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“Glad to see you were able to join us today, Mister Leslie,” Coach Horgar said as Niel ran to join the other players by the bus.

“Sorry about that, Coach. My ride had trouble getting going.”

“Then maybe you need to consider staying in your dorm room when you have an important game.”

“Yes, sir.” Niel tried to stop smiling but was proving difficult. His ride had had no trouble getting going. It was getting the monkey to stop that had been near impossible. Limbani had felt he was owed after having been teased about having dinner with Niel and his dad, only for them to go to Kuno, and the monkey had heard stories of what had happened there. That a certain hot raccoon was actually on the table.

Niel had been about to point out Limbani knew he was always available when it registered he meant his dad.

His dad being bi was… a thing. He’d never expected it, but now that he knew, it raised some questions about Jarod’s comment that Stewart hadn’t wanted him around because he was worried it would strain his marriage. He hadn’t asked his dad. After Thanksgiving, they’d reach some sort of comfort level. Niel didn’t know if it would last. He was still angry at the secret, but for now, they could talk without him making everything an accusation, and his dad without constantly sounding like he wanted reassurance the two of them were okay.

As the coach had the players board the bus, Niel figured that so long as Erwin was in Fargo when the bus arrived, he’d be okay to survive the next two days. Two games and then he could focus on his studies.

And he had to.

The coach had been less demanding of Niel since his return from what had been an extended hospital stay, as far as the bear knew. Niel hadn’t asked for the details of how the Richards had covered up the hospital situation, but he’d needed to know some of it; like he’d been transferred to a specialty hospital in Eau Claire and that they’d figured out what was wrong with him.

The Coach hadn’t asked for Niel’s version, but since his return, the bear kept muttering under his breath about lack of dedication to the team. Not having his head in the game, not pulling his weight.

Niel couldn’t be sure it was about him. The coach was always on someone’s back for not being ‘enough’. But he’d been growing more certain that football wasn’t where he wanted his future to go, so looking into other scholarships he qualified for was a good idea, just in case it was him the coach was considering kicking off the team. Or maybe Niel should step away. Football had never been the only way he could go to university, just the surest when he’d ended high school.

“Hey Leslie,” a senior called. “I knew you were a quitter.”

Niel gave the jackal the finger. “Go fuck yourself, Carlisle.” He paused as he realized what he’d said. “Oh, never mind. You can’t. You are doing No Nut November.” Niel grinned. “Or have you quit too?” He continued to his seat and dropped into next to the cougar.

“Where did you learn that level of burn?” Brendan asked, grinning.

“Just luck.” The raccoon smirked, too. He could hear the discussion ahead, questioning if Carlisle was also a quitter.

“He’s going to find a way to make you pay for that embarrassment. You know that, right?”

Niel shrugged. “After this weekend, I’m not going to have any reason to be within sighting distance of him. He’s going to have to do a lot of work to get to me.”

“That still leaves two days.”

Niel grinned. “Turns out, I have plans for those days already and they don’t involve being anywhere near him if we’re not playing.”

Brendan watched Niel speculatively, but the raccoon simply kept on grinning as the bus got underway.

* * * * *

“That’s what I was talking about!” the bear yelled as they walked to the locker room. “You played like professionals, and you brought the victory and honor to your school!” the players, Niel included, cheered. It had been a hard game. The Bisons had brought their A-game to the field both times, but Niel and company had brought their A+ game, as the coach had proclaimed when he was interviewed just before they left the field. He’d head off to more interviews while the rest of them showered and changed. And after that, the MVPs would have their fifteen minutes of fame.

They were all seniors, and Niel was okay with that.

“Alright, Jackson, Hitory, and Carlisle, I want you ready in thirty minutes. It’s not just the reporters who will be listening to you. You impressed people today, and this is your chance to impress them even more. Who knows? Maybe one of them will decide you’re the one they want for their team once you graduate.”

Another cheer. Niel joined in. He was happy for them, even Carlise. If professional football was what they were aiming for, he hoped they got it.

With the coach gone, the ribbing started, but it was playful. They’d won, so there was no hard feeling for the bad plays that had happened.

They were in the locker room when the guys in the front fell silent. Niel did his best not to smile when he saw Erwin in his team’s football jersey, and nothing little else. He had underwear on, not that the other guys saw that since the shirt was oversized to the point, it went to the rabbit’s knees. Erwin had wanted to be naked underneath, when he and Niel had concocted the plan the night before, but the raccoon had vetoed it.

“You won!” the rabbit exclaimed, giving his voice and movement only a hint of the stereotypical flamyness attributed to gays. “You were great!” Erwin approached the first of the players, who happened to be Brendan. “I love how you handled that ball.” He ran his hands down the cougar’s chest. “And you,” he rubbed against Carlisle, who was too stunned to protest. “That pass.” The rabbit shivered. “You could send me to the deep end like that anytime you want.” He was on to Chunho while the jackal was still sputtering, unable to say whatever he intended. Erwin leaned in and made his voice sultry. “How about you tackle me and show me how good you are with balls?” the rabbit winked at the lion.

Niel cleared his throat. Erwin could go on all day. He loved playing up the stereotypes. “Hun?” everyone in the room looked at Niel at the same time as the raccoon did. While Erwin beamed with joy, the other would be picking up their jaws off the floor if this was a cartoon. Erwin was a really good-looking guy.

“You were amazing!” the rabbit jumped into Niel’s arms and the raccoon twirled with him. There had been no specific plan, beyond making the others jealous, but Erwin had warned Niel he’d be putting on a show, and to be ready to go along with it.

“Not so much you weren’t looking at the rest of the guys.”

“I can window shop, can’t I?”

“That was a lot of touching, for window shopping.”

“Well, you have seen them, right? How was I supposed to resist?” The rabbit leaned in and whispered in his ear just loud enough the closest guys could hear it. “How about you take me and make me forget anyone other than you exist?”

“Here?” Niel asked, shocked out of the role he’d been trying for.

Erwin giggled. “Well, after a game like that, I’m sure they all deserve a celebratory show.”

Niel got over the surprise enough to somewhat get back into character. “What have I said about sharing?” out the corner of his eye he saw Brendan covering his mouth, trying not to laugh. Well, there was one who’d caught on.

“Only if they can go at it all night, and are talented enough to make me orgasm just by using that trouser snake they carry in their pants?” he leaned back until he could see Carlisle. “How about it, handsome? Came you go at it all night? And make me cum over and over just by pounding me with your—”

“I’m straight,” the jackal exclaimed, having finally found his voice.

“Oh, honey, so is spaghetti. Until I get it all hot and wet.”

“I think he had other plans,” Niel said. “He has to be in front of the cameras in something like twenty minutes.”

“Shit!” the jackal yelled and ran for the show. The other two followed him, still looking stunned.

Erwin looked around, his head still hanging back. “Will anyone else give my stud of a man a run for his money? Do any of you think you can win me away from him? I can do amazing things with my tongue,” he offered, and Niel shivered. That one was true. “No one?” He straightened. “I guess I’m all yours.” Then he kissed Niel as if they were lovers who had been apart for months.

Niel found himself squeezing that ass in response and Erwin squealed, pressing himself against him.

Laughter broke the moment. “Oh, you guys should see your face,” Brendan said. “I think a few of you have to start questioning your sexuality.” He broke down in laughter again.

“I think this little show’s over,” Erwin said, dropping the act, but not letting go of Niel. “Did you tell him?”

Niel shook his head. “He’s my roommate.”

“Ohhh,” the rabbit leaned back again. “Have you experienced the wonder that is Niel Leslie?”

“Can’t say that I have.” The cougar wiped at his eyes.

“Do you want to? I’m not the possessive type.”

“Got a girlfriend, but thanks for the offer.” He sighed. “I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time. I gotta thank you two for that.”

“I’m sure she would—”

“You’re channeling Limbani now, Erwin.”

The rabbit straightened. “I would never! I have criteria beyond male and equipped.”

“And self-control, since you are still wearing something.” Niel quickly reached under the long shirt and the rabbit eeped as he ripped the thong off, then brought it out. “Since I am not doing No Nut November, I will leave you to your ministrations, and we, will find ourselves an out-of-the-way cranny to celebrate this victory. If I’m not at the bus when you’re ready to leave, tell the coach Erwin’s driving me back.”

“I’ll have him home by bedtime,” The rabbit said, “in a week or two.” Then the two exited the locker room with their arm around each other’s waists.

* * * * *

“That was so fucking hot,” Niel said as he pushed the rabbit against the wall of the deserted, whatever this room had been used for. It was empty, except for the two of them, and Erwin’s jersey on the floor.

“I told you it’d be fun.” The rabbit until Niel’s pants.

“I’m going to fuck you so hard.” Niel kicked off the shoes, then they had to pause in the manhandling of each other and laughed as they fought with the shoulder pads and protective pants and.

“You’re wearing a cup?” Erwin asked, surprised.

“I was playing a football game, not getting ready for bed. Of course, I’m wearing a cup.” He hurried out of it. “Was wearing it.” He lobbed it over his shoulder and had his hands on the rabbit again, pushing him against the wall. The ground crotch, the precum getting them slick.

“You want me on the floor?” Erwin panted.

“Fuck that.” Niel grabbed the rabbit’s ass with both hands and pulled him up.

“Fuck, I love strong guys.” He wrapped his legs around Niel’s waist and the raccoon ground his cock between the ass cheeks, slicking it with precum and looking for the right angle. “Right there!”

Niel pushed in and thrust as Erwin because vocal.

“Fuck,” Niel panted. “I’m going to make you cum just with my cock.”

“I don’t fucking care how you do it. Just fucking make it happen.”

Niel thrust harder, pressing his stomach against the rabbit’s cock. Maybe that was cheating, but the instruction to make it happen had been pretty strong.

“I thought I heard someone.”

Niel froze.

There was no way. They were in an unused part of the stadium. Erwin had checked.

“Do you mind?” Erwin demanded.

“Can’t say that I do,” the guy replied.

Niel looked over his shoulder in time to see the doberman pickup his jockstrap off the floor and press it to his nose, then rub his cock through his jeans.

“Okay,” Erwin said. “I didn’t see this one coming. Seems like we have a fan. You want to watch or join in?”

“Erwin, we don’t know the guy.”

The rabbit shrugged. “You’ve had the anonymous hookups. And he’s good-looking. And, yeah, definitely interested.”

Niel looked again, and the doberman’s cock was out of his pants. Hard and thick and long and… Niel swallowed. Well, like Erwin said. He’d had anonymous hookups before. “You a top, bottom, or switch?”

The doberman puffed his chest out. “I am definitely a top.”

Erwin rolled his eyes and Niel agreed, but so long as he could perform, he could put as much bluster in his statement as he wanted.

“Okay, then there’s an ass here ready for your cock.”

Instead of a cock, Niel got a lubed finger pushing in. At least the guy was considerate. He reached behind with a hand, using the wall to support most of Erwin’s weight, and found the big cock and stroked it.

“Oh, yeah,” the dog whispered in his ear. “Handled it. Soon it’s going to be in you and you’re never going to want another one again.”

Niel closed his eyes and hoped it wasn’t going to be that kind of talk the whole time. He didn’t mind the dirty talk and people acting tough, but if this turned into him being his bitch or anything resembling that, he was ending it.

The cock left his hand, then he groaned as it pushed in his ass. “Nice.” He let the thrust push him into Erwin, and when the doberman pulled back, he did so too.

“Fuck, that’s a nice ass,” the man said. He placed an arm over Niel’s shoulder and reached to tweak his nipple. Niel moaned. The man picked up speed, and Niel thrust faster into Erwin as a result. The rabbit’s eyes were closed, a contented smile on his face.

A new sound registered behind, by the room’s entrance, and before Niel could work out what it was, the hand let go of his nipple and the arm tightened around his neck.

What the fuck? Erwin let out a yelp of surprise as he fell, Niel being pulled away by the man whose cock was still in him. He hadn’t signed up for breath play.

Niel elbowed the doberman in the stomach hard; he let go and staggered back. Niel turned to face him and demand to know what he thought he was doing, but two others entered the room, a wolf and a fox.

The fox ran at him. “Restrain the other,” she ordered. “I’ll deal with this one.”

Then she was moving like this was a martial arts movie and Niel had to back away with each blow to avoid taking their full force. Playing football had taught enough physics to know that one, but nothing else about how to fight.

And why the fuck were they attacking them. Was this about like what had happened seven years ago? It couldn’t be. The guy had had his cock in his ass. He swung as hard as he could at her. She grabbed his wrist, moved, and then Niel was off-balance, putting a foot under him at the last moment before toppling over.

A cry from Erwin had him look in that direction in time to watch the doberman let the rabbit fall to the ground, his head at an odd, unnatural, angle.

Had they just killed—

Pain erupted at the back of his head, then he was falling forward and into unconsciousness.

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