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Someone offered to do the audio narration for free.

that was unexpected.

they have a background in Audio Engineering, but no experience doing narration, hence why they are offering to do this for free. they want to train themselves using Bottom Rung.

I said yes. ( I mean, what so I have to lose?)

the first thing this means is that I'm, obviously, not going to bother with AI right now.

I'm going to give them a month to figure out who they'll go about it and once I have a sample of the audio, I'll see what I think, and I will keep you up dated. I'll upload the sample for you once I have it.

if this works out, the second thing it means is that having an official audio book is on the table (I wasn't planing on making the audio the official book if I used AI). that will obviously be available to all of you here, and once it's done, I'll have to see about figuring out where to sell it. I am hoping for an alternative to Audible as I'm not a fan of their overall business practices. And yes, once it's up for sale, the profited will be split 50/50 with the narrator.

At the very least, it's not going to be exclusives to them.

so, that's the update. I'm excited to see how this turns out.


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