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The short of it

I’m going on vacation, so I won’t be writing for the next week and a bit more.

To ensure you continue to have something to read, I will be posting the first 8 chapter of a new LitRPG story with the working title of The World Which Is on a daily basis, starting on June 27.

The longer of it

I am something of a workaholic. It has more to do with having to stay busy than feeling ‘validated’ through work, but the end result is similar. I can easily burn myself out if I’m not careful. One way I limit that possibility is to I don’t work on the weekend. the other is that I take holiday off. And while ‘accidental’, taking time off for a convention in late June/early July.

On previous years, that just meant that for a week or so, I had nothing to upload on Patreon.

This time (and I will try to make this the norm) by accident, I have something.

After finishing the first arc of Unwanted Company, I was at a loss of where to take the story. I know Chuck’s arc, but couldn’t figure out how the traveling would work within that, so I decided to work on something tangential to it.

I decided to do world building a use everything I made up on the spot as I wrote Unwanted Company and codify it into a working system.

In the process of doing that, I started working on The World Which Is so I would know what I needed to focus on as it became needed for the story.

And that is what I have for you while I’m on vacation. Part 1 of Dennis’s story. 8 chapters that I’ll post daily, starting with the highest tier and going down weekly as usual.

My plan is to continue it afterward at the rate of 1 chapter per week, but I won’t promise that the schedule will be maintained, because one thing I want to do is deliver a cleaner story from the start, and that means putting it through a few extra checks that will be dependent on other people, so some of the delays will be out of my control.

The World Which Is takes place roughly 30 years after the start of Unwanted Company. Dennis was born within the system, and the story starts days before he turns 16, days before his Choosing Day. The day he gets to pick his class.

Part 1 is titled “How I Got My Class” and will follow Dennis as that happens.

The goal of the story is to write an exciting adventure exploring the wonders and terrors of the world once it is mostly settled within the system. I also intend to use the story to discover elements of what happened in the early days of the system that will then impact those stories, such as when I will write draft 2 of Unwanted Company (with a system that actually makes sense this time)

So… that’s it, I think.

When I get back from vacation, I will start on Draft 2 of Breaking Step. The goal will be 3 chapter per week, as usual.

Once Draft 2 of Trust in Oneself ends, I might make changes to how I post chapters here, but we can discuss how you want things to proceed doing forward once we’re closer to that.

Until I get back, Have fun.


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