur cock. he felt him speed up and his brother roared just as his ended.

Panting they smiled at each other as he received another load of cum. Before Arthur pulled out someone tapped his forehead and he looked up. Albert was there, waving his hard cock in his face, then against his lips. The message was clear. Patrick didn’t hesitate. that he’d never sucked on a cock before didn’t matter to him. This was about sharing his family’s love. He opened his muzzle and as Arthur pulled out of him, Albert pushed his cock in.

It took them a moment to find a comfortable position, Albert kneeling over him, and, to Patrick’s surprise, taking his cock in his mouth, before they sucked each other. Patrick was tentative, not because he wasn’t sure he wanted this, he wanted it, but because he was uncertain what to do, but paying attention to what Albert was doing to him he gained confidence and in no time he was deep throating his brother, which he seemed to love.

He held onto his brother and he bobbed down and up on his cock, using his tongue to stimulate the crown. and almost breaking down in laughers when his balls smacked his face.

He didn’t know how long they sucked each other, he didn’t care. His jaw was a little sore, but it was worth it. When the lightning struck this time he couldn’t roar, all he could do was bury his cock as deep as it would go down Albert’s muzzle. His brother responded in kind a moment later.

When Albert’s cock stopped twitching he pulled it out and Patrick got to taste his brother’s cum. It tasted similar to what he remembered of his, but he was saltier. His brother moaned next to him.

Gentle hands rolled Patrick on his stomach. “Can I?” Aaron whispered in his ear.

Patrick couldn’t speak, so he nodded. His brother lay on top of him, licking his neck as he slowly entered him. he was thiner than Arthur, and not as long, but when he moved in Patrick, it felt amazing. 

Patrick loved what his brother made him feel, but he wanted more. He saw a foot in his peripheral vision and grabbed it. The person it was attacked to knelt before him and Patrick could now see enough of him to recognize his uncle, Dominic. He had a fat short cock. Patrick grabbed it and guided it to his muzzle. His uncle obliged and lovingly face fucked him.

Patrick orgasm while being fucked from both end, and without touching himself. And this time, when the lighting arrived, it didn’t leave him.


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